All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract class used to standardize code, methods and features across the different resource tabs.
This class represents a section of a workspace where certain workspace elements/files can be managed.
This abstract class works as a base for dialogs that generate blocks for a BlocklyPanel.
Event called when Blockly panel is ready to register JS objects.
A ColorScheme is an object defining the look of MCreator in general.
When a floating layer changes into a solid layer (by pressing the purple + button in the layer list).
A texture created or imported as a resource of a workspace.
A texture loaded from vanilla MC asset archives or from mods downloaded by API plugins.
Based on FilenameUtils from Apache Commons IO, but without Windows : separator check
A generator templates list is used for generating several similar templates for each item on a list provided by given mod element.
This class provides inline FTL templates and also caches them
Mod element parameters represented by instances of classes implementing this interface gather some used data from the configured workspace.
Extend this object to define custom plugin.
This class represents a component that stores list of strings and allows to edit them using ListEditorDialog.
This abstract class provides a default look for searchable list selectors, similar to that of JOptionPane, but featuring a search bar.
This is a subclass of GeneratorTemplate that is connected to a GeneratorTemplatesList it's created by and specific listData item index.
Gets triggered whenever a change to a mod element is detected inside ModElementGUI
When a ModElementGUI finishes to load, MCreator triggers this event.
When a ModElementGUI is about to start loading, MCreator triggers this event.
When a ModElementGUI will be saved, MCreator triggers this event.
ModElementManager is not thread safe
Used to mark fields that can store names of custom elements (mappable or MEs) used by mod element instance and NOT already included as names of objects like MappableElement or Procedure.
In some cases, one may need to pass a string where a MappableElement is expected.
A Plugin is a mod for MCreator allowing to alter, improve or extend features.
PluginInfo contains all info about the plugin such as its name, its author or a description of it.
This class detects and then try to load all builtin or custom Plugins.
This record is used to save the plugin and the new version/changes of the detected update.
Events for different moments of PreferencesDialog.
This event is called when different sections of the PreferencesDialog are being created and added.
This is the basic and the common class for all preferences of the software.
This event is triggered before generators are loaded.
The record holds info about a single dependency row in the block (name, type, input code)
Instances of this class store information about certain property (its name, type, minimum and maximum values for number properties, list of allowed values for string properties and so on).
A subclass for integer number type properties.
A subclass for boolean type properties.
A subclass for fractional number type properties.
A subclass for string type properties.
A general filter model that is used inside resources-related workspace panels.
Used to mark fields storing names of resources used by mod element instance.
This abstract class provides a filter field and a filter model for searchable selectors.
Opens a dialog that shows usages of the elements selected by the user before all across the current workspace.
Class used to transfer selection data between objects
This class is used to represent a GUI component that can have size defined by the user
This object holds the state map.
A utility class to execute a Callable synchronously on the JavaFX event thread.
Events for different actions of a MCreatorTabs.Tab component.
Triggered when a MCreatorTabs.Tab is added to the UI.
Triggered BEFORE the MCreatorTabs.Tab is closed by the user.
Triggered when the user clicks on a MCreatorTabs.Tab and is shown.
This is a special subtype of regular buttons instances of which used as components of ModElementGUIs perform technical operations when pressed (for instance, add fresh entries to a JEntriesList or import missing resources) and should not trigger ModElementChangedListeners.
Base class for texture resource implementations.
Used to mark fields storing names of textures used by mod element instance.
A Theme can change images MCreator will use and redefine the colors and the style of BlocklyPanel and RSyntaxTextAreaStyler by creating a new ColorScheme
This class detects and then tries to load all Themes.
Used to make sure that the element is unique after mapping by overriding UniquelyMappedElement.hashCode() and UniquelyMappedElement.equals(Object) methods that compare the mapped values instead of the unmapped ones as done by the default implementation of MappableElement.
While serving as a wrapper for the main component validator (if specified), a unique name validator also checks if that component provides a non-empty identifier that has no duplicates in the given elements list.
Workspace file browser is used in a workspace window by the user to view source files of the project contained in the workspace and also observe source code of external libraries used by that project.
This event is called when MCreator started the process of saving a workspace and it detected the workspace can and should be saved.
This event is called when MCreator started the process of saving a workspace and it detected the workspace can and should be saved.
It is called every time the method to save the workspace is called.