All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- AARCH64 - Static variable in class
- abbreviateString(String, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- abbreviateString(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- abbreviateStringInverse(String, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- AboutAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- AboutAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.AboutAction
- aboutMCreator - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- AbstractDrawingTool - Class in
- AbstractDrawingTool(String, String, ImageIcon, Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- AbstractFolderStructure - Class in net.mcreator.generator.setup.folders
- AbstractFolderStructure(Workspace) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.setup.folders.AbstractFolderStructure
- AbstractMainWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace
- AbstractMainWorkspacePanel(MCreator, BorderLayout) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- AbstractModificationTool - Class in
- AbstractModificationTool(String, String, ImageIcon, Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- AbstractProcedureSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.procedure
- AbstractProcedureSelector(MCreator, VariableType, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- AbstractProcedureSelector.Side - Enum Class in net.mcreator.ui.procedure
- AbstractRecipeMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers
Abstract class for recipe makers used in the Recipe element GUI.
- AbstractRecipeMaker(Image) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.AbstractRecipeMaker
- AbstractResourcePanel<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources
An abstract class used to standardize code, methods and features across the different resource tabs.
- AbstractResourcePanel(WorkspacePanel, ResourceFilterModel<T>, ListCellRenderer<T>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.AbstractResourcePanel
- AbstractResourcePanel(WorkspacePanel, ResourceFilterModel<T>, ListCellRenderer<T>, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.AbstractResourcePanel
- AbstractTool - Class in
- AbstractTool(String, String, ImageIcon, Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- AbstractWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- AbstractWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace
This class represents a section of a workspace where certain workspace elements/files can be managed.
- AbstractWorkspacePanel(Window) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
- AbstractWorkspacePanel(AbstractMainWorkspacePanel) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
Sole constructor.
- AbstractWYSIWYGDialog<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- AbstractWYSIWYGDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, T) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.AbstractWYSIWYGDialog
- AcceleratorMap - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action
- AcceleratorMap(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.AcceleratorMap
- acceptEULA(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ServerUtil
- Achievement - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Achievement(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- achievementDescription - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- AchievementEntry - Class in
- AchievementEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- AchievementEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- AchievementFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_1
- AchievementFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_1.AchievementFixer
- AchievementGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- AchievementGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AchievementGUI
- achievementIcon - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- achievementName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- achievementType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- action() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton
Returns the value of the
record component. - ActionButton(String, ActionListener) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton
- ActionButton(String, ActionListener, boolean) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton
Creates an instance of a
record class. - actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- actionRegistry - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.BasicAction
- ActionRegistry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action
- ActionRegistry(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ACTIONRESULTTYPE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader.BuiltInTypes
- actionSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- actionSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerProfession
- activeTickCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- AdaptiveGridLayout - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- AdaptiveGridLayout(int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.AdaptiveGridLayout
- AdaptiveGridLayout(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.AdaptiveGridLayout
- add - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JEntriesList
- add - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- add(int, Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- add(int, T) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- add(AbstractButton) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.EventButtonGroup
- add(Action) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MainToolBar
- add(FilterTreeNode) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilterTreeNode
- add(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- add(Layer, int, UUID) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- add(Layer, UUID) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- add(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.EventButtonGroup
- addAdditionalTagSuggestions(String...) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemListField
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.ResourceFilterModel
- addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- addBlockLoader(BlocklyEditorType) - Method in class
Create a new
to load blocks for a specific Blockly panel. - addBlocklyChangedListener(IBlocklyPanelHolder.BlocklyChangedListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AchievementGUI
- addBlocklyChangedListener(IBlocklyPanelHolder.BlocklyChangedListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CommandGUI
- addBlocklyChangedListener(IBlocklyPanelHolder.BlocklyChangedListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FeatureGUI
- addBlocklyChangedListener(IBlocklyPanelHolder.BlocklyChangedListener) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.IBlocklyPanelHolder
- addBlocklyChangedListener(IBlocklyPanelHolder.BlocklyChangedListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LivingEntityGUI
- addBlocklyChangedListener(IBlocklyPanelHolder.BlocklyChangedListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProcedureGUI
- addBlocklyFolder(GeneratorConfiguration, BlocklyEditorType) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats
Load all Blockly files of a
inside the provided folder. - AddBlockPropertyDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- AddBlockPropertyDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.AddBlockPropertyDialog
- addBlockSelectedListener(ActionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- addBlocksFromXML(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- addBreakpoint(Breakpoint) - Method in class
- addBuiltinCategory(String) - Static method in class
Add a usable category for JSON file blocks that has been created inside the custom XML
file. - addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JStringListField
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.JSlidingSpinner
- addChild(FolderElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- addColorSelectedListener(ActionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JColor
- AddCommonTagsDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- AddCommonTagsDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.AddCommonTagsDialog
- addCompileNote(BlocklyCompileNote) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- addComponent(GUIComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- addDataModelEntry(String, Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplate
- addDependency(Dependency) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- added() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.diff.DiffResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - Added(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Constructor for class
- addEditTemplatesPanel(String, String, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.preferences.PreferencesDialog
- addEditTemplatesPanel(BlocklyEditorType) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.preferences.PreferencesDialog
- addElement(String) - Method in record class
- addElement(String, T) - Method in record class
- addElement(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.ResourceFilterModel
- AddEntityPropertyDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- AddEntityPropertyDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.AddEntityPropertyDialog
- addEntry(S) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesSection
- addEntryRegisterListener(Consumer<JComponent>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JEntriesList
- addEntrySelectedListener(ActionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- addEvent(Class<T>, MCREventListener<T>) - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.EventMap
- addEventListener(JVMEventListener) - Method in class
- addExternalTriggerForProcedureEditor(ExternalTrigger) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- addFileNodeToFilterTreeNode(FilterTreeNode, FileNode<?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.JFileTree
- addFileNodeToRoot(FilterTreeNode, FileNode<?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.JFileTree
- addGeneratableElementToWorkspace(Workspace, FolderElement, GeneratableElement) - Static method in class
- addGlobalTriggerFolder(GeneratorConfiguration) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats
- addGlobalVariable(String, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- addGradleStateListener(GradleStateListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- addImpl(Component, Object, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.CollapsiblePanel
- addImpl(Component, Object, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu
- addInitialEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPool
- addInitialEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTablePool
- addInitialEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeProfession
- addInitialPool() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTablePoolsList
- addInitialTrade() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeProfessionsList
- addItem(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.TranslatedComboBox
- addItem(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SearchableComboBox
- Addition - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- Addition(Canvas, Layer) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Addition
- additionalDNDComponent - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSelectableList
- additionalDropCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- additionalExpiryCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- additionalHarvestCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- additionsSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- addLanguage(String, ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu.ScrollPopupMenuLayout
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.AdaptiveGridLayout
- addLinkedChart(SimpleLineChart) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SimpleLineChart
- addList(JList<T>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ListGroup
- addListener(Class<T>, MCREventListener<T>) - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.JavaPlugin
Call this method to add new event listener to the plugin
- addLocalVariable(String, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- addMarker(DebugMarker) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugPanel
- addModElement(ModElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- addNodes(FilterTreeNode, File, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.JFileTree
- addNotification(String, String, ImageIcon, NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton...) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.NotificationsRenderer
- addNotification(String, String, NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton...) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.notifications.INotificationConsumer
- addNotification(String, ImageIcon, String, NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton...) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.notifications.INotificationConsumer
- addNotification(String, NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton...) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.notifications.INotificationConsumer
- addNotification(ImageIcon, String, NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton...) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.notifications.INotificationConsumer
- ADDON - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- addOnTop(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- addOnTop(Layer, UUID) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- AddonWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- AddonWorkspacePanel(Window) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.AddonWorkspacePanel
- addOpens(Module, String, Module) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.TerribleModuleHacks
- addOrUpdateModElementTabs(GeneratableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.CreativeTabsOrder
- addOrUpdateRecentWorkspace(RecentWorkspaceEntry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
- addPage(String, JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- addPage(String, JComponent, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- addPage(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- addPage(JComponent, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- addPassword(UUID, String) - Method in class
- addPhaseToOutline(float) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- addPluginEntry(String, S) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesSection
- addPoint(double, double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SimpleLineChart
- addProgressUnit(ProgressDialog.ProgressUnit) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ProgressDialog
- addResourcesTab(String, String, JPanel) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelResources
Adds a new resource section to this panel.
- addRevision(Change) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.VersionManager
- addSoundElement(SoundElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- addSoundSelectedListener(ActionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SoundSelector
- addSupportedGenerator(GeneratorConfiguration) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- addTab(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs
- addTabShownListener(MCreatorTabs.TabShownListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs
- AddTagDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- AddTagDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.AddTagDialog
- addTagElement(TagElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- addTaskToRunAfterLoaded(Runnable) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- addTemplate(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- addTextureSelectedListener(ActionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureSelectionButton
- addToAllEntities - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Attribute
- addToken(char[], int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Adds the token specified to the current linked list of tokens.
- addToLeftToolbar(Action) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MainToolBar
- addToolBarButton(String, ImageIcon, ActionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.AbstractResourcePanel
- addToolBarButton(String, ImageIcon, MouseListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.AbstractResourcePanel
- addToPlayers - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Attribute
- addToRightToolbar(Action) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MainToolBar
- addURL(URL) - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.DynamicURLClassLoader
- addValidationElement(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.ValidationGroup
- addValidationGroup(ValidationGroup) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.AggregatedValidationResult
- addVariableElement(VariableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- addVerticalTab(String, String, AbstractWorkspacePanel) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
Adds a new section to this workspace as well as a vertical tab button on the left that switches to the section panel when clicked.
- addWorkspaceButton(String, ImageIcon, ActionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
Adds a new "quick start" button to the main panel of the workspace selector.
- AdvancedInput - Class in
- AdvancedInput(String) - Constructor for class
- ADVANCEMENT - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- AdvancementFunctionConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4
- AdvancementFunctionConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.AdvancementFunctionConverter
- AdvancementTextureConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- AdvancementTextureConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.AdvancementTextureConverter
- AdvancementTriggerInverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1
- AdvancementTriggerInverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1.AdvancementTriggerInverter
- affectedByFortune - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool.Entry
- afterGeneratableElementGenerated() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BiomeGUI
- afterGeneratableElementGenerated() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- afterGeneratableElementGenerated() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProcedureGUI
- afterGeneratableElementStored() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.GameRuleGUI
- afterGeneratableElementStored() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- AfterLoading(MCreator, MCreatorTabs.Tab, ModElementGUI<?>) - Constructor for class
- AfterSaving(Workspace) - Constructor for class
- afterVerticalTabChanged() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- afterVerticalTabChanged() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- AggregatedValidationResult - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation
- AggregatedValidationResult() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.AggregatedValidationResult
- AggregatedValidationResult(Collection<ValidationGroup>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.AggregatedValidationResult
- AggregatedValidationResult(IValidable...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.AggregatedValidationResult
- AggregatedValidationResult(ValidationGroup...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.AggregatedValidationResult
- AggregatedValidationResult.FAIL - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation
- AggregatedValidationResult.PASS - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation
- AI_BUILDER - Static variable in record class
- AI_TASK - Static variable in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
- aiBase - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- AIConditionEditor - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- AIConditionEditor() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.AIConditionEditor
- aiPathNodeType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- aiPathNodeType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- airColor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- airColor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- aixml - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- aliasing - Variable in class
- ALL - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector.TextureFormat
- allBut(GeneratorFlavor...) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- allowCodePreview() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FunctionGUI
- allowCodePreview() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- allowEmpty - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel
- allowEqualValues() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- allowExternalElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- allowTags() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- alwaysShow - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- ambient - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion.CustomEffectEntry
- ambientLight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- ambientSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- amount - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect.AttributeModifierEntry
- amplifier - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion.CustomEffectEntry
- amplitude - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.AnimationEntry
- ANALYTICS_ENABLED - Static variable in class
- AnalyticsConstants - Class in
- AnalyticsConstants() - Constructor for class
- anchorPoint - Variable in class
- angularAcceleration - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- angularVelocity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- animate - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- animation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- animation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.AnimationEntry
- Animation - Class in
- Animation - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
- Animation(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- Animation(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- AnimationEntry() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.AnimationEntry
- AnimationImportActions - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- AnimationImportActions() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.AnimationImportActions
- AnimationImportActions.JAVA - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- AnimationMakerView - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views
- AnimationMakerView(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.AnimationMakerView
- animations - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- announceToChat - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- anvilCost - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- ANY - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
- anyValueMatches(Object, Class<T>, Predicate<AccessibleObject>, BiPredicate<AccessibleObject, T>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.references.ReferencesFinder
Checks if values acquired from any valid fields or methods meet the specified condition.
- append(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- append(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- append(String, Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- appendPlainText(String, Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- AppIcon - Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- AppIcon() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.init.AppIcon
- application - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- ApplicationLoadedEvent - Class in
- ApplicationLoadedEvent(MCreatorApplication) - Constructor for class
- apply() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Addition
- apply() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.CanvasResize
- apply() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Change
- apply() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Consolidation
- apply() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.ListRelocation
- apply() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Modification
- apply() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Relocation
- apply() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Removal
- apply() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Rename
- apply() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.SelectionChange
- apply() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.VisibilityChange
- applyAlpha(Color, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.ColorUtils
- applyDefaultHTMLStyles() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.LafUtil
- applyFlatLafOverrides(Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- applyPadding(T, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComponentUtils
- applySelectedTheme() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ThemeManager
This method loads all
s and sets the current theme to the one selected by the user. - applyToTree(JTree) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.SerializableTreeExpansionState
Restores the expansion state to a JTree.
- applyUIDefaultsOverrides(UIDefaults) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- argsxml - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Command
- Armor - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Armor(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- ARMOR - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
- ARMOR - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- armorBaseValue - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- ArmorGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- ArmorGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ArmorGUI
- ArmorImageMakerView - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views
- ArmorImageMakerView(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.ArmorImageMakerView
- ArmorMakerTexturesCache - Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- ArmorMakerTexturesCache() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache
- ArmorMakerTexturesCache.ArmorTexturePart - Enum Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- ArmorPackMakerTool - Class in
- ArmorPackMakerTool() - Constructor for class
- armorTextureFile - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- ArmorTexturesConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- ArmorTexturesConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.ArmorTexturesConverter
- armsModelPartL - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- armsModelPartR - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- arrangeImports(Workspace, String, boolean) - Method in class
- ArrayListListModel<T> - Class in net.mcreator.util
- ArrayListListModel() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- arrowName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion
- assembleLeftSection(MCreator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MainToolBar
- assembleMenuBar(MCreator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MainMenuBar
- assembleRightSection(MCreator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MainToolBar
- AstTreeCellRendererCustom - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer
- AstTreeCellRendererCustom() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.AstTreeCellRendererCustom
- attackKnockback - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- attackSpeed - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- attackStrength - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- attribute - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect.AttributeModifierEntry
- Attribute - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Attribute(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Attribute
- ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- AttributeEntry - Class in
- AttributeEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- AttributeEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- AttributeGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- AttributeGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AttributeGUI
- AttributeModifierEntry() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect.AttributeModifierEntry
- author - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Painting
- autocomplete - Variable in class
- autocompleteDocWindow - Variable in class
- autocompleteMode - Variable in class
- autoCropTile(BufferedImage) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- automatedBackupInterval - Variable in class
- autoReloadTabs - Variable in class
- back() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JModElementProgressPanel
- background - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- BackgroundLoader - Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- BackgroundLoader() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.init.BackgroundLoader
- backgroundSource - Variable in class
- backupOnVersionSwitch - Variable in class
- backups - Variable in class
- BackupsSection - Class in
- BackupsSection(String) - Constructor for class
- bar - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.AbstractResourcePanel
- BaseDataModelProvider - Class in net.mcreator.generator.template.base
- BaseDataModelProvider(Generator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.template.base.BaseDataModelProvider
- baseLanguage(GeneratorFlavor.BaseLanguage) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- baseTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Overlay
- BaseType - Enum Class in net.mcreator.element
- BasicAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action
- BasicAction(ActionRegistry, String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.BasicAction
- batchWriteClassToFile(Workspace, Map<File, String>, boolean, IntConsumer) - Static method in class
- beaconColorModifier - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- bedrock - Variable in class
- BEDROCKEDITION - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor.GamePlatform
- BedrockSection - Class in
- BedrockUtils - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- BedrockUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.BedrockUtils
- bedWorks - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- BeforeLoading(MCreator, MCreatorTabs.Tab, ModElementGUI<?>) - Constructor for class
- beforeReplacingBlock - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- BeforeSaving(Workspace) - Constructor for class
- beginTransaction() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ConsolePane
- BINARY_OPERATORS - Static variable in class
- BinaryOperationsBlock - Class in
- BinaryOperationsBlock() - Constructor for class
- BinaryStringIO - Class in
- BinaryStringIO() - Constructor for class
- bindToNewWorkspaceFile(File) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- Biome - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Biome(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- BIOME - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- Biome.ClimatePoint - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Biome.SpawnEntry - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- BiomeCustomFeaturesConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2
- BiomeCustomFeaturesConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.BiomeCustomFeaturesConverter
- BiomeDefaultFeaturesConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5
- BiomeDefaultFeaturesConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.BiomeDefaultFeaturesConverter
- BiomeDictionaryProcedureConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_3
- BiomeDictionaryProcedureConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_3.BiomeDictionaryProcedureConverter
- BiomeEntry - Class in
- BiomeEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- BiomeEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- BiomeFogColorConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4
- BiomeFogColorConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.BiomeFogColorConverter
- BiomeFrozenTopLayerConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1
- BiomeFrozenTopLayerConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.BiomeFrozenTopLayerConverter
- BiomeGenParametersConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1
- BiomeGenParametersConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.BiomeGenParametersConverter
- BiomeGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- BiomeGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BiomeGUI
- BiomeListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- BiomeListField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BiomeListField
- BiomeListField(MCreator, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BiomeListField
- BIOMES - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- biomesInDimension - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- BiomeSpawnListConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_4
- BiomeSpawnListConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_4.BiomeSpawnListConverter
- BIT32 - Static variable in class
- BIT64 - Static variable in class
- BlastFurnaceRecipeMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers
- BlastFurnaceRecipeMaker(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, MCItem.ListProvider) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BlastFurnaceRecipeMaker
- blastingInputStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- blastingReturnStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- Block - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Block(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.element.BaseType
- BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
- BLOCK - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- blockBase - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- BlockBoundingBoxFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1
- BlockBoundingBoxFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.BlockBoundingBoxFixer
- blockDropsTier - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- BLOCKENTITY - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.element.BaseType
- BlockFeatureDimensionRestrictionConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- BlockFeatureDimensionRestrictionConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.BlockFeatureDimensionRestrictionConverter
- BlockGenerationConditionRemover - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- BlockGenerationConditionRemover() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.BlockGenerationConditionRemover
- blockGenerators - Variable in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- BlockGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- BlockGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BlockGUI
- BlockHarvestLevelConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2
- BlockHarvestLevelConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.BlockHarvestLevelConverter
- BlockingGlassPane - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- BlockingGlassPane() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.BlockingGlassPane
- blockingModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- blockingRenderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- BlockItemIcons - Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- BlockItemIcons() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlockItemIcons
- BlockLightOpacityFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2
- BlockLightOpacityFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.BlockLightOpacityFixer
- BlockLuminanceFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1
- BlockLuminanceFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.BlockLuminanceFixer
- blockly - Variable in class
- BlocklyAggregatedValidationResult - Class in net.mcreator.ui.blockly
- BlocklyAggregatedValidationResult(List<BlocklyCompileNote>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyAggregatedValidationResult
- BlocklyAggregatedValidationResult(List<BlocklyCompileNote>, Function<String, String>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyAggregatedValidationResult
- blocklyBlockCodeGenerator() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.OutputBlockCodeGenerator
Returns the value of the
record component. - blocklyBlockCodeGenerator() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.ProceduralBlockCodeGenerator
Returns the value of the
record component. - BlocklyBlockCodeGenerator - Class in net.mcreator.generator.blockly
- BlocklyBlockCodeGenerator(Map<String, ToolboxBlock>, Set<String>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.BlocklyBlockCodeGenerator
- BlocklyBlockCodeGenerator(Map<String, ToolboxBlock>, Set<String>, TemplateGenerator, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.BlocklyBlockCodeGenerator
- BlocklyBlockUtil - Class in net.mcreator.blockly
- BlocklyBlockUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyBlockUtil
- blocklyChanged(BlocklyPanel) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.IBlocklyPanelHolder.BlocklyChangedListener
- BlocklyCompileNote - Record Class in net.mcreator.blockly
- BlocklyCompileNote(BlocklyCompileNote.Type, String) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyCompileNote
Creates an instance of a
record class. - BlocklyCompileNote.Type - Enum Class in net.mcreator.blockly
- BlocklyEditorToolbar - Class in net.mcreator.ui.blockly
- BlocklyEditorToolbar(MCreator, BlocklyEditorType, BlocklyPanel) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorToolbar
- BlocklyEditorToolbar(MCreator, BlocklyEditorType, BlocklyPanel, ProcedureGUI, JComponent...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorToolbar
is the top panel added on every JavaBlocklyPanel
. - BlocklyEditorType - Record Class in net.mcreator.ui.blockly
- BlocklyEditorType(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
Creates an instance of a
record class. - BlocklyHelper - Class in net.mcreator.util
- BlocklyHelper(Document) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.BlocklyHelper
- BlocklyHelperDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
This abstract class works as a base for dialogs that generate blocks for a
. - BlocklyHelperDialog(BlocklyPanel, MCreator, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.BlocklyHelperDialog
- BlocklyJavascriptBridge - Class in net.mcreator.ui.blockly
- BlocklyJavaScriptsLoader - Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- BlocklyJavaScriptsLoader() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlocklyJavaScriptsLoader
- BlocklyJavascriptTemplates - Class in net.mcreator.ui.blockly
- BlocklyJavascriptTemplates() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptTemplates
- BlocklyLoader - Class in
- BlocklyPanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.blockly
- BlocklyPanel(MCreator, BlocklyEditorType) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- BlocklyPanelRegisterJSObjects - Class in
Event called when Blockly panel is ready to register JS objects.
- BlocklyPanelRegisterJSObjects(BlocklyPanel, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
- BlocklySection - Class in
- BlocklyTemplateDropdown - Class in net.mcreator.ui.blockly
- BlocklyTemplateDropdown(BlocklyPanel, List<ResourcePointer>, ProcedureGUI) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyTemplateDropdown
This component will display in the form of a scrollable list, all templates found by
. - BlocklyToCode - Class in net.mcreator.blockly
- BlocklyToCode(Workspace, ModElement, BlocklyEditorType, TemplateGenerator, IBlockGenerator...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- BlocklyToFeature - Class in net.mcreator.blockly.feature
- BlocklyToFeature(Workspace, ModElement, String, TemplateGenerator, IBlockGenerator...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.blockly.feature.BlocklyToFeature
- BlocklyToJava - Class in
- BlocklyToJava(Workspace, ModElement, BlocklyEditorType, String, TemplateGenerator, IBlockGenerator...) - Constructor for class
- BlocklyToJSONTrigger - Class in net.mcreator.blockly.datapack
- BlocklyToJSONTrigger(Workspace, ModElement, String, TemplateGenerator, IBlockGenerator...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.BlocklyToJSONTrigger
- BlocklyToolboxesLoader - Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- BlocklyToolboxesLoader() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlocklyToolboxesLoader
- BlocklyToProcedure - Class in
- BlocklyToProcedure(Workspace, ModElement, String, TemplateGenerator, IBlockGenerator...) - Constructor for class
- BlocklyValidationResult - Class in net.mcreator.ui.blockly
- BlocklyValidationResult(BlocklyCompileNote, Function<String, String>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyValidationResult
- BlocklyVariables - Record Class in
- BlocklyVariables(BlocklyToJava) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - BlocklyXML - Annotation Interface in
- BlockOreReplacementBlocksFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2
- BlockOreReplacementBlocksFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.BlockOreReplacementBlocksFixer
- blockRenderer - Variable in class
- BlockRequiresCorrectToolConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- BlockRequiresCorrectToolConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.BlockRequiresCorrectToolConverter
- BLOCKS - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- blocksAffected - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- BLOCKSTATE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader.BuiltInTypes
- BlockStatePropertyUtils - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block
- BlockStatePropertyUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.BlockStatePropertyUtils
- blocksToReplace - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- BlockTexturesSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- BlockTexturesSelector(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- BlockTexturesSelector.TextureFormat - Enum Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- BODY - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache.ArmorTexturePart
- bodyGlowCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bodyImmuneToFire - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bodyItemCustomModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bodyItemRenderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bodyModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bodyModelPart - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bodyModelTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bodyName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bodyPiglinNeutral - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bodySpecialInformation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bonemealSuccessCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- bonemealSuccessCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- BooleanBlock - Class in
- BooleanBlock() - Constructor for class
- BooleanEntry - Class in net.mcreator.preferences.entries
- BooleanEntry(String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.BooleanEntry
- BooleanGameRulesConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2
- BooleanGameRulesConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.BooleanGameRulesConverter
- BOOTS - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache.ArmorTexturePart
- bootsGlowCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bootsImmuneToFire - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bootsItemCustomModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bootsItemRenderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bootsModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bootsModelPartL - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bootsModelPartR - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bootsModelTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bootsName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bootsPiglinNeutral - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bootsSpecialInformation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- bossBarColor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- bossBarType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- BOTH - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector.Side
- BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
- BOTTOM_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
- BOTTOM_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
- BOTTOM_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
- BOTTOM_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
- BOTTOM_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
- boundingBoxes - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- boundingBoxes - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- boundingBoxScale - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- BoxEntry() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry
- Breakpoint - Class in
- Breakpoint(String, int, Breakpoint.BreakpointListener) - Constructor for class
- Breakpoint.BreakpointListener - Interface in
- BreakpointHandler - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug
- BreakpointHandler(CodeEditorView, RTextScrollPane, JavaParser) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug.BreakpointHandler
- breakpointHit(Breakpoint, BreakpointEvent) - Method in interface
- breakpointLoaded(Breakpoint) - Method in interface
- breakSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- breakSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- breatheUnderwater - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- breedable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- breedTriggerItems - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- brewingIngredientStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- brewingInputStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- BrewingRecipeMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers
- BrewingRecipeMaker(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, MCItem.ListProvider, MCItem.ListProvider) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BrewingRecipeMaker
- brewingReturnStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- brighten(BufferedImage) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- browse(URI) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.DesktopUtils
- browseSafe(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.DesktopUtils
- bucketName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- build - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- Build() - Constructor for class
- buildCheckerboardPattern() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- buildGradleOnly - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- BuildGradleOnlyAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- BuildGradleOnlyAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.BuildGradleOnlyAction
- buildlong - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- buildOnSave - Variable in class
- buildWorkspace - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- BuildWorkspaceAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- BuildWorkspaceAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.BuildWorkspaceAction
- BUILTIN - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model.Type
- builtinitemmodels - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemGUI
- builtinmobmodels - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LivingEntityGUI
- BuiltInModel(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model.BuiltInModel
- BuiltInTypes() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader.BuiltInTypes
- bulkClassFileCreationEnd() - Method in class
- bulkClassFileCreationStart() - Method in class
- button(String, Object...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- Button - Class in
- Button(String, int, int, String, int, int, boolean, Procedure, Procedure) - Constructor for class
- ButtonDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- ButtonDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, Button) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.ButtonDialog
- CACHE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.init.ImageMakerTexturesCache
- call(long, TimeUnit) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXCaller
Executes the Callable.
- callable() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXCaller
Returns the value of the
record component. - CalledSavingMethod(Workspace) - Constructor for class
- CallProcedureAtBlockConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2
- CallProcedureAtBlockConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.CallProcedureAtBlockConverter
- camelToSnake(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- campfireCookingInputStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- CampfireCookingRecipeMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers
- CampfireCookingRecipeMaker(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, MCItem.ListProvider) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CampfireCookingRecipeMaker
- campfireCookingReturnStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- canBeGlobal(GeneratorConfiguration) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- canBeGlobal(VariableType) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorVariableTypes
- canBeLocal(GeneratorConfiguration) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- canBeLocal(VariableType) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorVariableTypes
- canBePlacedOn - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- cancelable - Variable in class
- cancelDND() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSelectableList
- CancelEventBlock - Class in
- CancelEventBlock() - Constructor for class
- cancelGradleTaskAction - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- CancelGradleTaskAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- CancelGradleTaskAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.CancelGradleTaskAction
- cancelTask() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- canChangeHeight() - Method in class
- canChangeHeight() - Method in class
- canCollide - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- canControlForward - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- canControlStrafe - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- canGenerateInLootTables - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- canImport(TransferHandler.TransferSupport) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ReordarableListTransferHandler
- canMultiply - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- canProvidePower - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- canRedstoneConnect - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- canRespawnHere - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- canSwitchToSection() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
Determines whether clicking the tab button will actually switch the section.
- canvas - Variable in class
- canvas - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Change
- Canvas - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas
- Canvas(int, int, LayerPanel, VersionManager) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- CanvasRenderer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas
- CanvasRenderer(ImageMakerView) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- CanvasResize - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- CanvasResize(Canvas, Layer, int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.CanvasResize
- CanvasTransferable - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables
- CanvasTransferable(Canvas) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables.CanvasTransferable
- canVillagerTrade - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- caret - Variable in class
- category - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GameRule
- cb1 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BlastFurnaceRecipeMaker
- cb1 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BrewingRecipeMaker
- cb1 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CampfireCookingRecipeMaker
- cb1 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmeltingRecipeMaker
- cb1 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmithingRecipeMaker
- cb1 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmokerRecipeMaker
- cb1 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.StoneCutterRecipeMaker
- cb2 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BlastFurnaceRecipeMaker
- cb2 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BrewingRecipeMaker
- cb2 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CampfireCookingRecipeMaker
- cb2 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmeltingRecipeMaker
- cb2 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmithingRecipeMaker
- cb2 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmokerRecipeMaker
- cb2 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.StoneCutterRecipeMaker
- cb3 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BrewingRecipeMaker
- cb3 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmithingRecipeMaker
- cb4 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmithingRecipeMaker
- CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
- CENTER_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
- CENTER_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
- centerAndEastElement(Component, Component) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- centerAndEastElement(Component, Component, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- centerAndSouthElement(Component, Component) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- centerAndSouthElement(Component, Component, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- centerInPanel(Component) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- centerInPanelPadding(Component, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- centerLineInScrollPane() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- Change - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- Change(Canvas, Layer) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Change
- changed - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- changed() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.diff.DiffResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- changeSaturation(ImageIcon, float) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- checkAndNotifyForPatches - Variable in class
- checkAndNotifyForPluginUpdates - Variable in class
- checkAndNotifyForUpdates - Variable in class
- checkbox(String, Object...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- Checkbox - Class in
- Checkbox(String, int, int, String, Procedure) - Constructor for class
- CheckboxDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- CheckboxDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, Checkbox) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.CheckboxDialog
- checkFailingGradleDependenciesAndClear() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- checkForPluginUpdates - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- CheckForPluginUpdatesAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- CheckForPluginUpdatesAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.CheckForPluginUpdatesAction
- checkForUpdates - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- CheckForUpdatesAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- CheckForUpdatesAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.CheckForUpdatesAction
- checkHandles(int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- checkIfDepProviderInputsProvide(Dependency) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- checkIfJMod(File) - Static method in class
- checkIfNamesAvailable(Workspace, String...) - Static method in class
- checkIfSameHeight(Image, Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- checkIfSameSize(Image, Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
Checks if two images have the same width and the same height
- checkIfSameWidth(Image, Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- checkIfZip(File) - Static method in class
- children - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- childs - Variable in class
- CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class
- cl - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- classFileNode - Variable in class
- ClassFinder - Class in
- ClassFinder() - Constructor for class
- ClasspathEntry(Workspace, String, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorGradleCache.ClasspathEntry
- ClassWriter - Class in
- ClassWriter() - Constructor for class
- cleanupEnvironment(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleUtils
- cleanupGeneratorForSwitchTo(Workspace, GeneratorConfiguration) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.WorkspaceGeneratorSetup
- clear() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SimpleLineChart
- clear() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- clear() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- clear() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- clearAllGradleCaches - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- clearAllGradleCaches(MCreator, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.ClearAllGradleCachesAction
- ClearAllGradleCachesAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- ClearAllGradleCachesAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.ClearAllGradleCachesAction
- clearCodeGeneratorBuffer() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- clearConsole() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ConsolePane
- clearSelection() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ListGroup
- clearSelection() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- clearState(Window) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.TaskbarIntegration
- CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector.Side
- ClimatePoint(double, double) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome.ClimatePoint
- ClipboardManager - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard
- ClipboardManager(ImageMakerView) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.ClipboardManager
- clone(T, Class<?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.GSONClone
- close() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- close() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- close() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.DiscordClient
- close() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.LoggingOutputStream
- close() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettingsManager
- close() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- close() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFileManager
- closeAllTabs - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- closeAllTabs() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs
- closeApplication() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- closeBlocklyPanels() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.IBlocklyPanelHolder
- closeCurrentTab - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- Closed(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Constructor for class
- closePopup() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton
Returns the value of the
record component. - closeTab(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs
- closeThisMCreator(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- closeWorkspace - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- cloudHeight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- code - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Function
- CODE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- CODE_START - Static variable in class
- CodeCleanup - Class in
- CodeCleanup() - Constructor for class
- CodeEditorView - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide
- CodeEditorView(MCreator, File) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- CodeEditorView(MCreator, String, String, File, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- CodeErrorDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- CodeErrorDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.CodeErrorDialog
- CodePreviewPanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- CodePreviewPanel(String, File) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.CodePreviewPanel
- CollapsiblePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- CollapsiblePanel(String, JComponent) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.CollapsiblePanel
- CollapsiblePanel(String, JComponent, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.CollapsiblePanel
- color - Variable in class
- color - Variable in class
- color - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- ColorCellRenderer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette
- ColorCellRenderer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorCellRenderer
- colorChooser - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JColor
- ColorEntry - Class in net.mcreator.preferences.entries
- ColorEntry(String, Color) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.ColorEntry
- ColorEntry(String, Color, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.ColorEntry
- ColorIcon(int, int, Color) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.image.EmptyIcon.ColorIcon
- colorize(ImageIcon, Color, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- ColorizeTool - Class in
- ColorizeTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager, MCreator) - Constructor for class
- ColorizeToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- ColorizeToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.ColorizeToolAction
- colorOnMap - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- colorOnMap - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- colorOnMap - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- ColorPalette - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette
- ColorPalette(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorPalette
- ColorPalettePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette
- ColorPalettePanel(MCreator, ToolPanel) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorPalettePanel
- ColorPickerTool - Class in
- ColorPickerTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- ColorPickerToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- ColorPickerToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.ColorPickerToolAction
- colorSaturation - Variable in class
- ColorScheme - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes
A ColorScheme is an object defining the look of MCreator in general.
- ColorScheme() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ColorScheme
- colorSelector - Variable in class
- ColorSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component
- ColorSelector(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.ColorSelector
- colorToHexString(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateHelper
- ColorUtils - Class in net.mcreator.util
- ColorUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.ColorUtils
- colorValue - Variable in class
- ComboBoxFullWidthPopup - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- ComboBoxFullWidthPopup() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComboBoxFullWidthPopup
- ComboBoxUtil - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- ComboBoxUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComboBoxUtil
- Command - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Command(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Command
- COMMAND - Static variable in record class
- COMMAND - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- COMMAND_ARG - Static variable in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
- CommandGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- CommandGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CommandGUI
- commandName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Command
- CommandParameterBlockFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- CommandParameterBlockFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.CommandParameterBlockFixer
- CommaSeparatedNumbersValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- CommaSeparatedNumbersValidator(VTextField) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.CommaSeparatedNumbersValidator
- CompactModElementListCellRenderer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.special
- CompactModElementListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.special.CompactModElementListCellRenderer
- compareTo(Dependency) - Method in class
- compareTo(IConverter) - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.converter.IConverter
- compareTo(GUIComponent) - Method in class
- compareTo(GeneratorConfiguration) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- compareTo(ResourcePackStructure.Entry) - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
- compareTo(JavaPlugin) - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.JavaPlugin
- compareTo(Plugin) - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
- compareTo(UnregisteredAction) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- compareTo(LibraryInfo) - Method in class
- CompileNotesPanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.blockly
- CompileNotesPanel() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.CompileNotesPanel
- completeSetup(Generator) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.WorkspaceGeneratorSetup
- component() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGComponentRegistration
Returns the value of the
record component. - COMPONENT_REGISTRY - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- components - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- components - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Overlay
- components - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- ComponentUtils - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- ComponentUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComponentUtils
- compostLayerChance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.ItemExtension
- CompoundValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation
- CompoundValidator(Validator...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.CompoundValidator
- computeImage(BufferedImage, Point2D, Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageTransformUtil
- condition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.AnimationEntry
- condition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.ModelLayerEntry
- ConditionalItemListFieldValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- ConditionalItemListFieldValidator(JItemListField<?>, String, Supplier<Boolean>, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ConditionalItemListFieldValidator
- ConditionalItemListFieldValidator(JItemListField<?>, String, Supplier<Boolean>, boolean, Validator.ValidationResultType) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ConditionalItemListFieldValidator
- ConditionalItemListFieldValidator(JItemListField<?>, String, JToggleButton, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ConditionalItemListFieldValidator
- ConditionalTextFieldValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- ConditionalTextFieldValidator(VTextField, String, JToggleButton, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ConditionalTextFieldValidator
- ConditionalTextFieldValidator(VTextField, String, JToggleButton, boolean, Validator.ValidationResultType) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ConditionalTextFieldValidator
- CONFIGUREDFEATURE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.element.BaseType
- ConfiguredFeatureEntry - Class in
- ConfiguredFeatureEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- ConfiguredFeatureEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- connect - Variable in class
- connected(JMXConnector) - Method in interface
- connectedSides - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- considerAirAsEmpty() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.MCItemHolderValidator
- ConsolePane - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- ConsolePane() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.ConsolePane
- ConsoleSearchBar - Class in net.mcreator.ui.gradle
- consoleTab - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- consolidateFloating() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- Consolidation - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
When a floating layer changes into a solid layer (by pressing the purple + button in the layer list).
- Consolidation(Canvas, Layer) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Consolidation
- contains(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- containsInvalidJavaNameCharacters(String) - Static method in class
- containsItem() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- containsItemOrAir() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- containsModElement(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- contentHolder - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.CollapsiblePanel
- contents() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile
Returns the value of the
record component. - contextName() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - contextName() - Method in interface
- contextName() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - contextName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- contextURL() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - contextURL() - Method in interface
- contextURL() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AchievementGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ArmorGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AttributeGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BiomeGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BlockGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CommandGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomElementGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomGUIGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DamageTypeGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DimensionGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.EnchantmentGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FeatureGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FluidGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FunctionGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.GameRuleGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemExtensionGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.KeyBindGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LivingEntityGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LootTableGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.OverlayGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PaintingGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ParticleGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PlantGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionEffectGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProcedureGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProjectileGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.RecipeGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.StructureGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.TabGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ToolGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerProfessionGUI
- contextURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerTradeGUI
- convert(Image, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.TiledImageUtils
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.converter.IConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.ProcedureConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2019_5.RecipeTypeConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_1.AchievementFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_2.GUIBindingInverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_4.BiomeSpawnListConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_4.ProcedureGlobalTriggerFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.BiomeDefaultFeaturesConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.GUICoordinateConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.OverlayCoordinateConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.BiomeFrozenTopLayerConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.BlockBoundingBoxFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.BlockLuminanceFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.DimensionLuminanceFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.GameruleDisplayNameFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.PlantLuminanceFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.BlockLightOpacityFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.BooleanGameRulesConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.FluidNameFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.PotionToEffectConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.ProcedureVariablesConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1.FoodToItemConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.AdvancementTextureConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.ArmorTexturesConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.BlockRequiresCorrectToolConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.CommandParameterBlockFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.EffectTextureConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.EntityTexturesConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.FuelToItemExtensionConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.GUITexturesConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.ItemDispenseBehaviorToItemExtensionConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.OverlayTexturesConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.ParticleTextureConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.BiomeGenParametersConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.FluidGenToFeatureConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.GUIComponentNamer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.SlotInteractionsConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.BiomeCustomFeaturesConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.BlockOreReplacementBlocksFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.PaintingFieldsFixer
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.HugeFungusFeatureConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.PlantGenerationTypeConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.BlockFeatureDimensionRestrictionConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.BlockGenerationConditionRemover
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.EntitiesRangedAttackConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.EntityGlowLayerConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.FeatureDimensionRestrictionConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.ItemHasGlowConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.OverlayComponentAnchorPointAdder
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.PlantGenerationConditionRemover
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.RangedItemToProjectileAndItemConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.SpecialInformationConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.StructureIgnoredBlocksConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.StructureToFeatureConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.WaterEntitiesConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1.AdvancementTriggerInverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1.TagModElementConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.BlockHarvestLevelConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.FeatureBlockstateSelectorConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.ItemsCreativeTabsConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.PotionEffectCategoryConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.ToolHarvestLevelConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3.EnchantmentDefinitionConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.AdvancementFunctionConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.BiomeFogColorConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.DimensionSettingsConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.MusicDiscToItemConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.NoGUISelectedConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.EnchantabilityConverter
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.FeatureCarvingMaskRemover
- convert(Workspace, GeneratableElement, JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.ParticleLitRemover
- convertElementToDifferentType(IConverter, ModElement, GeneratableElement) - Static method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.ConverterUtils
- ConverterRegistry - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter
- ConverterRegistry() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.ConverterRegistry
- ConverterUtils - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter
- ConverterUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.ConverterUtils
- convertToValidClassName(String) - Static method in class
- cookingBookCategory - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- cookingTime - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- CoordinateBlock - Class in
- CoordinateBlock() - Constructor for class
- coordinateScale - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- copy() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.ClipboardManager
- copy() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- copyAll() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.ClipboardManager
- copyDirectory(File, File) - Static method in class
- copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class
- copyFile(IGeneratorProvider, File, File) - Static method in class
- copyImage() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- copyOBJorMTLApplyTextureMapping(Workspace, File, File, Model, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.ModelUtils
- copyOBJorMTLApplyTextureReferences(File, File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.ModelUtils
- CORE_PREFERENCES_KEY - Static variable in class
- cornersVisible() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- CorruptedWorkspaceFileException - Exception Class in net.mcreator.workspace
- CorruptedWorkspaceFileException(Exception) - Constructor for exception class net.mcreator.workspace.CorruptedWorkspaceFileException
- countOffer - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry
- countPrice1 - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry
- countPrice2 - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry
- countRegexMatches(String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- cover(Image, Dimension) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- coveredOn(GeneratorFlavor...) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- covpfx - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.GeneratorSelector
- craftingBookCategory - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- CraftingRecipeMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers
- CraftingRecipeMaker(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, MCItem.ListProvider) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CraftingRecipeMaker
- create(MCreatorApplication, Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- createAnimatedTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- createApplication(List<String>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- createArmorTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- createBlock(String, Element...) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.BlocklyHelper
Creates a block of the given block type and with the given children
- createClassFile(String) - Method in class
- createClassFileBulk(String) - Method in class
- createColorSquare(Color, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- CREATED - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.SortType
- createDefaultDivider() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.OpaqueFlatSplitPaneUI
- createField(String, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.BlocklyHelper
Creates a field with the given name and the given value
- createGraphics() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- createMCItemTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- createMenuBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- createMenuBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.variants.modmaker.ModMaker
- createMenuBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker.ResourcePackMaker
- createNew(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorPalettePanel
- createNew(ColorPalette) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes.PaletteListPanel
- createNew(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- createOverlay() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- createPackageMap() - Method in class
- createToolBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- createToolBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.variants.modmaker.ModMaker
- createToolBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker.ResourcePackMaker
- createToolBarButton(String, ImageIcon) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
- createToolBarButton(String, ImageIcon, ActionListener) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
- createToolBarButton(String, ImageIcon, ActionListener, MouseListener) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
- createToolBarButton(String, ImageIcon, MouseListener) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
- createTransferable(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ReordarableListTransferHandler
- createUserFolderIfNotExists() - Static method in class
- createValue(String, Element) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.BlocklyHelper
Creates a value input with the given name and the given block
- createWorkspace(File, WorkspaceSettings) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- createWorkspaceTabContent() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- createWorkspaceTabContent() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.variants.modmaker.ModMaker
- createWorkspaceTabContent() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker.ResourcePackMaker
- creativePickItem - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- creativePickItem - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- creativeTabs - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- creativeTabs - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- creativeTabs - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- creativeTabs - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- creativeTabs - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- creativeTabs - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- creativeTabs - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- creativeTabs - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- CreativeTabsOrder - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.misc
- CreativeTabsOrder() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.CreativeTabsOrder
- credits - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- crop(BufferedImage, Rectangle) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- cropCanvas(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- cropLayer(BufferedImage, int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- cropSquircle(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
Crops the input image in a squircle shape
- current() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- CURRENT_THEME - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ThemeManager
- currentEntry - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- currentFolder - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- currentTabPanel - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- Custom(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry.Custom
- Custom(ModElement, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry.Custom
- Custom(ModElement, String, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem.Custom
- Custom(ModElement, String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem.Custom
- CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.EntryType
- customBoundingBox - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- customDependencyBlock(VariableType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptTemplates
- CustomDependencyBlock - Class in
- CustomDependencyBlock() - Constructor for class
- customDrop - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- customDrop - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- CustomEffectEntry() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion.CustomEffectEntry
- CustomElement - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- CustomElement(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.CustomElement
- CustomElementGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- CustomElementGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomElementGUI
- CustomGUIGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- CustomGUIGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomGUIGUI
- CustomJSCCache - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.autocomplete
- CustomJSCCache(DefaultCompletionProvider, DefaultCompletionProvider) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.autocomplete.CustomJSCCache
- customModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- customModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- customModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- customModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- customModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- customModelTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- customProperties - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- customProperties - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- CustomRenderer(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DataListComboBox.CustomRenderer
- CustomTexture - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
A texture created or imported as a resource of a workspace.
- CustomTradeEntry() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry
- cut() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.ClipboardManager
- damage - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- DAMAGE_TYPES - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- damageCount - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- damageModifier - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- damageOnCrafting - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- damageOnCrafting - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- DAMAGESOURCE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader.BuiltInTypes
- DamageSourceDependencyBlock - Class in
- DamageSourceDependencyBlock() - Constructor for class
- DamageType - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- DamageType(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.DamageType
- DAMAGETYPE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- DamageTypeEntry - Class in
- DamageTypeEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- DamageTypeEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- DamageTypeGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- DamageTypeGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DamageTypeGUI
- DamageTypeListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- DamageTypeListField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DamageTypeListField
- damageValueBody - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- damageValueBoots - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- damageValueHelmet - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- damageValueLeggings - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- damageVsEntity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- damageVsEntity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- darken(BufferedImage) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- data - Variable in class
- DataListComboBox - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- DataListComboBox(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DataListComboBox
- DataListComboBox(MCreator, List<DataListEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DataListComboBox
- DataListComboBox.CustomRenderer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- DataListEntry - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- DataListEntry.Custom - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- DataListEntry.Dummy - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- DataListEntry.Null - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- DataListLoader - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- DataListLoader() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListLoader
- DataListSelectorDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- DataListSelectorDialog(MCreator, Function<Workspace, List<DataListEntry>>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.DataListSelectorDialog
- DATAPACK - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- DatapackWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- DatapackWorkspacePanel(Window) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.DatapackWorkspacePanel
- dataRefresh(MemoryMXBean, OperatingSystemMXBean) - Method in interface
- dataSaved() - Method in interface net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFileManager.DataSavedListener
- deathSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- DEBUG_COLOR - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugPanel
- DEBUG_CONTENTS_TO_LOG - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ConsolePane
- debugClient - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- DebugClientAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- DebugClientAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.DebugClientAction
- DebugFramesView - Class in net.mcreator.ui.debug
- DebugFramesView() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugFramesView
- DebugMarker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.debug
- DebugMarkerBlock - Class in
- DebugMarkerBlock() - Constructor for class
- DebugMarkersHandler - Class in net.mcreator.ui.debug
- DebugMarkersHandler() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugMarkersHandler
- DebugPanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.debug
- DebugPanel(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugPanel
- DebugThreadView - Class in net.mcreator.ui.debug
- DebugThreadView() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugThreadView
- DeclarationFinder - Class in
- DeclarationFinder() - Constructor for class
- DeclarationFinder.InClassPosition - Class in
- decodeModelType(int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- decrypt(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.EncryptUtils
- deepCopy(BufferedImage) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- deepEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.diff.GSONCompare
- DEFAULT_ICON - Static variable in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem
- DEFAULT_LOCALE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- defaultEffects - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- DefaultExceptionHandler - Class in net.mcreator.util
- DefaultExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.DefaultExceptionHandler
- defaultFeatures - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- DefaultFeaturesListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- DefaultFeaturesListField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DefaultFeaturesListField
- DefaultFreemarkerConfiguration - Class in net.mcreator.generator.template.base
- DefaultFreemarkerConfiguration() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.template.base.DefaultFreemarkerConfiguration
- defaultName - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- defaultValue - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Attribute
- defaultValueLogic - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GameRule
- defaultValueNumber - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GameRule
- defaultValues() - Element in annotation interface net.mcreator.workspace.references.ModElementReference
Special values indicating the element is not assigned.
- defaultValues() - Element in annotation interface net.mcreator.workspace.references.TextureReference
Special values indicating the texture is not assigned.
- DefinitionsProvider - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- DefinitionsProvider(GeneratorConfiguration) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.DefinitionsProvider
- deleteAPIs(Workspace, WorkspaceSettings) - Static method in class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIManager
- deleteDir(File) - Static method in class
- deleteFile - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- deleteFile(IGeneratorProvider, File) - Static method in class
- deleteLocalizationKeys(Generator, GeneratableElement, List<?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.LocalizationUtils
- deleteSelectedFile() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.browser.WorkspaceFileBrowser
If a file is selected, attempts to remove it from the file system.
- deleteSelection() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- density - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- dependants - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- dependencies - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- dependencies_provided - Variable in class
- Dependency - Class in
- Dependency(String, String) - Constructor for class
- DependencyInput(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - DependencyProviderInput - Class in
- DependencyProviderInput() - Constructor for class
- DEPRECATED - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.Status
- depslab - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- depsMap - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- deriveFont(T, float) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComponentUtils
- DesaturateDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor
- DesaturateDialog(MCreator, Canvas, Layer, VersionManager) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor.DesaturateDialog
- DesaturateTool - Class in
- DesaturateTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager, MCreator) - Constructor for class
- DesaturateToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- DesaturateToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.DesaturateToolAction
- desc - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- description - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GameRule
- description - Variable in class
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement.GSONAdapter
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.StateMap.GSONAdapter
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement.ModElementDeserializer
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement.SoundElementDeserializer
- deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement.TagElementDeserializer
- DesktopUtils - Class in net.mcreator.util
- DesktopUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.DesktopUtils
- destroyAnyBlock - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- destroyTool - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- DETAILS - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.IconSize
- DetailsIconModListRender - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist
- DetailsIconModListRender() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.DetailsIconModListRender
- determinant() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- DEV - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.Status
- DeviceInfo - Class in
- DeviceInfo() - Constructor for class
- DiffResult<T> - Record Class in net.mcreator.util.diff
- DiffResult(Set<T>, Set<T>, Set<T>) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.util.diff.DiffResult
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Dimension - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Dimension(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- DIMENSION - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- DimensionGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- DimensionGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DimensionGUI
- DimensionLuminanceFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1
- DimensionLuminanceFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.DimensionLuminanceFixer
- DimensionSettingsConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4
- DimensionSettingsConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.DimensionSettingsConverter
- Direction - Enum Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- DIRECTION - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader.BuiltInTypes
- DirectionConstantBlock - Class in
- DirectionConstantBlock() - Constructor for class
- DirectionDependencyBlock - Class in
- DirectionDependencyBlock() - Constructor for class
- DirectoryChooserFactory() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXDirectoryChooser
Returns the value of the
record component. - directProcessOutputBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Static method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- directProcessOutputBlockWithoutParentheses(Element) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
Helper method to get the code of an output block and remove surrounding parentheses if possible
- directProcessStatementBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Static method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- disable_local_variables - Variable in class
- disableCollisions - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- disableDisplay - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- disableHurtOverlay - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.ModelLayerEntry
- disableItemCentering() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- disableItemCentering() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JStringListField
- disableJumpToMode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- disableOffset - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- disableOffset - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- disablePickup - Variable in class
- disablePlacement - Variable in class
- disableRemoving() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- disconnected() - Method in interface
- DiscordClient - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- DiscordClient() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.DiscordClient
- discordRichPresenceEnable - Variable in class
- dispenseResultItemstack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.ItemExtension
- dispenseSuccessCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.ItemExtension
- displayCondition - Variable in class
- displayCondition - Variable in class
- displayCondition - Variable in class
- displayCondition - Variable in class
- displayCondition - Variable in class
- displayCondition - Variable in class
- displayCondition - Variable in class
- displayCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Overlay
- displayFluidOverlay - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- displayName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GameRule
- displayName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerProfession
- dndComplete(Object, List<E>) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.component.JSelectableList.CustomDNDListener
- dndCustom - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSelectableList
- doAction() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- doDrawing(Graphics2D, int, int, Dimension) - Method in class
- doDrawing(Graphics2D, int, int, Dimension) - Method in class
- doDrawing(Graphics2D, int, int, Dimension) - Method in class
- doesCompile() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- doesDespawnWhenIdle - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- doesErrorSuggestRerun(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorDecoder
- doesPauseGame - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- doesPauseGame - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- doesShowParticles() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion.CustomEffectEntry
- doesVariableTypeExist(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader
- doesWaterVaporize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- donate - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- DOWN - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Direction
- dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
- dragExit(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
- dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
- drawHandles(Graphics2D) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
Draws the selection handles depending on the current state of the selection.
- DrawingTool - Class in
- DrawingTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, LayerPanel, String, String, ImageIcon, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- drawOver(ImageIcon, ImageIcon) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- drawOver(ImageIcon, ImageIcon, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- dripParticle - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- drop - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.StoneCutterRecipeMaker
- drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
- dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
- dropAmount - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- dropAmount - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- dropItemsWhenNotBound - Variable in class
- Dummy(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry.Dummy
- Dummy(TextureType, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Texture.Dummy
- duration - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion.CustomEffectEntry
- DynamicBlockLoader - Class in
- DynamicBlockLoader() - Constructor for class
- DynamicBlockLoader.DynamicToolboxBlock - Class in
- DynamicToolboxBlock() - Constructor for class
- DynamicURLClassLoader - Class in net.mcreator.plugin
- DynamicURLClassLoader(String, URL[], ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.plugin.DynamicURLClassLoader
- DynamicURLClassLoader(String, URL[], ClassLoader, URLStreamHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.plugin.DynamicURLClassLoader
- DynamicURLClassLoader(URL[]) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.plugin.DynamicURLClassLoader
- DynamicURLClassLoader(URL[], ClassLoader) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.plugin.DynamicURLClassLoader
- DynamicURLClassLoader(URL[], ClassLoader, URLStreamHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.plugin.DynamicURLClassLoader
- eatResultItem - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- edit - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- editCurrentlySelectedComponent() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- editCurrentlySelectedModElement(ModElement, JComponent, int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- editor - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- editor() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGComponentRegistration
Returns the value of the
record component. - editorTheme - Variable in class
- editorType - Variable in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- editState() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel
- EditTabOrderAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace
- EditTabOrderAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.EditTabOrderAction
- effect - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion.CustomEffectEntry
- EFFECT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
- EffectEntry - Class in
- EffectEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- EffectEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- effectName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- effects - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.DamageType
- effects - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion
- EffectTextureConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- EffectTextureConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.EffectTextureConverter
- efficiency - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- elementList - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.AbstractResourcePanel
- ElementOrderEditor - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- ElementOrderEditor() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ElementOrderEditor
- elementSelected(IElement, JComponent, MouseEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb.WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb.SelectionListener
- elementsList - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- ElementUtil - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- ElementUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- emissiveRendering - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- emissiveRendering - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- emissiveRendering - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- emissiveRendering - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- emittedRedstonePower - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- empty() - Static method in class
- EMPTY - Static variable in record class
- EMPTY - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- EMPTY_ICON - Static variable in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem
- emptyDirectory(File, String...) - Static method in class
- emptyDirectory(IGeneratorProvider, File) - Static method in class
- EmptyIcon - Record Class in net.mcreator.util.image
- EmptyIcon(int, int) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.util.image.EmptyIcon
Creates an instance of a
record class. - EmptyIcon.ColorIcon - Class in net.mcreator.util.image
- EmptyIcon.ImageIcon - Class in net.mcreator.util.image
- emptyImageWithSize(int, int, Color) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- emptySound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- enableBody - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- enableBoots - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- enableCollapse - Variable in class
- enableComments - Variable in class
- enableCustomPreview(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- enableDNDCustom(JSelectableList.CustomDNDListener<E>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSelectableList
- enableFuel - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.ItemExtension
- enableHelmet - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- enableIgniter - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- enableJavaPlugins - Variable in class
- enableLeggings - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- enableMeleeDamage - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- enableMoveDownButton() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- enablePerformanceMonitor - Variable in class
- enablePitch - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- enablePortal - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- enablePreview(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- enableRanged - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- enableRealtimeValidation() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- enableRealtimeValidation() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VComboBox
- enableRealtimeValidation() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VTextField
- enableRemoving() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- enableTrashcan - Variable in class
- enchantability - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- enchantability - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- enchantability - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- EnchantabilityConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1
- EnchantabilityConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.EnchantabilityConverter
- Enchantment - Class in
- Enchantment - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Enchantment(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- Enchantment(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- Enchantment(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- ENCHANTMENT - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- EnchantmentDefinitionConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3
- EnchantmentDefinitionConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3.EnchantmentDefinitionConverter
- EnchantmentGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- EnchantmentGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.EnchantmentGUI
- EnchantmentListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- EnchantmentListField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.EnchantmentListField
- EnchantmentListField(MCreator, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.EnchantmentListField
- ENCHANTMENTS - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- enchantPowerBonus - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- encodeModelType(Model.Type) - Static method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- encrypt(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.EncryptUtils
- EncryptUtils - Class in net.mcreator.util
- EncryptUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.EncryptUtils
- endTransaction() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ConsolePane
- energyCapacity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- energyInitial - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- energyMaxExtract - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- energyMaxReceive - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- enterTestingMode(Runnable) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.TestUtil
- entities - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Attribute
- ENTITIES - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- EntitiesRangedAttackConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- EntitiesRangedAttackConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.EntitiesRangedAttackConverter
- entity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome.SpawnEntry
- ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.element.BaseType
- ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
- ENTITY - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader.BuiltInTypes
- EntityAnimationsLoader - Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- EntityAnimationsLoader() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.init.EntityAnimationsLoader
- entityDataEntries - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- EntityEntry - Class in
- EntityEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- EntityEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- EntityGlowLayerConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- EntityGlowLayerConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.EntityGlowLayerConverter
- EntityIDs(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.ShowDataListAction.EntityIDs
- EntityIteratorDependencyBlock - Class in
- EntityIteratorDependencyBlock() - Constructor for class
- entityModel - Variable in class
- entityModel - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- EntityModel - Class in
- EntityModel(int, int, Procedure, Procedure, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
- EntityModel(int, int, Procedure, Procedure, int, int, boolean, GUIComponent.AnchorPoint) - Constructor for class
- EntityModelDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- EntityModelDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, EntityModel) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.EntityModelDialog
- EntityTexturesConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- EntityTexturesConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.EntityTexturesConverter
- entries - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool
- entries - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry
- entries - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSingleEntriesList
- entry() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - entry() - Method in interface
- entry() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - Entry() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool.Entry
- Entry() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry
- Entry(String, String, File, ResourcePackStructure.EntryType) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
Creates an instance of a
record class. - entryAddedByUserHandler() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleEntriesList
Called after an entry created upon user action is successfully added to this list.
- entryAddedByUserHandler() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxList
- entryFromMappableElement(MappableElement) - Static method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
- entryList - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- entryList - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSingleEntriesList
- entryRemovedByUserHandler() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- entryRemovedByUserHandler() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxEntry
- entryToMappableElement(Workspace, TagType, String) - Static method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
- entryToString(ZipFile, ZipEntry) - Static method in class
- EOL_COMMENT - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
lexical states
- EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel.NumberMatchType
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyCompileNote
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.blockly.ExtraTemplatesLinker
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.OutputBlockCodeGenerator
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.ProceduralBlockCodeGenerator
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorGradleCache.ClasspathEntry
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplate
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplatesList
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.UniquelyMappedElement
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleTaskResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackInfo
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPI
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIImplementation
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoadFailure
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginUpdateInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXCaller
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXDirectoryChooser
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXFileChooser
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyDataWithValue
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.RecentWorkspaceEntry
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGComponentRegistration
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.diff.DiffResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.image.EmptyIcon
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.locale.LocaleRegistration
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.Tuple
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Texture
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel.TextureMapping
- equals(Object) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.ShareableZIPManager.ImportResult
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- equipmentBody - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- equipmentBoots - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- equipmentHelmet - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- equipmentLeggings - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- equipmentMainHand - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- equipmentOffHand - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- equipSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- eraseExceptRect(Image, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- eraseRect(Image, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- EraserTool - Class in
- EraserTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, LayerPanel, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- EraserToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- EraserToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.EraserToolAction
- ERROR - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyCompileNote.Type
- ERROR - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator.ValidationResultType
- ERROR - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- error_in_statement_blocks - Variable in class
- errorInfoEnable - Variable in class
- escapeStringForJava(String) - Static method in class
- event(VirtualMachine, EventSet, boolean) - Method in interface
- event(T) - Static method in class net.mcreator.plugin.MCREvent
- EVENT_EDIT_MOD_ELEMENT - Static variable in class
- EVENT_EXPORT_FOR_DIST - Static variable in class
- EVENT_NEW_MOD_ELEMENT - Static variable in class
- EVENT_NEW_WORKSPACE - Static variable in class
- EventButtonGroup - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- EventButtonGroup() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.EventButtonGroup
- EventMap - Class in net.mcreator.plugin
- EventMap() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.plugin.EventMap
- EventOrTargetEntityDependencyBlock - Class in
- EventOrTargetEntityDependencyBlock() - Constructor for class
- eventTriggered(T) - Method in interface net.mcreator.plugin.MCREventListener
- excludeWhenZipping(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.ShareableZIPManager
Adds the specified workspace-relative path to the list of files/folders that should be excluded from shareable workspace archive.
- exec(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- exec(String, GradleTaskFinishedListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- exec(String, JVMDebugClient) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- exec(String, ProgressListener, GradleTaskFinishedListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- execute(Environment, Map, TemplateModel[], TemplateDirectiveBody) - Method in record class net.mcreator.blockly.ExtraTemplatesLinker
- execute(BuildController) - Method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleSyncBuildAction
- executeJavaScriptSynchronously(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- exhaustion - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.DamageType
- exists - Variable in class
- exitMCreator - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- expandAllNodes(JTree, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TreeUtils
- expandCategories - Variable in class
- expandDescendants(JTree, TreePath) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TreeUtils
- expandHorizontally(Component) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- expandInitialNodes() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.json.JsonTree
- expandMatchingNodesRecursively(JTree, DefaultMutableTreeNode, Predicate<DefaultMutableTreeNode>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TreeUtils
- expandSectionsByDefault - Variable in class
- EXPERIMENTAL - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.Status
- ExplodeProcedureConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2
- ExplodeProcedureConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.ExplodeProcedureConverter
- explosionDecay - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool.Entry
- export - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.AbstractRecipeMaker
- exportBlocklySetup(String, File, BlocklyEditorType) - Static method in class
- exportDone(JComponent, Transferable, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ReordarableListTransferHandler
- exportToJAR - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ExportWorkspaceForDistAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace
- ExportWorkspaceForDistAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.ExportWorkspaceForDistAction
- exportWorkspaceToZIP - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ExportWorkspaceToZIPAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace
- ExportWorkspaceToZIPAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.ExportWorkspaceToZIPAction
- ExportWorkspaceToZIPAction.WithRunDir - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace
- exportWorkspaceToZIPWithRunDir - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- exportZIP(String, File, MCreator, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.ShareableZIPManager
- extendsFluidAttributes() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- extension() - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
- extension() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
Returns the value of the
record component. - EXTENSION_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class net.mcreator.util.FilenameUtilsPatched
- EXTERNAL_ICON - Static variable in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem
- EXTERNAL_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NameMapper
- ExternalBlockLoader - Class in
- ExternalTexture - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
A texture loaded from vanilla MC asset archives or from mods downloaded by API plugins.
- ExternalTrigger - Class in
- ExternalTrigger() - Constructor for class
- ExternalTriggerLoader - Class in
- ExtraTemplatesLinker - Record Class in net.mcreator.blockly
- ExtraTemplatesLinker(BlocklyToCode) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.blockly.ExtraTemplatesLinker
Creates an instance of a
record class.
- FABRIC - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- FabricWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- FabricWorkspacePanel(Window) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.FabricWorkspacePanel
- FAIL(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.AggregatedValidationResult.FAIL
- failIfTestingEnvironment() - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.TestUtil
- fallbackPool - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure.JigsawPool
- fallSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- fallSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- Feature - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Feature(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- FEATURE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.element.BaseType
- FEATURE - Static variable in record class
- FEATURE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- FEATURE - Static variable in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
- FeatureBlockstateSelectorConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2
- FeatureBlockstateSelectorConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.FeatureBlockstateSelectorConverter
- FeatureCarvingMaskRemover - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1
- FeatureCarvingMaskRemover() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.FeatureCarvingMaskRemover
- FeatureDimensionRestrictionConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- FeatureDimensionRestrictionConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.FeatureDimensionRestrictionConverter
- FeatureGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- FeatureGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FeatureGUI
- featurexml - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- field_definition() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - file - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- file() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.ShareableZIPManager.ImportResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - file(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.base.FileProvider
- FILE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile.Writer
- fileChooserFactory() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXFileChooser
Returns the value of the
record component. - FileChooserType - Enum Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file
- FileCodeViewer<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui.codeviewer
- FileCodeViewer(ModElementCodeViewer<T>, GeneratorFile) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.codeviewer.FileCodeViewer
- FileDialogs - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file
- FileDialogs() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileDialogs
- FileIcons - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf
- FileIcons() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.FileIcons
- FileIO - Class in
- FileIO() - Constructor for class
- FileListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- FileListField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.FileListField
- fileManager - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- FilenameUtilsPatched - Class in net.mcreator.util
Based on FilenameUtils from Apache Commons IO, but without Windows : separator check
- FilenameUtilsPatched() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.FilenameUtilsPatched
- FileNode<T> - Class in
- FileNode(String, String) - Constructor for class
- FileNode(String, String, T) - Constructor for class
- FileOpener - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- FileOpener() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.FileOpener
- FileProvider - Class in net.mcreator.generator.template.base
- FileProvider(Generator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.template.base.FileProvider
- files() - Element in annotation interface net.mcreator.workspace.references.TextureReference
Template strings that the value of target type should be applied to in order to retrieve texture file names.
- FileTree<T> - Record Class in
- FileTree(FileNode<T>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - fileWorkingOn - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- fillArea(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, int, int, Color) - Method in class
- fillGlobal(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, int, int, Color) - Method in class
- filterBrokenReferences(Collection<T>) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- FilteredTreeModel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.tree
- FilteredTreeModel(FilterTreeNode) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilteredTreeModel
- filterModel - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.AbstractResourcePanel
- FilterTreeNode - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.tree
- FilterTreeNode(Object) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilterTreeNode
- finalizeGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- finalizeModElementGeneration() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement
This method should take care of generating additional mod element resources for cases such as GUI mod element
- finalizeModElementGeneration() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- finalizeModElementGeneration() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Painting
- finalizeModElementGeneration() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- finalizeModElementGeneration() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- finalizeModElementGeneration() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerProfession
- findAvailablePort(int...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.NetworkUtils
- findFolderByPath(Workspace, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- findModResourcePacks(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackInfo
- findPathByUserObject(DefaultMutableTreeNode, Predicate<T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TreeUtils
- findSuitableModElementName(Workspace, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.ConverterUtils
- fireSpreadSpeed - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- fireSpreadSpeed - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- fireSpreadSpeed - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- fireStateChanged() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.JSlidingSpinner
- first - Variable in class
- firstRevision() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.VersionManager
- fit(Image, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- fit(Image, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- fitToImage() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ImagePanel
- fitToImage() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SplashScreenPanel
- fitZoom() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
Sets zoom value to fit canvas and center
- fitZoom(int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
Sets zoom value to fit canvas and center.
- fix(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.RegistryNameFixer
- fixedTimeValue - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.ProcedureConverter
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_3.OpenGUIProcedureDepFixer
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_3.ProcedureEntityDepFixer
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.ProcedureSpawnGemPickupDelayFixer
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.LegacyDimensionProcedureRemover
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.ProcedureVariablesEntityFixer
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_3.LegacyProcedureBlockRemover
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1.LegacyBlockPosProcedureRemover
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1.ProcedureShootArrowFixer
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.LegacyShootArrowProcedureRemover
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_3.BiomeDictionaryProcedureConverter
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.ToolToItemTypeProcedureConverter
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.ExplodeProcedureConverter
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.LegacyGameModeConverter
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.MaterialProcedureConverter
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.ProcedureDamageSourceFixer
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.ProcedureArrowProjectileFixer
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1.ProcedureCustomDamageRemover
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.CallProcedureAtBlockConverter
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.HarvestLevelProceduresRemover
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3.PlantTypeProcedureRemover
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3.WorldDependencyAdder
- fixXML(Procedure, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.WorldDependencyAdder
- flammability - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- flammability - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- flammability - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- floatingCheck(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
Checks if the layer is floating and updates the floating layer.
- FloodFillTool - Class in
- FloodFillTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- FloodFillToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- FloodFillToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.FloodFillToolAction
- flowCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- FlowControlBlock - Class in
- FlowControlBlock() - Constructor for class
- flowerTrees - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- flowRate - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- flowStrength - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- Fluid - Class in
- Fluid - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Fluid(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- Fluid(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- Fluid(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- FLUID - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- fluidBlock - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- fluidCapacity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- FluidGenToFeatureConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1
- FluidGenToFeatureConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.FluidGenToFeatureConverter
- FluidGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- FluidGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FluidGUI
- FluidListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- FluidListField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.FluidListField
- FluidNameFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2
- FluidNameFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.FluidNameFixer
- fluidRestrictions - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- flush() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.LoggingOutputStream
- flyingMob - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SearchableComboBox
- focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SearchableComboBox
- focusMainField() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
- fogColor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- fogColor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- fogEndDistance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- fogStartDistance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- FolderElement - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- FolderElement(String, FolderElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- FolderElementCrumb - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb
- FolderElementCrumb(FolderElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb.FolderElementCrumb
- foldersRoot - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- foliageColor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- followMouseMovement - Variable in class
- followRange - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- fontMC - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- fontSize - Variable in class
- FoodToItemConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1
- FoodToItemConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1.FoodToItemConverter
- forceGlobalUTF8() - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.UTF8Forcer
- forceTicking - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- FORGE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- ForgeWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- ForgeWorkspacePanel(Window) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.ForgeWorkspacePanel
- format(String) - Method in class
- formatAndOrganiseImportsForFiles(Workspace, Collection<File>, IntConsumer) - Static method in class
- formatColor(Color) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.ColorUtils
- formatJSON(String) - Static method in class
- formatVersion - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement
- fqdnToInClassPosition(Workspace, String, String, JarManager) - Static method in class
- FRAME - Enum constant in enum class
- frameDuration - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- frc - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- frequencyOnChunk - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- frequencyOnChunks - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- frequencyPerChunks - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- fromCamelCase(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.RegistryNameFixer
- fromDataListEntry(DataListEntry) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.BlockStatePropertyUtils
- fromExternalToElement(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- fromExternalToElement(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BiomeListField
- fromExternalToElement(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DamageTypeListField
- fromExternalToElement(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.EnchantmentListField
- fromExternalToElement(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.GameEventListField
- fromExternalToElement(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemListField
- fromExternalToElement(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SpawnableEntityListField
- fromExternalToElement(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.StructureListField
- fromJSONtoGeneratableElement(String, ModElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElementManager
- fromName(String) - Static method in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
- fromName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader
- fromName(Workspace, TextureType, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Texture
Searches in the provided workspace for a texture with matching name and type.
- fromString(String) - Static method in class
- fromString(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile.Writer
- fromString(String) - Static method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
- FromTemplateDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor
- FromTemplateDialog(MCreator, Canvas, VersionManager) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor.FromTemplateDialog
- fromTree(JTree) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.SerializableTreeExpansionState
Captures the expansion state of a JTree.
- FuelBurnTimes(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.ShowDataListAction.FuelBurnTimes
- fuelPower - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.ItemExtension
- fuelSuccessCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.ItemExtension
- FuelToItemExtensionConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- FuelToItemExtensionConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.FuelToItemExtensionConverter
- full - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- FULL - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.CoverageStatus
- fullPath() - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
- fullScreen - Variable in class
- Function - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Function(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Function
- FUNCTION - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- FunctionGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- FunctionGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FunctionGUI
- FUNCTIONS - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- GAME_EVENTS - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- GameEventEntry - Class in
- GameEventEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- GameEventEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- GameEventListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- GameEventListField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.GameEventListField
- GameEventListField(MCreator, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.GameEventListField
- gamePlatform(GeneratorFlavor.GamePlatform) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- GameRule - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- GameRule(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.GameRule
- GAMERULE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- GameruleDisplayNameFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1
- GameruleDisplayNameFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.GameruleDisplayNameFixer
- GameRuleGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- GameRuleGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.GameRuleGUI
- genContinentalness - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- GeneratableElement - Class in net.mcreator.element
- GeneratableElement(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement
- GeneratableElement.GSONAdapter - Class in net.mcreator.element
- GeneratableElement.Unknown - Class in net.mcreator.element
- generatableElementToJSON(GeneratableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElementManager
- generate(String, String...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorPalette
- generateAchievementPreviewPicture(Workspace, MItemBlock, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates achievement images.
- generateAquifers - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- generateArmorImages(Workspace, String, String, Color, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.ArmorImageMakerView
- generateArmorPreviewFrame1() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
- generateArmorPreviewFrame2() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
- generateArmorPreviewPicture(List<Image>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates armor images.
- generateAtAnyHeight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- generateBackground(int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator
- generateBase() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
Generates the generator mod base files.
- generateBase(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
Generates the generator mod base files and writes them to disk.
- generateBaseFromTemplate(String, Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateGenerator
- generateBiomePreviewPicture(Workspace, Color, Color, Color, MItemBlock, MItemBlock, int, int, MItemBlock, MItemBlock) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates biome images.
- generateBlastingPreviewPicture(Workspace, MItemBlock, MItemBlock) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates blasting recipe images.
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks.MCItemBlock
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks.NumberBlock
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in interface net.mcreator.blockly.IBlockGenerator
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.BlocklyBlockCodeGenerator
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.OutputBlockCodeGenerator
- generateBlock(BlocklyToCode, Element) - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.ProceduralBlockCodeGenerator
- generateBlockIcon(Image, Image, Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the block icon.
- generateBrewingPreviewPicture(Workspace, MItemBlock, MItemBlock, MItemBlock) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates brewing recipe images.
- generateBucket - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- generateButton(int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator
- generateButtonIcon(Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the block icon for button.
- generateCampfirePreviewPicture(Workspace, MItemBlock, MItemBlock) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates campfire recipe images.
- generateCheckbox() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator
- generateCommandPreviewPicture(String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the command image preview.
- generateCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- generateCreativeTabPreviewPicture(Workspace, MItemBlock) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates creative tab images.
- generateCuboidImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- generateCuboidImage(Image, Image, Image, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
Generates a cuboid image given the textures, the dimensions, and the offsets on the axes.
- generateDimensionPreviewPicture(Workspace, Image, Image, MItemBlock, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates dimension images.
- generateElement(GeneratableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
GeneratableElement should be saved AFTER this method is called, not before as it can be altered in this process
- generateElement(GeneratableElement, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- generateElement(GeneratableElement, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- generateElementFromTemplate(GeneratableElement, String, Map<String, Object>, String, IAdditionalTemplateDataProvider) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateGenerator
- generateEndRodIcon(Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the block icon for end rods.
- generateFeature - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- generateFeature - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- generateFenceGateIcon(Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the block icon for fence gates.
- generateFenceIcon(Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the block icon for fences.
- generateFluidBucketIcon(ImageIcon) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator
- generateFromString(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateGenerator
- generateFromTemplate(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateGenerator
- generateGameRulePreviewPicture(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates game rule images.
- generateGaussianKernel(int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
Generates a gaussian kernel compatible with java.awt.image.Kernel objects.
- generateImportTree(ProjectJarManager) - Static method in class
- generateInventorySlots() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator
- generateItemSlot() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator
- generateKeybindPreviewPicture(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates key binding images.
- generateLanguageFiles(Generator, Workspace, Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.LocalizationUtils
- generateListItemFromTemplate(Object, int, GeneratableElement, String, Map<String, Object>, String, IAdditionalTemplateDataProvider) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateGenerator
- generateLocalizationKeys(Generator, GeneratableElement, List<?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.LocalizationUtils
- generateLootTable() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- generateLootTable() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- generateMobPreviewPicture(Image, Color, Color, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates mob images.
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Command
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.GameRule
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.KeyBinding
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Painting
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Procedure
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tab
- generateModElementPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- generateOreVeins - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- generatePaintingPreviewPicture(Image, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates painting images.
- generateParticlePreviewPicture(Image, boolean, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates particle images.
- generatePotionEffectIcon(Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the potion effect icons.
- generatePotionIcon(Color) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the potion bottle icon for potions.
- generatePressurePlateIcon(Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the block icon for pressure plate.
- generateProcedurePreviewPicture(String, List<Dependency>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates procedure images.
- generateRecipePreviewPicture(Workspace, MItemBlock[], MItemBlock) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates recipe images.
- generateShadow(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
Generates a shadow that fits squircle cropped images.
- generateSlabIcon(Image, Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the block icon for slabs.
- generateSmithingPreviewPicture(Workspace, MItemBlock, MItemBlock, MItemBlock) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates smithing recipe images.
- generateSmokingPreviewPicture(Workspace, MItemBlock, MItemBlock) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates smoking recipe images.
- generateSpawnEggIcon(Color, Color) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator
- generateSquircle(Color, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
Generates a smooth squircle shape
- generateStairsIcon(Image, Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the block icon for stairs.
- generateStoneCuttingPreviewPicture(Workspace, MItemBlock, MItemBlock) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates stone cutter recipe images.
- generateTagsFiles(Generator, Workspace, Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.TagsUtils
- generateTextField(int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator
- generateTrapdoorIcon(Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the block icon for trapdoors.
- generateWallIcon(Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
This method generates the block icon for walls.
- generationShape - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- generationStep - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- generationStep - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- generationType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- generator - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- generator() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - Generator - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- Generator(Workspace) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- GENERATOR_CACHE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- generatorchanged - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettingsChange
- GeneratorConfiguration - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorConfiguration(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- GeneratorFile - Record Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorFile(GeneratorTemplate, GeneratorFile.Writer, String) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile
Creates an instance of a
record class. - GeneratorFile.Writer - Enum Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorFileTasks - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorFileTasks() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFileTasks
- GeneratorFlavor - Enum Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorFlavor.BaseLanguage - Enum Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorFlavor.GamePlatform - Enum Class in net.mcreator.generator
- generatorFlavorChanged - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettingsChange
- GeneratorGradleCache - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorGradleCache.ClasspathEntry - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorImport - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorImport(Object) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorImport
- GeneratorSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- GeneratorSelector() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.GeneratorSelector
- GeneratorStats - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorStats.CoverageStatus - Enum Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorStats.Status - Enum Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorTemplate - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorTemplatesList - Record Class in net.mcreator.generator
A generator templates list is used for generating several similar templates for each item on a list provided by given mod element.
- GeneratorTemplatesList(String, List<?>, List<List<ListTemplate>>) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplatesList
Creates an instance of a
record class. - GeneratorTokens - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorTokens() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTokens
- GeneratorUtils - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorUtils
- GeneratorVariableTypes - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorWrapper - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- GeneratorWrapper(Generator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- genErosion - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- genHumidity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- genTemperature - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- genWeirdness - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- get() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- get(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- get(Class<? extends MCREvent>) - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.EventMap
- get(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.UIRES
Gets an image from the current theme or the default theme if the image is not found.
- get(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.ModElementType.ModElementGUIProvider
- get3DigitVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getAction(ActionRegistry) - Static method in class
- getAction(ActionRegistry) - Static method in class
- getAction(ActionRegistry) - Static method in class
- getAction(ActionRegistry) - Static method in class
- getAction(ActionRegistry) - Static method in class
- getActionKeyStrokeMap() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.AcceleratorMap
- getActionRegistry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- getActions() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- getAdditionalTemplateData() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement
Override this to add additional data to the element data model
- getAdditionalTemplateData() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- getAdditionalTemplateData() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Command
- getAdditionalTemplateData() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- getAdditionalTemplateData() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- getAdditionalTemplateData() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Procedure
- getAdvancedInputs() - Method in class
- getAllBlockLoaders() - Method in class
- getAllBooleanGameRules(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- getAllInputs() - Method in class
- getAllModElementTypes() - Static method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementTypeLoader
- getAllNumberGameRules(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- getAllRepeatingInputs() - Method in class
- getAllSounds(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- getAllVariableTypes() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader
- getAltBackgroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ColorScheme
- getAltBackgroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getAltForegroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ColorScheme
- getAltForegroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getAmplifier() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion.CustomEffectEntry
- getAnalytics() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- getAnchorPoint() - Method in class
- getAnchorPoint(int, int) - Method in enum class
- getAnimationCodesFromID(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.EntityAnimationsLoader
- getAnimationIDs() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.EntityAnimationsLoader
- getAnimations(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Animation
- getAnimationsModelType0(Map<String, JComboBox<String>>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.JavaModels
- getAnimationsModelType1(Map<String, JComboBox<String>>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.JavaModels
- getAppIcon(int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.AppIcon
- getAppIcons() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.AppIcon
- getApplication() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- getApplication() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
- getArchitecture() - Static method in class
- getArmorModelsCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getArmorTextureFilesForName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getArrayData() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.StringType
- getAuthor() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginInfo
- getAuthor() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getAverageColor(BufferedImage) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- getAverageLuminance(BufferedImage) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ColorScheme
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.ColorSelector
- getBaseCoverageInfo() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats
- getBaseDataModelProvider() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getBaseLanguage() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- getBaseName(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.FilenameUtilsPatched
- getBaseTemplates() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getBaseTextureHeight() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Overlay
- getBaseTextureWidth() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Overlay
- getBaseTypeDefinition(BaseType) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.DefinitionsProvider
- getBaseTypesProvided() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- getBaseTypesProvided() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- getBaseTypesProvided() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- getBaseTypesProvided() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- getBaseTypesProvided() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlock
- getBaseTypesProvided() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.ICommonType
- getBaseTypesProvided() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IItem
- getBaseTypesProvided() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- getBaseTypesProvided() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- getBaseTypesProvided() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- getBaseTypesProvided() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
Warning: this method relies on getGeneratableElement that is not thread safe, so this method is also not thread safe
- getBedrockEditionFolder() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftFolderUtils
- getBlock() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- getBlock() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BlastFurnaceRecipeMaker
- getBlock() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CampfireCookingRecipeMaker
- getBlock() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmeltingRecipeMaker
- getBlock() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmokerRecipeMaker
- getBlock() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.StoneCutterRecipeMaker
- getBlock2() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BlastFurnaceRecipeMaker
- getBlock2() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CampfireCookingRecipeMaker
- getBlock2() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmeltingRecipeMaker
- getBlock2() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmokerRecipeMaker
- getBlock2() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.StoneCutterRecipeMaker
- getBlockColorFromHUE(int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyBlockUtil
Calculates block's full color out of its hue value.
- getBlockIconBasedOnName(Workspace, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem
- getBlockingModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- getBlockingTextureMap() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- getBlockLoader(BlocklyEditorType) - Method in class
- getBlocklyBlocks(BlocklyEditorType) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats
- getBlocklyColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
Returns the color of the blocks associated with this variable type.
- getBlocklyJSON() - Method in class
- getBlocklyLangName() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- getBlocklyPanel() - Method in class
- getBlocklyPanels() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AchievementGUI
- getBlocklyPanels() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CommandGUI
- getBlocklyPanels() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FeatureGUI
- getBlocklyPanels() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.IBlocklyPanelHolder
- getBlocklyPanels() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LivingEntityGUI
- getBlocklyPanels() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProcedureGUI
- getBlocklyToProcedure(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Procedure
- getBlocklyType() - Method in class
- getBlocklyVariableType() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- getBlockProcedureStartingWithBlock(Element) - Static method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyBlockUtil
- getBlockProcedureStartingWithNext(Element) - Static method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyBlockUtil
Returns the list of blocks that are directly arranged in the procedural order for the given start block under which to look for next elements
- getBlockType() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks.MCItemBlock
- getBlockType() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks.NumberBlock
- getBlockType() - Method in interface net.mcreator.blockly.IBlockGenerator
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in class
- getBlockType() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.OutputBlockCodeGenerator
- getBlockType() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.ProceduralBlockCodeGenerator
- getBodyFixedSpecialInformation() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getBodyItemModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getBodyModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getBootsFixedSpecialInformation() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getBootsItemModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getBootsModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getBorderExtension() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SplashScreenPanel
- getBottom() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getBottomPoint() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getBreakpoint() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug.GutterBreakpointInfo
- getBreakpointHandler() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- getBreakpointRequest() - Method in class
- getBuild() - Method in class
- getBuilds() - Method in class
- getBuiltIn(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.UIRES
Returns a built-in image from the MCreator UI resources.
- getBuiltIn(String, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.UIRES.SVG
- getBuiltIn(String, int, int, Color) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.UIRES.SVG
- getBuiltinCategories() - Static method in class
- getBundledJVMBits() - Static method in class
- getCache() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListLoader
- getCandidateLocales(String, Locale) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.locale.UTF8Control
- getCanvas() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- getCanvas() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getCanvasPoint() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getCanvasRenderer() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- getCanvasX() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getCanvasY() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getCategory() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- getCellEditorValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.SpinnerCellEditor
- getChange() - Method in class
- getChangelog() - Method in class
- getChild(Object, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilteredTreeModel
- getChildAt(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilterTreeNode
- getChildCount() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilterTreeNode
- getChildCount(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilteredTreeModel
- getChildrenWithName(Element, String...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.XMLUtil
Returns a list of all child elements of the given element with the given name
- getClassBody(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.MinecraftCodeProvider
- getClassname() - Method in class
- getClasspath() - Method in class
- getCleanVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getClientRunDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getClipboardManager() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- getCodeCleanup() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- getCodeFor(String, int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.MinecraftCodeProvider
- getColor() - Method in class
- getColor() - Method in class
Returns the color of this toolbox category.
- getColor() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- getColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JColor
- getColor() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator.ValidationResultType
- getColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- getColor(String) - Static method in class
- getColorSelector() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.ToolPanel
- getColumnContents(JTable, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TableUtil
- getComboBox() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- getComparator(Workspace, List<ModElement>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- getComparator(Workspace, List<T>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- getCompatibleJavaModelKeys() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getCompileNotes() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- getCompileNotes() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.CompileNotesPanel
- getComponent(Window, Consumer<EventObject>) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.BooleanEntry
- getComponent(Window, Consumer<EventObject>) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.ColorEntry
- getComponent(Window, Consumer<EventObject>) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.HiddenEntry
- getComponent(Window, Consumer<EventObject>) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.IntegerEntry
- getComponent(Window, Consumer<EventObject>) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.LocaleEntry
- getComponent(Window, Consumer<EventObject>) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.StringEntry
- getComponent(Window, Consumer<EventObject>) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
Generate a
for thePreferencesDialog
, so users can change the value. - getComponent(MCreator, Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData
Generates a UI component accepting values of type
and sets its value to the passed one. - getComponent(MCreator, Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.IntegerType
- getComponent(MCreator, Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.LogicType
- getComponent(MCreator, Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.NumberType
- getComponent(MCreator, Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.StringType
- getComponentList() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- getComponents() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- getComponents() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IGUI
- getComponents() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Overlay
- getComponentsOfType(String) - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IGUI
- getConfiguration() - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.InlineTemplatesHandler
- getConfiguration() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateGeneratorConfiguration
- getConfirmButton() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TypedTextureSelectorDialog
- getConsoleFont() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getConsoleText() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- getContent() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- getConverterForModElementType(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.ConverterRegistry
- getConvertersForModElementType(ModElementType<?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.ConverterRegistry
- getConvertibleModElementTypes() - Static method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.ConverterRegistry
- getCoverageForLocale(Locale) - Static method in class
- getCoverageInfo() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats
- getCoveredFlavors() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
This method returns the list of flavors that this element type is covered on.
- getCreativeTabItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getCreativeTabItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- getCreativeTabItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- getCreativeTabItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- getCreativeTabItems() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.ITabContainedElement
WARNING: Calls to this method are generally not thread safe.
- getCreativeTabItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- getCreativeTabItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- getCreativeTabItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- getCreativeTabItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- getCreativeTabMap() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- getCreativeTabs() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getCreativeTabs() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- getCreativeTabs() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- getCreativeTabs() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- getCreativeTabs() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.ITabContainedElement
- getCreativeTabs() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- getCreativeTabs() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- getCreativeTabs() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- getCreativeTabs() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- getCreativeTabsOrder() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getCredits() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginInfo
- getCredits() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getCredits() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getCurrentFolder() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb.WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb
- getCurrentFQDN(JavaParser) - Static method in class
- getCurrentGenerator() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getCurrentLine(RSyntaxTextArea) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug.GutterBreakpointInfo
- getCurrentResourcePackEditor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker.ResourcePackMakerWorkspacePanel
- getCurrentTab() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs
- getCurrentTool() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.ToolPanel
- getCursor() - Method in class
- getCursor() - Method in class
- getCursor() - Method in class
- getCursor() - Method in class
- getCursor() - Method in class
- getCustomDefaultMessage() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VTextField
- getDataList() - Method in record class
- getDataListAsStringArray(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- getDataListEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- getDataListEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NonMappableElement
- getDataListEntryType() - Method in class
- getDataListEntryType() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- getDataModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplate
- getDebugClient() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugPanel
- getDebugClient() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- getDebugPanel() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- getDeclarationOnPos(Workspace, JavaParser, RSyntaxTextArea, JarManager) - Static method in class
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData
Provides the default value of type of this property.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.IntegerType
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.LogicType
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.NumberType
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.StringType
- getDefaultValue(VariableType) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorVariableTypes
- getDefaultValue(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- getDefinedBlocks() - Method in class
- getDefinitionsProvider() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getDependants() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getDependencies() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- getDependencies() - Method in class
- getDependencies() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Procedure
- getDependencies() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginInfo
See isLoaded in
to get more info about its usage. - getDependencies() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getDependencies(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
- getDependencies(Workspace) - Method in class
- getDependencyBlockXml() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- getDescription() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- getDescription() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginInfo
- getDescription() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getDescription() - Method in class
- getDescription() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getDeviceInfo() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- getDirectChildren(Element) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.XMLUtil
- getDirectFolderChildren() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- getDiscordClient() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- getDOMWindow() - Method in class
- getDuration() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion.CustomEffectEntry
- getDynamicBlocks() - Static method in class
- getEditing() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getEditingComponent() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.AbstractWYSIWYGDialog
- getEditor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.AbstractWYSIWYGDialog
- getEditorType() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- getElement() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.json.JsonTree.JsonNode
- getElement() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.NBTEditorView.NBTTagNode
- getElementAt(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.ResourceFilterModel
- getElementAt(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AchievementGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ArmorGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AttributeGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BiomeGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BlockGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CommandGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomElementGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomGUIGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DamageTypeGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DimensionGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.EnchantmentGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FeatureGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FluidGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FunctionGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.GameRuleGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemExtensionGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.KeyBindGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LivingEntityGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LootTableGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.OverlayGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PaintingGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ParticleGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PlantGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionEffectGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProcedureGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProjectileGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.RecipeGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.StructureGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.TabGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ToolGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerProfessionGUI
- getElementFromGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerTradeGUI
- getElementIcon() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- getElementLocalizationKeys(GeneratableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getElementPlainName(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
Removes the NameMapper.MCREATOR_PREFIX prefix and any eventual suffix (if present, it's after the last .)
- getElementsOfType(String) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.FileListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BiomeListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DamageTypeListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DefaultFeaturesListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.EnchantmentListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.FluidListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.GameEventListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.ModElementListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SpawnableEntityListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.StructureListField
- getElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TabListField
- getEntityModel() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IEntityWithModel
- getEntityModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- getEntityModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- getEntries() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleEntriesList
- getEntries() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSingleEntriesList
- getEntries() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPoolsList
- getEntries() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTablePoolsList
- getEntries() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeProfessionsList
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers.JAttributeModifierEntry
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxEntry
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.entityanimations.JEntityAnimationListEntry
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPart
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTableEntry
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers.JModelLayerListEntry
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.potions.JPotionListEntry
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.spawntypes.JSpawnListEntry
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.JBlockPropertiesListEntry
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.entity.JEntityDataEntry
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemStatesListEntry
- getEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeEntry
- getEntryName(String) - Static method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
- getEnvironment(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleUtils
- getEULAFile(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ServerUtil
- getExpandedPaths() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.SerializableTreeExpansionState
- getExpansionState(JTree) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TreeUtils
- getExtension(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.FilenameUtilsPatched
- getExternalElementsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- getExternalTrigger() - Method in class
- getExternalTriggerLoader() - Method in class
- getExternalTriggers() - Method in class
- getExtraTemplatesCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- getExtraValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.UniqueNameValidator
Returns the main validator for the validated element.
- getFailedPlugins() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoader
- getFeatureConfigurationCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.feature.BlocklyToFeature
- getFeatureType() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.feature.BlocklyToFeature
- getFieldDataList(String) - Method in class
- getFields() - Method in class
- getFieldType() - Method in record class
- getFieldType(String) - Method in class
- getFile() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile
- getFile() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplate
- getFile() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
- getFile() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Animation
- getFile() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- getFileChooserDialog(Window, FileChooserType, boolean, String, FileChooser.ExtensionFilter...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileDialogs
- getFileFromUserFolder(String) - Static method in class
- getFileManager() - Method in interface net.mcreator.workspace.IWorkspaceProvider
- getFileManager() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getFiles() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- getFiles() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- getFilter() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilterTreeNode
- getFirst() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getFirstChildrenWithName(Element, String...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.XMLUtil
- getFixedSpecialInformation() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.ISpecialInfoHolder
- getFixedTextLabels() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IGUI
- getFixedTooltips() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IGUI
- getFixedValue() - Method in class
- getFixedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.LogicProcedureSelector
- getFixedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.NumberProcedureSelector
- getFixedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.RetvalProcedureSelector
- getFixedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringListProcedureSelector
- getFixedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- getFlatLafTheme() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getFloatingLayer() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- getFolder() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- getFolder() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb.FolderElementCrumb
- getFolderManager() - Method in interface net.mcreator.workspace.IWorkspaceProvider
- getFolderManager() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getFolderPath() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- getFoldersRoot() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getFolderStructure(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.folders.AbstractFolderStructure
- getFont() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getForegroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ColorScheme
- getForegroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getForegroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.ColorSelector
- getFullGeneratorVersion() - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.IGenerator
- getFullString() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- getGamePlatform() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- getGElementsOfType(String) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- getGeneratableElement() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
Warning: this method uses ModElementManager and is thus not thread safe
- getGeneratedCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- getGenerator() - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.IGeneratorProvider
- getGenerator() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getGeneratorBlocklyBlocks() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats
- getGeneratorBuildFileVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getGeneratorBuildFileVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- getGeneratorBuildFileVersion() - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.IGenerator
- getGeneratorConfiguration() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getGeneratorConfiguration() - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.IGeneratorProvider
- getGeneratorFlavor() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getGeneratorFlavor() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- getGeneratorMinecraftVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getGeneratorMinecraftVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- getGeneratorMinecraftVersion() - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.IGenerator
- getGeneratorName() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getGeneratorName() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getGeneratorPackageRoot() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getGeneratorPaths(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getGeneratorSelector(Window, GeneratorConfiguration, GeneratorFlavor, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.GeneratorSelector
Open a dialog window to select a
from the loaded generators. - getGeneratorStats() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getGeneratorStats() - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.IGeneratorProvider
- getGeneratorSubVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getGlobalTemplatesListForDefinition(Map<?, ?>, boolean, AtomicInteger) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getGlobalTemplatesListForModElementType(ModElementType<?>, boolean, AtomicInteger) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getGlobalVariableTypes(GeneratorConfiguration) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader
- getGradleCache() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getGradleConsole() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- getGradleHome() - Static method in class
- getGradleModelBuilder(GeneratorConfiguration, ProjectConnection, Class<T>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleUtils
- getGradleProjectConnection() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getGradleProjectConnection(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleUtils
- getGradleSyncLauncher(GeneratorConfiguration, ProjectConnection, String...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleUtils
- getGradleTaskFor(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getGradleTaskLauncher(GeneratorConfiguration, ProjectConnection, String...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleUtils
- getGroup() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Change
- getGroupedValidationResults() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyAggregatedValidationResult
- getGroupedValidationResults() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.AggregatedValidationResult.FAIL
- getGroupedValidationResults() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.AggregatedValidationResult
- getGroupedValidationResults() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.AggregatedValidationResult.PASS
- getGroupedValidationResults() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.ValidationGroup
- getGroupEstimate() - Method in class
- getGUITypeSelector() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- getGutterIconInfo() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug.GutterBreakpointInfo
- getHandleSize() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getHandleStroke() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getHeight() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- getHeight() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- getHeight() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getHeight() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getHeight() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- getHeight(Workspace) - Method in class
- getHeight(Workspace) - Method in class
- getHeight(Workspace) - Method in class
- getHeight(Workspace) - Method in class
- getHeight(Workspace) - Method in class
- getHeight(Workspace) - Method in class
- getHeight(Workspace) - Method in class
- getHeight(Workspace) - Method in class
- getHeight(Workspace) - Method in class
- getHeight(Workspace) - Method in class
- getHeightInTiles() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.image.TiledImageUtils
- getHelmetFixedSpecialInformation() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getHelmetItemModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getHelmetModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getHelpTipsSupport(Locale) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- getHorizontalScrollBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomPane
- getHoverCursor() - Method in class
- getHoverCursor() - Method in class
- getHoverCursor() - Method in class
- getHoveredImage(Workspace) - Method in class
- getIcon() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- getIcon() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- getIcon() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.autocomplete.JavaKeywordCompletition
- getIcon() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
This icon is only with
. - getIcon() - Method in class
- getIcon(int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorPalette
- getIcon(int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.image.TiledImageUtils
- getIcon(String, ArmorMakerTexturesCache.ArmorTexturePart) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache
- getIconFor(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlockItemIcons
- getIconForFile(File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.FileIcons
- getIconForFile(String, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.FileIcons
- getIconForItem(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlockItemIcons
- getIconForMCItem(Workspace, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getIconForMCItem(Workspace, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- getIconForMCItem(Workspace, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- getIconForMCItem(Workspace, String) - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IMCItemProvider
This method determines what icon should be used for a custom MCItem, according to its eventual suffix
- getIconForMCItem(Workspace, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- getIconFromURL(String, int, int, ImageIcon) - Static method in class
- getIconFromURL(String, int, int, ImageIcon, boolean) - Static method in class
- getIconHeight() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SquareLoaderIcon
- getIconHeight() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.image.EmptyIcon
- getIconWidth() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SquareLoaderIcon
- getIconWidth() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.image.EmptyIcon
- getID() - Method in class
- getID() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
The ID is the plugin's registry name.
- getID() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- getID() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
The ID is the theme's registry name.
- getID() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
- getImage() - Method in class
- getImage() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Addition
- getImage() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.IVisualChange
- getImage() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Modification
- getImage(TextureType) - Method in class
- getImage(Workspace) - Method in class
- getImage(Workspace) - Method in class
- getImage(Workspace) - Method in class
- getImageFile() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- getImageIcon(TextureType) - Method in class
- getImportFormatterDuplicatesWhitelist() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getImportFormatterPriorityImports() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getImportTree() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorGradleCache
- getIndex(ListModel<T>, T) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ListUtil
- getInfo() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
It returns a
object containing additional and optional info about the plugin. - getInnerClassBody(String, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.MinecraftCodeProvider
- getInputBlockType(Element) - Static method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyBlockUtil
Returns the type of the block attached to an input element
- getInputs() - Method in class
- getInScrollPane() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb.WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb.Small
- getInterfaceAccentColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ColorScheme
- getInterfaceAccentColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getIntMaxValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- getIntMinValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- getInventorySlotsX() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- getInventorySlotsY() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- getItemCustomModelNameFor(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getItemModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- getItemModel() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IItemWithModel
- getItemModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- getItemModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- getItemModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- getItemModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- getItemModelTextureMap(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getItemName(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorPalettePanel
- getItemName(ColorPalette) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes.PaletteListPanel
- getItemName(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- getItemTextureFor(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getItemTextureMap() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- getJavaEditionFolder() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftFolderUtils
- getJavaHome() - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleUtils
- getJavaModelRequirementKeyWords() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getJavaModels(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- getJavaModels(Workspace, List<String>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- getJavaModelsKey() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getJavaModName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getJavaName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- getJavaPlugin() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
- getJavaPlugins() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoader
- getJavaType(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- getJSONForTextureMapping(Map<String, TexturedModel.TextureMapping>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel
- getJvmVersion() - Method in class
- getKeys() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.locale.MultiResourceBundle
- getLabel() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.JSlidingSpinner
- getLangFilesRoot() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getLanguageFileSpecification() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getLanguageMap() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getLastElementInConversion() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElementManager
- getLastModified() - Method in class
- getLatestBuild() - Method in class
- getLatestMajor() - Method in class
- getLatestPatchVersion() - Method in class
- getLayer() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables.LayerTransferable
- getLayer() - Method in class
- getLayer() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Change
- getLayerMask(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getLayerModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.ModelLayerEntry
- getLayerPanel() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- getLayerPanel() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- getLeft() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getLeftPoint() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getLeggingsFixedSpecialInformation() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getLeggingsItemModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getLeggingsModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getLib(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorGradleCache.ClasspathEntry
- getLicense() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getLine() - Method in class
- getLineCommentStartAndEnd(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
- getLiquidColor(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion.CustomEffectEntry
- getList() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.RecentWorkspaces
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends Color>, Color, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends String>, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.ItemTexturesComboBoxRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends DataListEntry>, DataListEntry, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DataListComboBox.CustomRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends ColorPalette>, ColorPalette, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes.PaletteCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends Layer>, Layer, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerListCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends IElement>, IElement, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.DetailsIconModListRender
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends IElement>, IElement, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.LargeIconModListRender
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends IElement>, IElement, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.ListIconModListRender
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends IElement>, IElement, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.MediumIconModListRender
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends IElement>, IElement, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.SmallIconModListRender
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends IElement>, IElement, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.TilesModListRender
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends ModElement>, ModElement, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.special.CompactModElementListCellRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList<? extends Model>, Model, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.ModelComboBoxRenderer
- getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.MinecraftCompletionCellRenderer
- getListDiff(Collection<T>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.diff.ListDiff
- getListElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- getListener() - Method in class
- getListItemIndex() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.ListTemplate
- getListOf(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
- getListOfForWorkspace(Workspace, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
- getLoadFailure() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
- getLocale() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- getLocaleString() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- getLocalVariables() - Method in class
- getLocalVariablesList() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- getLocalVariableTypes(GeneratorConfiguration) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader
- getLocationAsString() - Method in class
- getLocationOnCanvas(Point2D) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getLocationOnPanel(Point2D) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getMachineName() - Method in class
- getMainMenuBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- getMajorString() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- getMapDiff(Map<T, U>, Map<T, U>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.diff.MapDiff
- getMappableElementProvider() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- getMappedValue() - Method in class
- getMappedValue() - Method in class
- getMappedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- getMappedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NonMappableElement
- getMappedValue(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- getMapping(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappingLoader
- getMapping(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NameMapper
- getMapping(String, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NameMapper
- getMappingLoader() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getMappings() - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.IGenerator
- getMappingSource() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NameMapper
- getMax() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.IntegerType
- getMax() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.NumberType
- getMaximumVisibleRows() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu
- getMaxSlotID() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- getMaxValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- getMaxZoom() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getMCItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
Warning: this method relies on getGeneratableElement that is not thread safe, so this method is also not thread safe
- getMCItemURI(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
- getMCreator() - Method in class
- getMCreator() - Method in class
- getMCreator() - Method in class
- getMCreator() - Method in class
- getMCreator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- getMCreator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- getMCreator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JEntriesList
- getMCreator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugPanel
- getMCreator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TypedTextureSelectorDialog
- getMCreator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.ViewBase
- getMCreator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- getMCreatorApplication() - Method in class
- getMCreatorDependencies() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getMCreatorDependenciesRaw() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getMCreatorNamespace() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
- getMCreatorVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getMCRVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.RecentWorkspaceEntry
- getMessage() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator.ValidationResult
- getMessage() - Method in exception class net.mcreator.workspace.MissingGeneratorFeaturesException
- getMetadata(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- getMethod(String, String, String...) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.MinecraftCodeProvider
- getMin() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.IntegerType
- getMin() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.NumberType
- getMinecraftCodeProvider() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getMinecraftNamespace(Workspace) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
- getMinValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- getMinZoom() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getMissingDefinitions() - Method in exception class net.mcreator.workspace.MissingGeneratorFeaturesException
- getModAPIForNameAndGenerator(String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIManager
- getModAPIsForGenerator(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIManager
- getModAssetsRoot() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getModAssetsRoot() - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.IGenerator
- getModAssetsRoot(Workspace, GeneratorConfiguration) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorUtils
- getModBaseGeneratorTemplatesList(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getModDataRoot() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getModDataRoot() - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.IGenerator
- getModDataRoot(Workspace, GeneratorConfiguration) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorUtils
- getModelAnimationsDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getModelByParams(Workspace, String, Model.Type) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- getModElement() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement
- getModElement() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry.Custom
- getModElement() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- getModElementByName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getModElementDefinition(ModElementType<?>) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.DefinitionsProvider
- getModElementDefinitions() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.DefinitionsProvider
- getModElementFromGUI() - Method in record class
- getModElementGeneratorTemplatesList(GeneratableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getModElementGUI() - Method in class
- getModElementGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.codeviewer.ModElementCodeViewer
- getModElementGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- getModElementIcon(ModElement) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElementManager
- getModElementListTemplates(GeneratableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getModElementManager() - Method in interface net.mcreator.workspace.IWorkspaceProvider
- getModElementManager() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getModElementManager() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFileManager
- getModElementPicturesCacheDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getModElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getModElementsDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getModElementsPackage() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getModElementStorageClass() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- getModElementThisFileBelongsTo(File) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getModElementType(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementTypeLoader
- getModElementTypeCoverageInfo() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats
- getModelParts(JavaClassSource) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.JavaModels
- getModels() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
Returns a copy of
referencing only properties supported in the current workspace. - getModels() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- getModels(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- getModelsDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getModelsWithTextureMaps(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- getModelTextureMapVariations(Workspace, Model) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel
- getModelType() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IEntityWithModel
- getModelVersionAndPrepareCodeForAnimations(JavaClassSource) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.JavaModels
- getModID() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getModName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getModOfTheWeekData(CompletableFuture<String[]>) - Method in interface
API request
- getModOfTheWeekData(CompletableFuture<String[]>) - Method in class
API request
- getModPicture() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getModsDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getMultiOpenDialog(Window, String[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileDialogs
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.NamespacedGeneratableElement
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the component.
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.Status
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginInfo
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorPalette
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getName() - Method in class
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.RecentWorkspaceEntry
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- getName() - Method in interface net.mcreator.workspace.elements.IElement
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- getName() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- getName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Animation
- getName(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.FilenameUtilsPatched
- getNameRaw() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.NamespacedGeneratableElement
- getNamespace() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.NamespacedGeneratableElement
- getNotificationsRenderer() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- getNotificationsRenderer() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.notifications.INotificationConsumer
- getNotificationsRenderer() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
- getNumberOfPropertyCombinations(List<PropertyData<?>>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.BlockStatePropertyUtils
- getObject() - Method in class
- getOpenDialog(Window, String[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileDialogs
- getOpenMCreators() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- getOptimisedRecipe() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- getOptionsFile(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftOptionsUtils
- getOS() - Static method in class
- getOsName() - Method in class
- getOther() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- getOutputType() - Method in class
- getOverlay() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getOverlayOpacity() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getPage() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JModElementProgressPanel
- getPageCount() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JModElementProgressPanel
- getPalettes() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes.PaletteListPanel
- getPaneHeight() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getPaneWidth() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getParent() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- getParent() - Method in class
- getParent() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- getParser() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- getParticleTexture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- getParticleTexture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- getPassword(UUID) - Method in class
- getPath() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorImport
- getPath() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.RecentWorkspaceEntry
- getPath() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- getPathInWorkspace(File) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
Attempts to locate the provided file inside workspace folder and return its path relative to this folder.
- getPatternKeys() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- getPlugin() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.JavaPlugin
- getPluginModules() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoader
- getPluginPageID() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginInfo
When a new update is detected, MCreator will use this number to provide a link to the plugin page of the MCreator website.
- getPlugins() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoader
- getPluginUpdates() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoader
- getPluginVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
- getPluralName() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.element.BaseType
- getPluralName() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- getPool() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPool
- getPool() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTablePool
- getPoolParts() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- getPoolParts() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure.JigsawPool
- getPre21Folder() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- getPreciseX() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseEvent
Returns precise X coordinate of the mouse event.
- getPreciseY() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseEvent
Returns precise Y coordinate of the mouse event.
- getPreferencesDialog() - Method in class
- getPreferencesRegistry() - Static method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesManager
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- getPrefixedName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData
Adds the prefix to the name of this property if it is not a built-in property and returns the result.
- getPreloaderPane() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- getPreviewEvent() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- getPreviewImage() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- getProceduresOfType(Workspace, VariableType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
Returns an array with the names of procedures that return the given variable type
- getProcedureTriggers() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats
- getProjectBrowser() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- getProjectJarManager() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getProperties() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.JBlockPropertiesStatesList
- getProperties() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesStatesList
- getPropertiesPanel() - Method in class
- getPropertyData() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.JBlockPropertiesListEntry
- getPropertyName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesListEntry
- getRamAmountMB() - Method in class
- getRandomItem(List<T>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.ListUtils
- getRandomItem(Random, List<T>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.ListUtils
- getRandomItem(Random, T[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.ListUtils
- getRandomItem(T[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.ListUtils
- getRaster() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getRaw() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getRawPoint() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseEvent
- getRawPoint() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseWheelEvent
- getRawTextureName() - Method in class
- getRawType() - Method in class
- getRawX() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseEvent
- getRawX() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseWheelEvent
- getRawXN() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseEvent
- getRawY() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseEvent
- getRawY() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseWheelEvent
- getRawYN() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseEvent
- getReadableName() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- getReadableName() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- getReadableName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- getReadableName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel
- getReadableNameOf(String, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
Gets the readable name of a data list entry from the type of searchable selector
- getRecentWorkspaces() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
- getRecommendedGeneratorForBaseLanguage(Collection<GeneratorConfiguration>, GeneratorFlavor.BaseLanguage) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getRecommendedGeneratorForFlavor(Collection<GeneratorConfiguration>, GeneratorFlavor...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getRecursiveFolderChildren() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
Used to determine all folders from the root element down, when called on the root element
- getRegistryName() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- getRegistryName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- getRegistryNameForModElement(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- getRegistryNameFromFullName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- getRegistryNameUpper() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- getReleases() - Method in class
- getRelevance() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.autocomplete.JavaKeywordCompletition
- getRender() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables.CanvasTransferable
- getRenderingMode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getRenderText() - Method in class
- getRenderText() - Method in class
- getRenderType() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- getRenderType() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- getRenderType() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlock
- getRenderType() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- getRepairItemsAsStringList() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- getRepairItemsAsStringList() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- getRepeatingAdvancedInputs() - Method in class
- getRepeatingFields() - Method in class
- getRepeatingInputs() - Method in class
- getRepeatingStatements() - Method in class
- getRequiredAPIs() - Method in class
- getRequiredAPIs() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- getRequiredMods() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getResourceLocation() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.NamespacedGeneratableElement
- getResourceLocationForModElement(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- getResourceLocationForModElement(ModElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- getResourcePackRoot(Workspace, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure
- getResourcePackStructure(Workspace, String, File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure
- getResourcePanel(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelResources
Gets the resource panel by its key.
- getResourceRoot() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getResourceRoot() - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.IGenerator
- getResourceRoot() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.folders.AbstractFolderStructure
- getResourceRoot(Workspace, GeneratorConfiguration) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorUtils
- getResources(String, Pattern) - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoader
- getResources(Pattern) - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoader
- getResourceSetupTasks() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getResourcesInPackage(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoader
- getReturnType() - Method in class
- getReturnValueType(Workspace) - Method in class
- getRGB(int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getRight() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getRightPoint() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getRowContents(JTable, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TableUtil
- getRuntimeProvider() - Static method in class
- getSaveDialog(Window, String[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileDialogs
- getSaveDialog(Window, String, String[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileDialogs
- getScope() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- getScopeDefinition(VariableType, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorVariableTypes
- getScopeDefinition(Workspace, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- getScripts() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlocklyJavaScriptsLoader
- getScrollBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu
- getSearchPlaceholderText() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- getSearchPlaceholderText() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- getSearchTerm() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- getSearchURL(String) - Method in interface
API URL generator
- getSearchURL(String) - Method in class
- getSecond() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getSecondAltBackgroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ColorScheme
- getSecondAltBackgroundColor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getSection() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- getSectionKey() - Method in class
- getSectionKey() - Method in class
- getSectionKey() - Method in class
- getSectionKey() - Method in class
- getSectionKey() - Method in class
- getSectionKey() - Method in class
- getSectionKey() - Method in class
- getSectionKey() - Method in class
- getSectionKey() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- getSectionKey() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesSection
- getSelectedItem() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ListGroup
- getSelectedItem() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DataListComboBox
- getSelectedItem() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VComboBox
- getSelectedItemsList() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ListGroup
- getSelectedMCItem() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCItemSelectorDialog
- getSelectedProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesListEntry
- getSelectedProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- getSelectedProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.LogicProcedureSelector
- getSelectedProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.NumberProcedureSelector
- getSelectedProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.RetvalProcedureSelector
- getSelectedProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringListProcedureSelector
- getSelectedProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- getSelection() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
Returns the selection.
- getSerializedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.BooleanEntry
- getSerializedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.ColorEntry
- getSerializedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.IntegerEntry
- getSerializedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.LocaleEntry
- getSerializedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.StringEntry
- getSerializedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- getServerRunDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getShape() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- getShapeDimension() - Method in class
- getShapeDimension() - Method in class
- getShapeDimension() - Method in class
- getShortcut() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- getSimpleLoadSettings() - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.YamlUtil
Returns simple SnakeYAML load settings that mimic YAMLBeans behavior and also make parsing more lightweight and faster.
- getSize() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.ResourceFilterModel
- getSize() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- getSound() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SoundSelector
- getSoundElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getSoundsDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.folders.AbstractFolderStructure
- getSoundsDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getSourceActions(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ReordarableListTransferHandler
- getSourceRoot() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getSourceRoot() - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.IGenerator
- getSourceRoot() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.folders.AbstractFolderStructure
- getSourceRoot(Workspace, GeneratorConfiguration) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorUtils
- getSourceSetupTasks() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getSpecialInfoProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- getSpecialInfoProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- getSpecialInfoProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- getSpecialInfoProcedure() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.ISpecialInfoHolder
- getSpecialInfoProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- getSpecialInfoProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- getSpecialInfoProcedure() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- getSpecificBlocklyPanel(BlocklyEditorType) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.IBlocklyPanelHolder
- getSpecificRoot(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getSpecificRoot(Workspace, GeneratorConfiguration, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorUtils
- getSplashImage(boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.SplashScreen
- getSrc(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorGradleCache.ClasspathEntry
- getStartBlock(Document, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyBlockUtil
Returns the start block (trigger block) for the given XML document
- getStateMap() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel
- getStatementInputsMatching(Predicate<StatementInput>) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- getStatements() - Method in class
- getStates() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesStatesList
- getStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats
- getStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- getStatusBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- getStream() - Method in class
- getStructureList() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getStructuresDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.folders.AbstractFolderStructure
- getStructuresDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getSubanimations() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Animation
- getSubtitle() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- getSuffix() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache.ArmorTexturePart
- getSuggestedWorkspaceFoldersRoot() - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks.MCItemBlock
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks.NumberBlock
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in interface net.mcreator.blockly.IBlockGenerator
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in class
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.OutputBlockCodeGenerator
- getSupportedBlocks() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.ProceduralBlockCodeGenerator
- getSupportedBlocks(IBlockGenerator.BlockType) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.BlocklyBlockCodeGenerator
- getSupportedDefinitionFields(ModElementType<?>) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getSupportedLocales() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- getSupportedModElementTypes() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats
- getSupportedScopesWithoutLocal(GeneratorConfiguration) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- getSupportedScopesWithoutLocal(VariableType) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorVariableTypes
- getSupportedTypes(Workspace, boolean) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
Get all
s of the enum as a list - getSupportedVariableTypes() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorVariableTypes
- getSupportedVersions() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
- getSymbol() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel.NumberMatchType
- getSystemBits() - Method in class
- getSystemBits() - Static method in class
- getTab() - Method in class
- getTabbedPane() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker.ResourcePackMakerWorkspacePanel
- getTabClosedListener() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.SpinnerCellEditor
- getTabs() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- getTabs() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs
- getTagElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getTagFileFor(Workspace, TagElement) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.TagsUtils
- getTagsSpecification() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getTagsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- getTagsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BiomeListField
- getTagsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DamageTypeListField
- getTagsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.EnchantmentListField
- getTagsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.GameEventListField
- getTagsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemListField
- getTagsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SpawnableEntityListField
- getTagsToAdd() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.StructureListField
- getTaskbarIntegration() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- getTemplate(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.InlineTemplatesHandler
- getTemplateDefinition() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplate
- getTemplateGenConfigFromName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getTemplateGenerator() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- getTemplateGeneratorFromName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getTemplateIdentifier() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplate
Used to determine what template belongs to what file.
- getTemplateNames() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache
- getTemplatesList() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.ListTemplate
- getText() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- getText() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.RegistryNameValidator
- getTextList() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JStringListField
- getTexture() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IItemWithTexture
- getTexture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- getTexture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- getTexture() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- getTexture() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- getTexture() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- getTexture(Workspace, TextureType, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.ExternalTexture
Searches in the provided workspace for an externally loaded texture with matching name and type.
- getTextureBack() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- getTextureCoverageInfo() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats
- getTextureFile() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.CustomTexture
- getTextureFile(String, TextureType) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
This method gets a PNG texture file depending on the desired type.
- getTextureFront() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- getTextureHeight(Workspace) - Method in class
- getTextureHolder() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureSelectionButton
- getTextureIcon(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.CustomTexture
- getTextureIcon(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.ExternalTexture
- getTextureIcon(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Texture.Dummy
- getTextureIcon(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Texture
- getTextureLeft() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- getTextureMap() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- getTextureMap() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IItemWithModel
- getTextureMap() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- getTextureMap() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- getTextureMap() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- getTextureMap() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- getTextureMap() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel.TextureMapping
- getTextureMapping() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel
- getTextureMappingsForModel(Workspace, Model) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel
- getTextureName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- getTextureName() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Texture
- getTextureRight() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- getTexturesFolder(TextureType) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.folders.AbstractFolderStructure
- getTexturesFolder(TextureType) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getTexturesList(TextureType) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getTexturesOfType(Workspace, TextureType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.CustomTexture
Scans the workspace and collects all the available custom textures of a certain type.
- getTexturesOfType(Workspace, TextureType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.ExternalTexture
Scans the workspace and collects all the available externally loaded textures of a certain type.
- getTextureTileCount() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- getTextureTop() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- getTextureType() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TypedTextureSelectorDialog
- getTextureWidth(Workspace) - Method in class
- getThemes() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ThemeManager
- getTimeout() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.MCREvent
Returns the timeout for the event.
- getTokenList(Segment, int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Returns the first token in the linked list of tokens generated from
. - getToolBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- getToolboxCategory() - Method in class
- getToolboxInitStatements() - Method in class
- getToolboxTestXML() - Method in class
- getToolboxXML() - Method in class
- getToolboxXML(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlocklyToolboxesLoader
- getToolByClass(Class<? extends AbstractTool>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.ToolPanel
- getToolPanel() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- getToolPanelButton() - Method in class
- getToolSize() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- getToolTipText() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- getTop() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getTopPoint() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getToZoom() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getTradeEntry() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeProfession
- getTransferData(DataFlavor) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables.CanvasTransferable
- getTransferData(DataFlavor) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables.LayerTransferable
- getTransferDataFlavors() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables.CanvasTransferable
- getTransferDataFlavors() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables.LayerTransferable
- getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.AstTreeCellRendererCustom
- getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recourcepack.ResourcePackTreeCellRenderer
- getType() - Method in class
- getType() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- getType() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- getType() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getType() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.RecentWorkspaceEntry
- getType() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- getType() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- getType() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- getType(Workspace) - Method in class
- getTypeString() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- getTypeString() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- getUITextsLocaleSupport(Locale) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- getUnderwaterBlock() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- getUnmappedValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- getUnsupportedDefinitionFields(ModElementType<?>) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getUpdateInfo() - Method in class
- getUpdateInfo() - Method in interface
- getUpdateJSONURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginInfo
uses this method to take an online JSON file containing info about new updates of the plugin. - getUpdateURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getUsedBlocks() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
This method returns collection of machine names of all blocks that are present in the provided Blockly arrangement
- getUserCodeBlocks(String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.usercode.UserCodeProcessor
- getUsercodeComment() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile
- getUsercodeComment() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplate
- getUserSettings() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettingsManager
- getUsingCursor() - Method in class
- getUUID() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- getUUID(String) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- getValidationProblemMessages() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.ValidationGroup
- getValidationResult() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.BlocklyHelperDialog
- getValidationResult() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.PlacementHelperDialog
- getValidationResult() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
- getValidationResult() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers.JAttributeModifierList
- getValidationResult() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPool
- getValidationResult() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPoolsList
- getValidationResult() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers.JModelLayerList
- getValidationResult() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.JBlockPropertiesStatesList
- getValidationResult() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesStatesList
- getValidationResultType() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator.ValidationResult
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPart
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers.JModelLayerListEntry
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesListEntry
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemStatesListEntry
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VButton
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VComboBox
- getValidationStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VTextField
- getValidationStatus() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.validation.IValidable
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPart
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers.JModelLayerListEntry
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesListEntry
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemStatesListEntry
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VButton
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VComboBox
- getValidator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VTextField
- getValidator() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.validation.IValidable
- getValidBoundingBoxes() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- getValidBoundingBoxes() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox
- getValidBoundingBoxes() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- getValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.JSlidingSpinner
- getValue() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- getValue(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData
Extracts possible value of this property from the provided UI component.
- getValue(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.IntegerType
- getValue(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.LogicType
- getValue(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.NumberType
- getValue(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.StringType
- getVariableBlock(VariableType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptTemplates
- GetVariableBlock - Class in
- GetVariableBlock() - Constructor for class
- getVariableBlocklyJS() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader
- getVariableElementByName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getVariableElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getVariableTypes() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- getVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginInfo
This method is used inside the
to check if the user has the latest update of the plugin. - getVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- getVersion() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.converter.IConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2019_5.RecipeTypeConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_1.AchievementFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_2.GUIBindingInverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_3.OpenGUIProcedureDepFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_3.ProcedureEntityDepFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_4.BiomeSpawnListConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_4.ProcedureGlobalTriggerFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.BiomeDefaultFeaturesConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.GUICoordinateConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.OverlayCoordinateConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.ProcedureSpawnGemPickupDelayFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.BiomeFrozenTopLayerConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.BlockBoundingBoxFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.BlockLuminanceFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.DimensionLuminanceFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.GameruleDisplayNameFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.LegacyDimensionProcedureRemover
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.PlantLuminanceFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.BlockLightOpacityFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.BooleanGameRulesConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.FluidNameFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.PotionToEffectConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.ProcedureVariablesConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.ProcedureVariablesEntityFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_3.LegacyProcedureBlockRemover
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1.FoodToItemConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1.LegacyBlockPosProcedureRemover
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1.ProcedureShootArrowFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.AdvancementTextureConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.ArmorTexturesConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.BlockRequiresCorrectToolConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.CommandParameterBlockFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.EffectTextureConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.EntityTexturesConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.FuelToItemExtensionConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.GUITexturesConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.ItemDispenseBehaviorToItemExtensionConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.LegacyShootArrowProcedureRemover
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.OverlayTexturesConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.ParticleTextureConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_3.BiomeDictionaryProcedureConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.BiomeGenParametersConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.FluidGenToFeatureConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.GUIComponentNamer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.SlotInteractionsConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.ToolToItemTypeProcedureConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.BiomeCustomFeaturesConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.BlockOreReplacementBlocksFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.ExplodeProcedureConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.PaintingFieldsFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.HugeFungusFeatureConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.LegacyGameModeConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.MaterialProcedureConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.PlantGenerationTypeConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.ProcedureDamageSourceFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.BlockFeatureDimensionRestrictionConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.BlockGenerationConditionRemover
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.EntitiesRangedAttackConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.EntityGlowLayerConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.FeatureDimensionRestrictionConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.ItemHasGlowConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.OverlayComponentAnchorPointAdder
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.PlantGenerationConditionRemover
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.ProcedureArrowProjectileFixer
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.RangedItemToProjectileAndItemConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.SpecialInformationConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.StructureIgnoredBlocksConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.StructureToFeatureConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.WaterEntitiesConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1.AdvancementTriggerInverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1.ProcedureCustomDamageRemover
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1.TagModElementConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.BlockHarvestLevelConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.CallProcedureAtBlockConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.FeatureBlockstateSelectorConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.HarvestLevelProceduresRemover
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.ItemsCreativeTabsConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.PotionEffectCategoryConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.ToolHarvestLevelConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3.EnchantmentDefinitionConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3.PlantTypeProcedureRemover
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3.WorldDependencyAdder
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.AdvancementFunctionConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.BiomeFogColorConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.DimensionSettingsConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.MusicDiscToItemConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.NoGUISelectedConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.EnchantabilityConverter
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.FeatureCarvingMaskRemover
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.ParticleLitRemover
- getVersionConvertingTo() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.WorldDependencyAdder
- getVersionManager() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- getVersionManager() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- getVerticalScrollBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomPane
- getVerticalTab(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- getViewIcon() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- getViewIcon() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- getViewIcon() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- getViewIcon() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.ViewBase
- getViewName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- getViewName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- getViewName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.AnimationMakerView
- getViewName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.ArmorImageMakerView
- getViewName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- getViewName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.NBTEditorView
- getViewName() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.ViewBase
- getViewPositionPoint() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getViewPositionX() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getViewPositionY() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getVirtualMachine() - Method in class
- getVisibilityState() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
Returns the editing state of the selection if no cursor was hovering over it.
- getVTextField() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SoundSelector
- getWarnings() - Method in class
- getWebsiteNews(CompletableFuture<String[]>) - Method in interface
API request
- getWebsiteNews(CompletableFuture<String[]>) - Method in class
- getWebsiteURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeight() - Method in class
Returns the priority for when this component should be drawn in the UI, to represent how Minecraft draws components in the game.
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeight() - Method in class
- getWeight() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
The weight of a plugin is its priority to be loaded.
- getWidth() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- getWidth() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- getWidth() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- getWidth() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getWidth() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- getWidth(Workspace) - Method in class
- getWidth(Workspace) - Method in class
- getWidth(Workspace) - Method in class
- getWidth(Workspace) - Method in class
- getWidth(Workspace) - Method in class
- getWidth(Workspace) - Method in class
- getWidth(Workspace) - Method in class
- getWidth(Workspace) - Method in class
- getWidth(Workspace) - Method in class
- getWidth(Workspace) - Method in class
- getWidthInTiles() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.image.TiledImageUtils
- getWindowTitle(MCreator) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.WindowTitleHelper
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- getWorkspace() - Method in interface
- getWorkspace() - Method in class
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.ModelLayerEntry
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NameMapper
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NonMappableElement
- getWorkspace() - Method in class
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- getWorkspace() - Method in interface net.mcreator.workspace.IWorkspaceProvider
- getWorkspace() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettingsManager
- getWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getWorkspaceBackupsCacheDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getWorkspaceCacheDir() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getWorkspaceDirectorySelectDialog(Window, File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileDialogs
- getWorkspaceFile() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.NewWorkspaceDialog
- getWorkspaceFile() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFileManager
- getWorkspaceFileForWorkspaceFolder(File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceUtils
- getWorkspaceFolder() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
- getWorkspaceFolder() - Method in interface net.mcreator.workspace.IWorkspaceProvider
- getWorkspaceFolder() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- getWorkspaceInfo() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getWorkspacePanel() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- getWorkspacePanel() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.variants.modmaker.ModMaker
- getWorkspacePanel() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker.ResourcePackMaker
- getWorkspaceSelector() - Method in class
- getWorkspaceSelector() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- getWorkspaceSettings() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
- getWorkspaceSettings() - Method in interface net.mcreator.workspace.IWorkspaceProvider
- getWorkspaceSettings() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getWorkspaceUserSettings() - Method in interface net.mcreator.workspace.IWorkspaceProvider
- getWorkspaceUserSettings() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- getWorldgenBlocks() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- getX() - Method in class
- getX() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getXML() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- getXML() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.BlocklyHelperDialog
- getXML() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.PlacementHelperDialog
- getY() - Method in class
- getY() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- getZoom() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
Returns current zoom factor
- getZoom() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseEvent
- getZoom() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- getZoomFactor() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- getZoomport() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomPane
- getZoomPresets() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- GifUtil - Class in net.mcreator.util
- GifUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.GifUtil
- GLOBAL_MAP - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType.Scope
- GLOBAL_SESSION - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType.Scope
- GLOBAL_WORLD - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType.Scope
- glow - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.ModelLayerEntry
- glowCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- glowCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- GoogleAnalytics - Class in
- GoogleAnalytics(DeviceInfo) - Constructor for class
- gotoSelectedElement() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.json.JsonTree
- gradle - Variable in class
- gradle() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIImplementation
Returns the value of the
record component. - GRADLE_BUILD_FAILED - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- GRADLE_CACHEDATA_ERROR - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- GRADLE_CACHEDATA_OUTDATED - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- GRADLE_INTERNET_INTERRUPTED - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- GRADLE_NO_INTERNET - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- GRADLE_REOBF_FAILED - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- GRADLE_SYNC_TASK - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- GradleAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- GradleAction(ActionRegistry, String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.GradleAction
- GradleCacheImportFailedException - Exception Class in net.mcreator.gradle
- GradleCacheImportFailedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleCacheImportFailedException
- gradleCachesRebuildNeeded() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettingsChange
- GradleConsole - Class in net.mcreator.ui.gradle
- GradleConsole(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- GradleDaemonUtils - Class in net.mcreator.gradle
- GradleDaemonUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleDaemonUtils
- GradleErrorCodes - Class in net.mcreator.gradle
- GradleErrorCodes() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- GradleErrorDecoder - Class in net.mcreator.gradle
- GradleErrorDecoder() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorDecoder
- GradleErrorDialogs - Class in net.mcreator.ui.gradle
- GradleErrorDialogs() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleErrorDialogs
- GradleFileTracker - Class in net.mcreator.gradle
- GradleFileTracker(ProjectConnection) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleFileTracker
- GradleSection - Class in
- GradleStateListener - Interface in net.mcreator.gradle
- GradleSyncBuildAction - Class in net.mcreator.gradle
- GradleTaskAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- GradleTaskFinishedListener - Interface in net.mcreator.gradle
- GradleTaskResult - Record Class in net.mcreator.gradle
- GradleTaskResult(String, int) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleTaskResult
Creates an instance of a
record class. - GradleUtils - Class in net.mcreator.gradle
- GradleUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleUtils
- GRASS - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector.TextureFormat
- grassColor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- gravity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- GREATER - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel.NumberMatchType
- GREATER_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel.NumberMatchType
- gridElements(int, int, int, int, Component...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- gridElements(int, int, Component...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- gridSettings - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- gridSettings - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Overlay
- GridSettings - Class in
- GridSettings() - Constructor for class
- groundBlock - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- group - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- groupName() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplatesList
Returns the value of the
record component. - growapableMaxHeight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- growapableSpawnType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- gson - Static variable in class
- gson - Static variable in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesManager
- gson - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFileManager
- GSON_ADAPTERS - Static variable in class
- GSONAdapter() - Constructor for class
- GSONAdapter() - Constructor for class
- GSONAdapter() - Constructor for class
- GSONAdapter() - Constructor for class
- GSONAdapter() - Constructor for class
- GSONAdapter() - Constructor for class
- GSONAdapter() - Constructor for class
- GSONAdapter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.StateMap.GSONAdapter
- GSONAdapter(Workspace) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement.GSONAdapter
- GSONClone - Class in net.mcreator.util
- GSONClone() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.GSONClone
- GSONCompare - Class in net.mcreator.util.diff
- GSONCompare() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.diff.GSONCompare
- gui - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JEntriesList
- GUI - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- GUI - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- GUI(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- GUIBindingInverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_2
- GUIBindingInverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_2.GUIBindingInverter
- guiBoundTo - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- guiBoundTo - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- guiBoundTo - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- GUIComponent - Class in
- GUIComponent.AnchorPoint - Enum Class in
- GUIComponent.GSONAdapter - Class in
- GUIComponent.Unknown - Class in
- GUIComponentNamer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1
- GUIComponentNamer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.GUIComponentNamer
- GUICoordinateConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5
- GUICoordinateConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.GUICoordinateConverter
- GUITexturesConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- GUITexturesConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.GUITexturesConverter
- guiType - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- GutterBreakpointInfo - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug
- GutterBreakpointInfo(GutterIconInfo) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug.GutterBreakpointInfo
- gx(int) - Method in class
- gy(int) - Method in class
- H - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- H - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- handleDebugMarkers(DebugPanel) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugMarkersHandler
- handleGetObject(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.locale.MultiResourceBundle
- handleStartupNotifications(T) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.StartupNotifications
- hardness - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- hardness - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- HarvestLevelProceduresRemover - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2
- HarvestLevelProceduresRemover() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.HarvestLevelProceduresRemover
- has_result - Variable in class
- hasAI - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- hasBackgroundImage() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- hasBodyNormalModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- hasBodyToolModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- hasbonusrolls - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool
- hasBootsNormalModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- hasBootsToolModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- hasButtonEvents() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- hasClouds - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- hasConfiguredFeature() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- hasCustomBucketTexture() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- hasCustomDrop() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- hasCustomJSONModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- hasCustomJSONModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- hasCustomOBJModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- hasCustomOBJModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- hasCustomParticle() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- hasCustomProjectile() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- hasCustomRenderer() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- hasDispenseBehavior - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.ItemExtension
- hasDrop() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- hasEatResultItem() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- hasEffectsOrDimensionTriggers() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- hasElementsOfBaseType(String) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- hasElementsOfType(String) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- hasEnergyStorage - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- hasFixedTime - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- hasFog - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- hasFog - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- hasFruits() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- hasFullHelp(IHelpContext) - Static method in class
- hasGenerationConditions() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- hasGravity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyCompileNote
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.blockly.ExtraTemplatesLinker
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.OutputBlockCodeGenerator
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.ProceduralBlockCodeGenerator
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorGradleCache.ClasspathEntry
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplate
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplatesList
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.UniquelyMappedElement
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleTaskResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackInfo
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPI
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIImplementation
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoadFailure
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginUpdateInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXCaller
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXDirectoryChooser
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXFileChooser
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyDataWithValue
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.RecentWorkspaceEntry
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGComponentRegistration
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.diff.DiffResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.image.EmptyIcon
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.locale.LocaleRegistration
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.Tuple
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Texture
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel.TextureMapping
- hashCode() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.ShareableZIPManager.ImportResult
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- hashCodeImpl() - Method in class
- hasHelmetNormalModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- hasHelmetToolModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- hasIgniter() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- hasInputItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CraftingRecipeMaker
- hasInventory - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- hasInventory() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- hasItemsInTabs() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- hasJavaModels() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- hasLeggingsNormalModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- hasLeggingsToolModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- hasNonDefaultAnimation() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- hasNormalModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- hasNormalModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- hasNoSubtypes() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem
- hasPlacedFeature() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- hasProjectBrowser() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- hasRaids - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- hasRangedItemModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- hasRangedItemModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- hasRewards() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- hasSkyLight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- hasSlotEvents() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- hasSounds() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- hasSpawnEgg - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- hasSurface() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- hasTemplate(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateGenerator
- hasTexture() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- hasTexture() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureSelectionButton
- hasTextures() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Overlay
- hasTileEntity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- hasToolModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- hasToolModel() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- hasTransparency - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- hasTrees() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- hasTrigger() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.BlocklyToJSONTrigger
- hasVariables() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- hasVariablesOfScope(String) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- hasVillagerTrades(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade
- hasVines() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- hat - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerProfession
- health - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- height - Variable in class
- height - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- height - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Painting
- height - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- height() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.image.EmptyIcon
Returns the value of the
record component. - HELMET - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache.ArmorTexturePart
- helmetGlowCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- helmetImmuneToFire - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- helmetItemCustomModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- helmetItemRenderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- helmetModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- helmetModelPart - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- helmetModelTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- helmetName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- helmetPiglinNeutral - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- helmetSpecialInformation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- help - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- helpButton(IHelpContext) - Static method in class
- HelpContextWithEntry - Record Class in
- HelpContextWithEntry(String, URI, JComponent, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - HelpLoader - Class in
- HelpLoader() - Constructor for class
- helpTipsPercentage() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.locale.LocaleRegistration
Returns the value of the
record component. - HelpUtils - Class in
- HelpUtils() - Constructor for class
- hidden - Variable in class
- HiddenEntry<T> - Class in net.mcreator.preferences.entries
- HiddenEntry(String, T) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.HiddenEntry
- HiddenSection - Class in
- hideButtons() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- hideButtons() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JStringListField
- hideDialog() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ProgressDialog
- hideFrames() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugFramesView
- hideIfNotCompleted - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- hideNotice() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- hideWorkspaceBrowser - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- hitSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- hitSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- horizontalHandlesVisible() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- horizontalNoiseSize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- hoveredImage - Variable in class
- HSVNoiseDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor
- HSVNoiseDialog(MCreator, Canvas, Layer, VersionManager) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor.HSVNoiseDialog
- HSVNoiseTool - Class in
- HSVNoiseTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager, MCreator) - Constructor for class
- HSVNoiseToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- HSVNoiseToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.HSVNoiseToolAction
- html2text(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.HtmlUtils
- HtmlUtils - Class in net.mcreator.util
- HtmlUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.HtmlUtils
- HugeFungusFeatureConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3
- HugeFungusFeatureConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.HugeFungusFeatureConverter
- hurtSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- IAdditionalTemplateDataProvider - Interface in net.mcreator.generator.template
- IBlock - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- IBlockGenerator - Interface in net.mcreator.blockly
- IBlockGenerator.BlockType - Enum Class in net.mcreator.blockly
- IBlocklyPanelHolder - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- IBlocklyPanelHolder.BlocklyChangedListener - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- IBlockWithBoundingBox - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry - Class in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- ICommonType - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- icon - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- icon - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tab
- icon - Variable in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem
- icon - Variable in class
- icon() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGComponentRegistration
Returns the value of the
record component. - IconUtils - Class in net.mcreator.util.image
- IconUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.image.IconUtils
- IConverter - Interface in net.mcreator.element.converter
- id - Variable in class
- id - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- id() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPI
Returns the value of the
record component. - ide - Variable in class
- identifier - Variable in class
- IDESection - Class in
- IElement - Interface in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- IEntityWithModel - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- IfBlock - Class in
- IfBlock() - Constructor for class
- IGenerator - Interface in net.mcreator.generator
- IGeneratorProvider - Interface in net.mcreator.generator
- igniteFire - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- igniterName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- igniterRarity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- ignoredBlocks - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- ignoredBlocks - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure.JigsawPool.JigsawPart
- IGUI - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- IHelpContext - Interface in
- IInput - Interface in
- IInput.GSONAdapter - Class in
- IItem - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- IItemWithModel - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- IItemWithTexture - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- image - Variable in class
- image - Variable in class
- image - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Addition
- Image - Class in
- Image(int, int, String, boolean, Procedure) - Constructor for class
- Image(int, int, String, boolean, Procedure, GUIComponent.AnchorPoint) - Constructor for class
- ImageButton - Class in
- ImageButton(String, int, int, String, String, Procedure, Procedure) - Constructor for class
- ImageButtonDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- ImageButtonDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, ImageButton) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.ImageButtonDialog
- ImageDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- ImageDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, Image) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.ImageDialog
- imageEditorClearSelection - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImageEditorClearSelectionAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action
- ImageEditorClearSelectionAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action.ImageEditorClearSelectionAction
- imageEditorColorize - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorColorPicker - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorCopy - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImageEditorCopyAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action
- ImageEditorCopyAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action.ImageEditorCopyAction
- imageEditorCopyAll - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImageEditorCopyAllAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action
- ImageEditorCopyAllAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action.ImageEditorCopyAllAction
- imageEditorCut - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImageEditorCutAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action
- ImageEditorCutAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action.ImageEditorCutAction
- imageEditorDelete - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImageEditorDeleteAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action
- ImageEditorDeleteAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action.ImageEditorDeleteAction
- imageEditorDesaturate - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorEraser - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorFloodFill - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorHSVNoise - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorLine - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorMoveLayer - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorPaste - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImageEditorPasteAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action
- ImageEditorPasteAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action.ImageEditorPasteAction
- imageEditorPencil - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorRedo - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImageEditorRedoAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action
- ImageEditorRedoAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action.ImageEditorRedoAction
- imageEditorResizeCanvas - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorResizeLayer - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorSave - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImageEditorSaveAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action
- ImageEditorSaveAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action.ImageEditorSaveAction
- imageEditorSaveAs - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImageEditorSaveAsAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action
- ImageEditorSaveAsAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action.ImageEditorSaveAsAction
- imageEditorSelectLayer - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorShape - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorStamp - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- imageEditorUndo - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImageEditorUndoAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action
- ImageEditorUndoAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action.ImageEditorUndoAction
- ImageIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.image.EmptyIcon.ImageIcon
- ImageMakerTexturesCache - Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- ImageMakerTexturesCache() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.init.ImageMakerTexturesCache
- ImageMakerView - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image
- ImageMakerView(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- imagePanel - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.AbstractRecipeMaker
- ImagePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- ImagePanel(Image) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.ImagePanel
- ImagePreviewPanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- ImagePreviewPanel() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.ImagePreviewPanel
- ImagePreviewPanel(ImageIcon) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.ImagePreviewPanel
- ImageTransformUtil - Class in net.mcreator.util.image
- ImageTransformUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageTransformUtil
- ImageUtils - Class in net.mcreator.util.image
- ImageUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- IMCItemProvider - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- imitateOverworldBehaviour - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- ImmediateSourceEntityDependencyBlock - Class in
- ImmediateSourceEntityDependencyBlock() - Constructor for class
- immuneToAnvil - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToArrows - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToCactus - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToDragonBreath - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToDrowning - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToExplosion - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToFallDamage - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToFire - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- immuneToFire - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToFire - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- immuneToLightning - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToPlayer - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToPotions - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToTrident - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- immuneToWither - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- implementations() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPI
Returns the value of the
record component. - importArmor(MCreator) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TextureImportDialogs
- importArmorTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importBlocklyXML(File) - Static method in class
- importBlocklyXML(String) - Static method in class
- importBlockTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importData(TransferHandler.TransferSupport) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ReordarableListTransferHandler
- importEffectTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importEntityTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importExternalFile(File) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recourcepack.ResourcePackEditor
- ImportFormat - Class in
- ImportFormat() - Constructor for class
- importItemTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importJavaModel - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importJavaModel(MCreator, File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.ModelImportActions
- importJavaModelAnimation - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importJavaModelAnimation(MCreator, File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.AnimationImportActions
- importJSONModel - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importJSONModel(MCreator, File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.ModelImportActions
- importMultipleTextures(MCreator, TextureType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TextureImportDialogs
This method will open a file dialog to let the user select textures to import.
- importOBJModel - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importOBJModel(MCreator, File, File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.ModelImportActions
- importOtherTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importParticleTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImportResult(File, boolean) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.workspace.ShareableZIPManager.ImportResult
Creates an instance of a
record class. - importScreenTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importSingleTexture(MCreator, File, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TextureImportDialogs
This method opens a dialog to select the texture type to use for the provided texture file.
- importSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importSound(MCreator) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.SoundElementDialog
- importSound(MCreator, File[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.SoundElementDialog
- importStructure - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- importStructure(MCreator, File[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.StructureImportActions
- ImportStructure(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.StructureImportActions.ImportStructure
- importStructureFromMinecraft - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImportStructureFromMinecraft(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.StructureImportActions.ImportStructureFromMinecraft
- ImportTreeBuilder - Class in
- ImportTreeBuilder() - Constructor for class
- importWorkspace - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ImportWorkspaceAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace
- ImportWorkspaceAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.ImportWorkspaceAction
- importZIP(File, File, Window) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.ShareableZIPManager
- in(int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- InClassPosition() - Constructor for class
- incompatibleEnchantments - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- incrementalPath - Variable in class
- index - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Addition
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.ResourceFilterModel
- indexOf(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- indexOfExtension(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.FilenameUtilsPatched
- infiniburnTag - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- infinite - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion.CustomEffectEntry
- INFO - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyCompileNote.Type
- init() - Static method in class
- init() - Static method in class
- init() - Static method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesManager
Init the system and load MCreator's preferences, so entries used inside the launcher can be get.
- init() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ProgressBar
- init() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache
- init() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlockItemIcons
- init() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlocklyJavaScriptsLoader
- init() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlocklyToolboxesLoader
- init() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.EntityAnimationsLoader
- init() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.ImageMakerTexturesCache
- init() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ColorScheme
- init() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- init(Map<String, String>, CancellationToken) - Method in class
- initAPI() - Method in interface
Initializes API, called on MCreator launch, while loading data
- initAPI() - Method in class
- initAPIs() - Static method in class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIManager
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AchievementGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ArmorGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AttributeGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BiomeGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BlockGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CommandGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomElementGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomGUIGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DamageTypeGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DimensionGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.EnchantmentGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FeatureGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FluidGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FunctionGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.GameRuleGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemExtensionGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.KeyBindGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LivingEntityGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LootTableGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.OverlayGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PaintingGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ParticleGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PlantGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionEffectGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProcedureGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProjectileGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.RecipeGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.StructureGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.TabGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ToolGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerProfessionGUI
- initGUI() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerTradeGUI
- initInstance() - Static method in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoader
Set the value to the INSTANCE variable, so we can access values everywhere in the code.
- initNonCore() - Static method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesManager
Once plugins are loaded, we can now load preferences registered by them with
. - initTools() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.ToolPanel
- initTranslations() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- InlineTemplatesHandler - Class in net.mcreator.generator.template
This class provides inline FTL templates and also caches them
- InlineTemplatesHandler() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.template.InlineTemplatesHandler
- INotificationConsumer - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.notifications
- inputLimit - Variable in class
- InputSlot - Class in
- InputSlot(int, int, int, Color, LogicProcedure, LogicProcedure, boolean, Procedure, Procedure, Procedure, MItemBlock) - Constructor for class
- InputSlotDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- InputSlotDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, InputSlot) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.InputSlotDialog
- insertLink(String, String, String, SimpleAttributeSet) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ConsolePane
- insertString(String, SimpleAttributeSet) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ConsolePane
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- installUI(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ScrollWheelPassLayer
- instance() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.WebConsoleListener
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoader
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlocklyJavaScriptsLoader
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.init.BlocklyToolboxesLoader
- INSTANCE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader
- IntegerEntry - Class in net.mcreator.preferences.entries
- IntegerEntry(String, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.IntegerEntry
- IntegerEntry(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.IntegerEntry
- IntegerType(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.IntegerType
- IntegerType(String, int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.IntegerType
- interfaceAccentColor - Variable in class
- intersect(Collection<T>, Collection<T>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.ListUtils
- invalidateCache() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElementManager
Invalidates the generatable element cache
- invalidateCache(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.ExternalTexture
- InvalidTileSizeException - Exception Class in net.mcreator.util.image
- InvalidTileSizeException(int, int) - Constructor for exception class net.mcreator.util.image.InvalidTileSizeException
- inventoryAutomationPlaceCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- inventoryAutomationTakeCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- inventoryComparatorPower - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- inventoryDropWhenDestroyed - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- inventoryInSlotIDs - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- inventoryOffsetX - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- inventoryOffsetY - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- inventoryOutSlotIDs - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- inventorySize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- inventorySize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- inventorySize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- inventoryStackSize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- inventoryStackSize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- inventoryStackSize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- invert() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- invOffX - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- invOffY - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- IPOIProvider - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- IReloadableFilterable - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.workspace
- isActive() - Method in class
- isActive() - Method in class
- isAir() - Method in class
- isAlwaysEdible - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- isBlock(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- isBlockTinted() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isBlockTinted() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- isBonemealable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isBonemealable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- isBonemealTargetCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isBonemealTargetCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- isBoss - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- isBoundingBoxEmpty() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox
- isBuildNumberDevelopment(long) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- isBuiltin() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
MCreator detects if a plugin is included or not.
- isBuiltInModel() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IEntityWithModel
- isCellEditable(EventObject) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.SpinnerCellEditor
- isChanged() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.SelectionChange
- isCheckedProcedure - Variable in class
- isCodeLocked() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- isCompatible() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
The plugin is compatible when the version of MCreator used is included in the supported versions list.
- isCuredbyHoney - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- isCurse - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- isCustomModel() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IEntityWithModel
- isCustomSoundType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isCustomSoundType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables.CanvasTransferable
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables.LayerTransferable
- isDevelopment() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- isDoubleBlock() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isDoubleBlock() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlock
- isDoubleBlock() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- isDrawCustomPreview() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- isDrawPreview() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- isEditingCell(JTable, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TableUtil
- isEditingMode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- isEditStarted() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- isEmpty() - Method in class
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- isEmpty() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.DebugClientAction
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.GradleAction
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.GradleTaskAction
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.RunClientAction
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.RunServerAction
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.MinecraftFolderActions.OpenBedrockEditionFolder
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.EditTabOrderAction
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.AnimationImportActions.JAVA
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.ModelImportActions.JAVA
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.ModelImportActions.JSON
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.ModelImportActions.OBJ
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.SoundImportAction
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.StructureImportActions.ImportStructure
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.StructureImportActions.ImportStructureFromMinecraft
- isEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.TextureAction
- isEnabled() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.validation.IValidable
- isEntryManaged(String) - Static method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
- isErrorCausedByCorruptedCaches(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorDecoder
- isErrorDueToJMXPortIssues(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorDecoder
- isEULAAccepted(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ServerUtil
- isExcluded(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorImport
- isExclusionMode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- isFileInWorkspace(File) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
Checks if the provided file is contained in the workspace folder.
- isFileInWorkspace(File, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
Checks if the provided file is contained in the workspace folder.
- isFileOnFileList(List<File>, File) - Static method in class
- isFileSomewhereInDirectory(File, File) - Static method in class
- isFileSupported(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- isFileSupported(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- isFloating() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerPanel
- isFluidTank - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isFluidTinted() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- isFolder() - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
- isFood - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- isFullCube() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isFullCube() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry
- isFullCube() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox
- isFullCube() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxEntry
- isFullCube() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxList
- isGradleSetupTaskRunning() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- isHatEnabled() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerProfession
- isHidden() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplate
- isIgnoredByCoverage() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- isInClasspath() - Method in class
- isInitialXMLValid() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AchievementGUI
- isInitialXMLValid() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FeatureGUI
- isInitialXMLValid() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.IBlocklyPanelHolder
- isInside(Shape, int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- isInstant - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- isInternet - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- isItemTinted - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isItemTinted - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- isJavaPlugin() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
- isLadder - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isLCLetterOrDigit(char) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.RegistryNameValidator
- isLeaf() - Method in class
- isLetterOrDigit(char) - Static method in class
- isLoaded() - Method in class
- isLoaded() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
A plugin is loaded when all plugin dependencies are present and plugin loaded without errors.
- isLowercaseLetter(char) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- isManaged() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- isMeat - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- isMusicDisc - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- isNewPatchAvailable() - Method in class
- isNewUpdateAvailable() - Method in class
- isNotColidable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isNotEmpty() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry
- isNotEmpty() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxEntry
- isNotOverlayType - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- isNullable() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- IsolatedGradleClassLoader - Class in net.mcreator.gradle
- IsolatedGradleClassLoader() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.gradle.IsolatedGradleClassLoader
- isPasted() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- ISpecialInfoHolder - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- isPlacementEmpty() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.feature.BlocklyToFeature
- isPlayerVariable(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
- isPlayerVariableForWorkspace(Workspace, String) - Static method in record class
- isPOI() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem
- isProcessRunning(String) - Static method in class
- isRegenerateRequired() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- isReplaceable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isReplaceable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- isRoot() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- isRunningInGitHubActions() - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.TestUtil
- isSameFile(File, File) - Static method in class
- isSavedOnly() - Method in class
- isServerSideOnly() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- isShakingCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- isShowPassed() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VTextField
- isSizeKnown() - Method in class
- isSizeKnown() - Method in class
- isSnapshot() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- isSolid - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- isStringReservedJavaWord(String) - Static method in class
- isSupported(Workspace) - Method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
- isSupportedInWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
Determines whether the section will be registered but not shown in the workspace when registered.
- isSupportedInWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelResources
- isSupportedInWorkspace() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanelTags
- isSupportedInWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry.Custom
- isSupportedInWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry.Dummy
- isSupportedInWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- isSupportedInWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry.Null
- isSupportedInWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem.Custom
- isSupportedInWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem.Potion
- isSupportedInWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem.Tag
- isSupportedInWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- isSynchronous() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.MCREvent
Returns if the event is synchronous.
- isTestingEnvironment() - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.TestUtil
- isTreasureEnchantment - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- isUndecorated - Variable in class
- isUnknown() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement
- isUnknown() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement.Unknown
- isUpdateScrollbarX() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- isUpdateScrollbarY() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- isUppercaseLetter(char) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- isValidJavaIdentifier(String) - Static method in class
- isValidReference() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- isValidReference() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NonMappableElement
- isVisible() - Method in class
- isVisible() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesSection
- isVisible() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- isWaterloggable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- isWaterloggable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- isWaterloggable() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- isWorkspaceFolderInvalid(Window, File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileDialogs
- ITabContainedElement - Interface in net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- ITechnicalComponent - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.component
- item - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.ItemExtension
- item - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool.Entry
- Item - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Item(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- ITEM - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.element.BaseType
- ITEM - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
- ITEM - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- Item.StateEntry - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- itemBlock(String) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
- ItemBlockList(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.ShowDataListAction.ItemBlockList
- itemDeathMessage - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.DamageType
- ItemDispenseBehaviorToItemExtensionConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- ItemDispenseBehaviorToItemExtensionConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.ItemDispenseBehaviorToItemExtensionConverter
- itemDoubleClicked(ColorPalette) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes.PaletteListPanel
- itemDoubleClicked(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- ItemExtension - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- ItemExtension(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.ItemExtension
- ITEMEXTENSION - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- ItemExtensionGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- ItemExtensionGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemExtensionGUI
- ItemGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- ItemGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemGUI
- ItemHasGlowConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- ItemHasGlowConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.ItemHasGlowConverter
- ItemListFieldSingleTagValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- ItemListFieldSingleTagValidator(JItemListField<?>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ItemListFieldSingleTagValidator
- ItemListFieldValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- ItemListFieldValidator(JItemListField<?>, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ItemListFieldValidator
- ItemListFieldValidator(JItemListField<?>, String, Validator.ValidationResultType) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ItemListFieldValidator
- ITEMS - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- ItemsCreativeTabsConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2
- ItemsCreativeTabsConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.ItemsCreativeTabsConverter
- itemSelected(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorPalettePanel
- itemSelected(ColorPalette) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes.PaletteListPanel
- itemSelected(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- ITEMSTACK - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader.BuiltInTypes
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- itemTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- itemTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- ItemTexturesComboBoxRenderer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer
- ItemTexturesComboBoxRenderer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.ItemTexturesComboBoxRenderer
- iterateZip(File, Consumer<ZipEntry>, boolean) - Static method in class
- iterator() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- IUpdateAPI - Interface in
- IValidable - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.validation
- IVisualChange - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- IWebAPI - Interface in
- IWorkspaceDependent - Interface in
Mod element parameters represented by instances of classes implementing this interface gather some used data from the configured workspace.
- IWorkspaceProvider - Interface in net.mcreator.workspace
- IZoomable - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane
- JAdaptiveSplitPane - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JAdaptiveSplitPane(int, Component, Component, double) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JAdaptiveSplitPane
- JAttributeModifierEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers
- JAttributeModifierEntry(MCreator, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JAttributeModifierEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers.JAttributeModifierEntry
- JAttributeModifierList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers
- JAttributeModifierList(MCreator, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers.JAttributeModifierList
- JAVA - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile.Writer
- JAVA - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor.BaseLanguage
- JAVA - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model.Type
- JAVA(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.AnimationImportActions.JAVA
- JAVA(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.ModelImportActions.JAVA
- java_home - Variable in class
- JAVA_JVM_CRASH_ERROR - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- JAVA_JVM_HEAP_SPACE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- JAVA_RESERVED_WORDS - Static variable in class
- JAVA_RUN_CRASHED - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- JAVA_XMS_INVALID_VALUE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- JAVA_XMX_INVALID_VALUE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- JavaCodeOutputBlock - Class in
- JavaCodeOutputBlock() - Constructor for class
- JavaCodeProceduralBlock - Class in
- JavaCodeProceduralBlock() - Constructor for class
- JavaConventions - Class in
- JavaConventions() - Constructor for class
- JAVAEDITION - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor.GamePlatform
- JavaKeywordCompletition - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.autocomplete
- JavaKeywordCompletition(CompletionProvider, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.autocomplete.JavaKeywordCompletition
- JavaKeywordsMap - Class in
- JavaKeywordsMap() - Constructor for class
- JavaMemberNameValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- JavaMemberNameValidator(VTextField, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.JavaMemberNameValidator
- JavaMemberNameValidator(VTextField, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.JavaMemberNameValidator
- JavaModelAnimationEditorDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- JavaModelAnimationEditorDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.JavaModelAnimationEditorDialog
- JavaModels - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- JavaModels() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.JavaModels
- JavaPlugin - Class in net.mcreator.plugin
Extend this object to define custom plugin.
- JavaPlugin(Plugin) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.plugin.JavaPlugin
- JBlockPropertiesListEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block
- JBlockPropertiesListEntry(JBlockPropertiesStatesList, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JBlockPropertiesListEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.JBlockPropertiesListEntry
- JBlockPropertiesStatesList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block
- JBlockPropertiesStatesList(MCreator, IHelpContext, Supplier<Collection<String>>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.JBlockPropertiesStatesList
- JBoundingBoxEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes
- JBoundingBoxEntry(JPanel, List<JBoundingBoxEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxEntry
- JBoundingBoxList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes
- JBoundingBoxList(MCreator, IHelpContext, Supplier<Model>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxList
- JColor - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JColor(Window, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JColor
- JEmptyBox - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JEmptyBox() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JEmptyBox
- JEmptyBox(int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JEmptyBox
- JEntityAnimationList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.entityanimations
- JEntityAnimationList(MCreator, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.entityanimations.JEntityAnimationList
- JEntityAnimationListEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.entityanimations
- JEntityAnimationListEntry(MCreator, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JEntityAnimationListEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.entityanimations.JEntityAnimationListEntry
- JEntityDataEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.entity
- JEntityDataEntry(MCreator, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JEntityDataEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.entity.JEntityDataEntry
- JEntityDataList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.entity
- JEntityDataList(MCreator, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.entity.JEntityDataList
- JEntriesList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.entries
- JEntriesList(MCreator, LayoutManager, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JEntriesList
- JFileBreadCrumb - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JFileBreadCrumb(MCreator, File, File) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JFileBreadCrumb
- JFileTree - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.tree
- JFileTree(FilteredTreeModel) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.JFileTree
- JigsawPart() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure.JigsawPool.JigsawPart
- JigsawPool() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure.JigsawPool
- jigsawPools - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- JItemListField<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JItemListField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- JItemListField(MCreator, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- JItemPropertiesListEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item
- JItemPropertiesListEntry(JItemPropertiesStatesList, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JItemPropertiesListEntry>, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesListEntry
- JItemPropertiesStatesList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item
- JItemPropertiesStatesList(MCreator, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesStatesList
- JItemStatesListEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item
- JItemStatesListEntry(MCreator, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JItemStatesListEntry>, JStateLabel) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemStatesListEntry
- JJigsawPart - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw
- JJigsawPart(MCreator, JPanel, List<JJigsawPart>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPart
- JJigsawPool - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw
- JJigsawPool(JJigsawPoolsList, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JJigsawPool>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPool
- JJigsawPoolsList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw
- JJigsawPoolsList(MCreator, IHelpContext, ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPoolsList
- JLootTableEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable
- JLootTableEntry(MCreator, JPanel, List<JLootTableEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTableEntry
- JLootTablePool - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable
- JLootTablePool(MCreator, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JLootTablePool>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTablePool
- JLootTablePoolsList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable
- JLootTablePoolsList(MCreator, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTablePoolsList
- JMinMaxSpinner - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JMinMaxSpinner(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- JMinMaxSpinner(double, double, double, double, double, String, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- JMinMaxSpinner(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- JMinMaxSpinner(int, int, int, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- JModElementProgressPanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JModElementProgressPanel(Component...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JModElementProgressPanel
- JModelLayerList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers
- JModelLayerList(MCreator, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers.JModelLayerList
- JModelLayerListEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers
- JModelLayerListEntry(MCreator, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JModelLayerListEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers.JModelLayerListEntry
- JModLibraryInfo - Class in
- JModLibraryInfo(File) - Constructor for class
- JMXMonitorClient - Class in
- JMXMonitorClient(Map<String, String>, JMXMonitorEventListener, int) - Constructor for class
- JMXMonitorEventListener - Interface in
- join(int, int, int, Component...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- join(int, Component...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- join(Component...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- JPotionList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.potions
- JPotionList(MCreator, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.potions.JPotionList
- JPotionListEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.potions
- JPotionListEntry(MCreator, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JPotionListEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.potions.JPotionListEntry
- JScrollablePopupMenu - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JScrollablePopupMenu() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu
- JScrollablePopupMenu.ScrollPopupMenuLayout - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JSelectableList<E> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JSelectableList(ListModel<E>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSelectableList
- JSelectableList(ListModel<E>, MouseListener) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSelectableList
- JSelectableList.CustomDNDListener<E> - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JSimpleEntriesList<T,
U> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.entries - JSimpleEntriesList(MCreator, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleEntriesList
- JSimpleListEntry<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.entries
- JSimpleListEntry(JPanel, List<? extends JSimpleListEntry<T>>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- JSingleEntriesList<T,
U> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.entries - JSingleEntriesList(MCreator, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSingleEntriesList
- JSingleEntrySelector<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- JSingleEntrySelector(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- JSlidingSpinner - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component
- JSlidingSpinner(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.JSlidingSpinner
- JSlidingSpinner(String, int, int, int, double) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.JSlidingSpinner
- JSON - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile.Writer
- JSON - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor.BaseLanguage
- JSON - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model.Type
- JSON(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.ModelImportActions.JSON
- JSON_TRIGGER - Static variable in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
- JsonArrayNode(JsonElement, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.json.JsonTree.JsonArrayNode
- JsonNode(JsonElement, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.json.JsonTree.JsonNode
- JsonObjectNode(JsonElement, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.json.JsonTree.JsonObjectNode
- JsonTree - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.json
- JsonTree() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.json.JsonTree
- JsonTree(boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.json.JsonTree
- JsonTree.JsonArrayNode - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.json
- JsonTree.JsonNode - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.json
- JsonTree.JsonObjectNode - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.json
- JSONWriter - Class in
- JSONWriter() - Constructor for class
- JSpawnEntriesList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.spawntypes
- JSpawnEntriesList(MCreator, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.spawntypes.JSpawnEntriesList
- JSpawnListEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.spawntypes
- JSpawnListEntry(MCreator, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JSpawnListEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.spawntypes.JSpawnListEntry
- JStateLabel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states
- JStateLabel(MCreator, Supplier<List<PropertyData<?>>>, Supplier<Stream<JStateLabel>>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel
- JStateLabel.NumberMatchType - Enum Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states
- JStringListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
This class represents a component that stores list of strings and allows to edit them using
. - JStringListField(Window, Function<VTextField, Validator>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JStringListField
Sole constructor.
- JTitledComponentWrapper - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component
- JTitledComponentWrapper(String, JComponent) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.JTitledComponentWrapper
- jumpFactor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- jumpFactor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- jumpToLine(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- justifyText(String, int, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- JVillagerTradeEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers
- JVillagerTradeEntry(MCreator, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JVillagerTradeEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeEntry
- JVillagerTradeProfession - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers
- JVillagerTradeProfession(MCreator, IHelpContext, JPanel, List<JVillagerTradeProfession>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeProfession
- JVillagerTradeProfessionsList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers
- JVillagerTradeProfessionsList(MCreator, IHelpContext) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeProfessionsList
- JVMDebugClient - Class in
- JVMDebugClient() - Constructor for class
- JVMEventListener - Interface in
- JZoomPane - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane
- JZoomPane(JComponent) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomPane
- JZoomport - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane
- JZoomport(JComponent, JZoomPane) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- KEYBIND - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- KeyBindGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- KeyBindGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.KeyBindGUI
- KeyBinding - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- KeyBinding(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.KeyBinding
- keyBindingCategoryKey - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.KeyBinding
- keyBindingName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.KeyBinding
- keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SearchableComboBox
- keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SearchableComboBox
- keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- KeyStrokes - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- KeyStrokes() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.KeyStrokes
- keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SearchableComboBox
- keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- killProcess(String) - Static method in class
- knockback - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- knockbackResistance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- knockbackResistance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- knowledgeBase - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- L10N - Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- L10N() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- label(String, Object...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- Label - Class in
- Label(String, int, int, StringProcedure, Color, Procedure) - Constructor for class
- Label(String, int, int, StringProcedure, Color, Procedure, GUIComponent.AnchorPoint) - Constructor for class
- LabelDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- LabelDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, Label) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.LabelDialog
- LafUtil - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf
- LafUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.LafUtil
- language - Variable in class
- LARGE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.IconSize
- LargeIconModListRender - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist
- LargeIconModListRender() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.LargeIconModListRender
- lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- lastProceduralBlockType - Variable in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- lastRevision() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.VersionManager
- lastWebsiteNewsRead - Variable in class
- Launcher - Class in net.mcreator
- Launcher() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.Launcher
- layer - Variable in class
- layer - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Change
- Layer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer
- Layer(int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- Layer(int, int, int, int, String, Color) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- Layer(int, int, int, int, String, Image) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- Layer(int, int, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- Layer(String, Image) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- LAYER1 - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache.ArmorTexturePart
- LAYER2 - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache.ArmorTexturePart
- LayerListCellRenderer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer
- LayerListCellRenderer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerListCellRenderer
- layerPanel - Variable in class
- LayerPanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer
- LayerPanel(MCreator, ToolPanel, VersionManager) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerPanel
- LayerTransferable - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables
- LayerTransferable(Layer) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables.LayerTransferable
- layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu.ScrollPopupMenuLayout
- layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.AdaptiveGridLayout
- leafs - Variable in class
- LEFT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
- LEGACY - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.Status
- LegacyBlockPosProcedureRemover - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1
- LegacyBlockPosProcedureRemover() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1.LegacyBlockPosProcedureRemover
- LegacyDimensionProcedureRemover - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1
- LegacyDimensionProcedureRemover() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.LegacyDimensionProcedureRemover
- legacyFont - Variable in class
- LegacyGameModeConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3
- LegacyGameModeConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.LegacyGameModeConverter
- LegacyProcedureBlockRemover - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_3
- LegacyProcedureBlockRemover() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_3.LegacyProcedureBlockRemover
- LegacyShootArrowProcedureRemover - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- LegacyShootArrowProcedureRemover() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.LegacyShootArrowProcedureRemover
- LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache.ArmorTexturePart
- leggingsGlowCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- leggingsImmuneToFire - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- leggingsItemCustomModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- leggingsItemRenderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- leggingsModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- leggingsModelPartL - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- leggingsModelPartR - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- leggingsModelTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- leggingsName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- leggingsPiglinNeutral - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- leggingsSpecialInformation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- LESS - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel.NumberMatchType
- LESS_OR_EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel.NumberMatchType
- level - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry
- levelDecrease - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- lightOpacity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- lightOpacity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- line - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- lineNumbers - Variable in class
- lineReceived(String) - Method in interface
- LineTool - Class in
- LineTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, LayerPanel, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- LineToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- LineToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.LineToolAction
- lingeringName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion
- LINUX - Static variable in class
- list - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TextureSelectorDialog
- list - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TypedTextureSelectorDialog
- list - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- list - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- list - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- LIST - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.IconSize
- listData() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplatesList
Returns the value of the
record component. - ListDiff - Class in net.mcreator.util.diff
- ListDiff() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.diff.ListDiff
- ListEditorDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- ListEditorDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ListEditorDialog
- ListEditPanel<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color
- ListEditPanel(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- listener - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSelectableList
- listenTo(RSyntaxTextArea) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.json.JsonTree
- listFilesRecursively(File) - Static method in class
- ListGroup<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- ListGroup() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.ListGroup
- ListIconModListRender - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist
- ListIconModListRender() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.ListIconModListRender
- listIterator() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- listIterator(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- ListRelocation - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- ListRelocation(Canvas, Layer, Direction) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.ListRelocation
- ListSelectorDialog<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
This abstract class provides a default look for searchable list selectors, similar to that of JOptionPane, but featuring a search bar.
- ListSelectorDialog(MCreator, Function<Workspace, List<T>>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ListSelectorDialog
- ListTemplate - Class in net.mcreator.generator
This is a subclass of
that is connected to aGeneratorTemplatesList
it's created by and specificlistData
item index. - ListUtil - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- ListUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ListUtil
- ListUtils - Class in net.mcreator.util
- ListUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.ListUtils
- LivingEntity - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- LivingEntity(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- LIVINGENTITY - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- LivingEntity.AnimationEntry - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- LivingEntity.ModelLayerEntry - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- LivingEntityGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- LivingEntityGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LivingEntityGUI
- livingSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- loadAllAchievements(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllAttributes(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllBiomes(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllConfiguredFeatures(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllEnchantments(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllEntities(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllFluids(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllGameEvents() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllParticles(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllPOIBlocks(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
Returns list of blocks attached to a POI for this workspace
- loadAllPotionEffects(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllPotions(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllSpawnableEntities(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
Returns all the spawnable entities, which include custom living entities and entities marked as "spawnable" in the data lists
- loadAllStructures(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllTabs(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAllVillagerProfessions(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadAnimations(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadArrowProjectiles(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadBasicGUIs(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadBlocks(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
Loads all blocks without those that are wildcard elements to subtypes (wood: oak wood, cherry wood, ...) so only oak wood, cherry wood, ...
- loadBlocksAndCategoriesInPanel(BlocklyPanel, ToolboxType) - Method in class
- loadBlocksAndItems(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
Loads all items (also blocks if they have item representation), but without those that are wildcard elements to subtypes (wood: oak wood, cherry wood, ...) so only oak wood, cherry wood, ...
- loadBlocksAndItemsAndPotions(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
Loads all items (also blocks if they have item representation), without those that are wildcard elements to subtypes (wood: oak wood, cherry wood, ...) so only oak wood, cherry wood, ...
- loadBlocksAndItemsAndTags(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
Loads all items (also blocks if they have item representation), including elements that are wildcard elements to subtypes (wood: oak wood, cherry wood, ...).
- loadBlocksAndItemsAndTagsAndPotions(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
Loads all items (also blocks if they have item representation), including those that are wildcard elements to subtypes (wood: oak wood, cherry wood, ...) This list also provides potions from both Minecraft elements and mod elements.
- loadBlocksAndTags(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
Loads all mod elements and all Minecraft blocks, including those that are wildcard elements to subtypes (wood: oak wood, cherry wood, ...)
- loadClass(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.IsolatedGradleClassLoader
- loadCustomEntities(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadDataFrom(ModElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- loadDataList(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListLoader
- loadDataListAndElements(Workspace, String, String, String...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
Loads a list of entries, with optional custom entries from the given mod element types, and with an optional filter for the entry type.
- loadDataMap(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListLoader
- loadDirections() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loaded() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugMarker
- loadEntityDataListFromCustomEntity(Workspace, String, Class<? extends PropertyData<?>>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadExternalTextures(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TypedTextureSelectorDialog
- loadFromIsolatedClassLoader() - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleSyncBuildAction
- loadHelpFor(IHelpContext, boolean) - Static method in class
- loadMapColors() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadMaterials() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadModElements() - Static method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementTypeLoader
- loadOrCreateGradleCaches() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- loadPreferences(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesManager
Load all preferences registered under the provided .
- loadStepSounds() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
- loadStoredDataFrom(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- loadTemplates(String, String) - Static method in class
- loadThemeBackgrounds() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.BackgroundLoader
- loadThemes() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ThemeManager
This method loads the
of all plugins loaded into the currentPluginLoader
instance. - loadUserBackgrounds() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.BackgroundLoader
- loadVariableTypes() - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader
- LOCAL - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType.Scope
- LocaleEntry - Class in net.mcreator.preferences.entries
- LocaleEntry(String, Locale) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.LocaleEntry
- LocaleRegistration - Record Class in net.mcreator.util.locale
- LocaleRegistration(ResourceBundle, int, int) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.util.locale.LocaleRegistration
Creates an instance of a
record class. - LocalizationUtils - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- LocalizationUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.LocalizationUtils
- localVars - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProcedureGUI
- locked - Variable in class
- LOG - Variable in class net.mcreator.blockly.feature.BlocklyToFeature
- LOG - Variable in class
- LOG - Static variable in interface
- LOG - Static variable in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesManager
- LoggingOutputStream - Class in net.mcreator.util
- LoggingOutputStream(Logger, Level) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.LoggingOutputStream
Creates the Logging instance to flush to the given logger.
- LoggingSystem - Class in
- LoggingSystem() - Constructor for class
- LOGIC - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader.BuiltInTypes
- LogicNegateBlock - Class in
- LogicNegateBlock() - Constructor for class
- LogicProcedure - Class in
- LogicProcedure(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
- LogicProcedure.GSONAdapter - Class in
- LogicProcedureSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.procedure
- LogicProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, boolean, JCheckBox, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.LogicProcedureSelector
- LogicProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, JCheckBox, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.LogicProcedureSelector
- LogicProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, JCheckBox, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.LogicProcedureSelector
- LogicProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, JCheckBox, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.LogicProcedureSelector
- LogicType(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.LogicType
- LoopBlock - Class in
- LoopBlock() - Constructor for class
- LootTable - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- LootTable(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable
- LOOTTABLE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- LootTable.Pool - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- LootTable.Pool.Entry - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- LootTableGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- LootTableGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LootTableGUI
- lostOwnership(Clipboard, Transferable) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.ClipboardManager
- lowercaseFirstLetter(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- LTS - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.Status
- luminance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- luminance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- luminance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- luminosity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- m00 - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- m01 - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- m02 - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- m10 - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- m11 - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- m12 - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- m20 - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- m21 - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- m22 - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- MAC - Static variable in class
- machineName() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGComponentRegistration
Returns the value of the
record component. - machineToReadableName(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- main(String[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.Launcher
- MAIN_TINT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ColorScheme
- mainFillerBlock - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- MainMenuBar - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- MainMenuBar(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.MainMenuBar
- MainToolBar - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- MainToolBar(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.MainToolBar
- major - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- majorlong - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- majorStringToLong(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- makeEntryManaged(String) - Static method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
- makeInline() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.ProcedureSelector
- makeReturnValueOptional() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- makeReturnValueOptional() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.ProcedureSelector
- map(String, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- map(String, String, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- MapDiff - Class in net.mcreator.util.diff
- MapDiff() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.diff.MapDiff
- MappableElement - Class in net.mcreator.generator.mapping
- MappableElement(NameMapper) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- MappableElement(NameMapper, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- mapper - Variable in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- MappingLoader - Class in net.mcreator.generator.mapping
- MappingLoader(GeneratorConfiguration) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappingLoader
- mapToString(double, double, double, String...) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateHelper
- markChanged() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.preferences.PreferencesDialog
- markDirty() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- markFailingGradleDependencies() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- markReady() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- markRunning() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- markStateError() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ProgressDialog.ProgressUnit
- markStateOk() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ProgressDialog.ProgressUnit
- markStateWarning() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ProgressDialog.ProgressUnit
- markUnsupported(Component) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.UnsupportedComponent
Helper util method that marks provided component as not supported.
- maskTransparency(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- master() - Method in record class net.mcreator.blockly.ExtraTemplatesLinker
Returns the value of the
record component. - material - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- Material - Class in
- Material(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- Material(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- MaterialPackMakerTool - Class in
- MaterialPackMakerTool() - Constructor for class
- MaterialProcedureConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3
- MaterialProcedureConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.MaterialProcedureConverter
- MATH_CONSTANTS - Static variable in class
- MATH_OPERATORS - Static variable in class
- Matrix3D - Class in net.mcreator.util.math
- Matrix3D(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- Matrix3D(Matrix3D) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- max - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome.ClimatePoint
- max - Variable in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.IntegerEntry
- MAX_PROPERTY_COMBINATIONS - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.BlockStatePropertyUtils
- MAX_RAM - Static variable in class
- maxAge - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- maxAgeDiff - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- maxbonusrolls - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool
- maxCount - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool.Entry
- maxDamage - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- maxDistanceFromCenter - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- maxEnchantmentLevel - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool.Entry
- maxGenerateHeight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- maxGroup - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome.SpawnEntry
- maxLevel - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- maxMonsterSpawnLightLimit - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- maxNumberOfMobsPerGroup - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- maxrolls - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool
- maxScale - Variable in class
- maxTrades - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry
- maxValue - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Attribute
- MCItem - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- MCItem(DataListEntry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem
- MCItem.Custom - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- MCItem.ListProvider - Interface in net.mcreator.minecraft
- MCItem.Potion - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- MCItem.Tag - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- MCItemBlock - Class in net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks
- MCItemBlock - Class in
- MCItemBlock() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks.MCItemBlock
- MCItemBlock() - Constructor for class
- MCItemHolder - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- MCItemHolder(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- MCItemHolder(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- MCItemHolder(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- MCItemHolderValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- MCItemHolderValidator(MCItemHolder) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.MCItemHolderValidator
- MCItemHolderValidator(MCItemHolder, JToggleButton) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.MCItemHolderValidator
- MCItemListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- MCItemListField(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemListField
- MCItemListField(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemListField
- MCItemSelectorDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- MCItemSelectorDialog(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCItemSelectorDialog
- MCItemSelectorDialog(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCItemSelectorDialog
- mcreator - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JEntriesList
- mcreator - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- mcreator - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- mcreator - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- mcreator - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- mcreator - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.views.ViewBase
- mcreator - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- mcreator - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- MCreator - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- MCreator(MCreatorApplication, Workspace, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- MCREATOR - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model.Type
- MCREATOR_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NameMapper
- MCreatorApplication - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- mcreatorCommunity - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- mcreatorDepsChanged - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettingsChange
- MCreatorDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- MCreatorDialog(Window) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCreatorDialog
- MCreatorDialog(Window, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCreatorDialog
- MCreatorDialog(Window, String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCreatorDialog
- MCreatorFrame - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- MCreatorFrame(MCreatorApplication, Workspace) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- MCreatorLoadedEvent - Class in
- MCreatorLoadedEvent(MCreator) - Constructor for class
- MCreatorNetWebAPI - Class in
- MCreatorNetWebAPI() - Constructor for class
- mcreatorPublish - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- MCreatorTabs - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- MCreatorTabs.Tab - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- MCreatorTabs.TabClosedListener - Interface in net.mcreator.ui
- MCreatorTabs.TabClosingListener - Interface in net.mcreator.ui
- MCreatorTabs.TabHiddenListener - Interface in net.mcreator.ui
- MCreatorTabs.TabShownListener - Interface in net.mcreator.ui
- MCreatorVersionNumber - Class in net.mcreator.util
- MCreatorVersionNumber(Properties) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- mcreatorWebsite - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- MCREvent - Class in net.mcreator.plugin
- MCREvent() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.plugin.MCREvent
- MCREventListener<T> - Interface in net.mcreator.plugin
- MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.IconSize
- MediumIconModListRender - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist
- MediumIconModListRender() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.MediumIconModListRender
- megaTrees - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- menu(String, Object...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- merge(Collection<T>...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.ListUtils
- mergeDown(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- mergeDown(int, UUID) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- mergeNoDuplicates(Collection<T>...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.ListUtils
- mergeOnTop(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- mergeOverlay() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- mergeOverlay(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- mergeSelectedDown() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- mergeTwoImages(Image, Image, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
Merges two images to make a single image
- message() - Method in record class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyCompileNote
Returns the value of the
record component. - message() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoadFailure
Returns the value of the
record component. - messageAdded(WebView, String, int, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.WebConsoleListener
- millisToLongDHMS(long) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.math.TimeUtils
- min - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome.ClimatePoint
- min - Variable in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.IntegerEntry
- minbonusrolls - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool
- minCount - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool.Entry
- MinecraftCodeProvider - Class in net.mcreator.generator.template
- MinecraftCodeProvider(Workspace) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.template.MinecraftCodeProvider
- MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction
- MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
- MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker(InputStream) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Creates a new scanner.
- MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker(Reader) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Creates a new scanner There is also a version of this constructor.
- MinecraftCompletionCellRenderer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer
- MinecraftCompletionCellRenderer(JTextComponent) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.MinecraftCompletionCellRenderer
- MinecraftFolderActions - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- MinecraftFolderActions() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.MinecraftFolderActions
- MinecraftFolderActions.OpenBedrockEditionFolder - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- MinecraftFolderActions.OpenJavaEditionFolder - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- MinecraftFolderUtils - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- MinecraftFolderUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftFolderUtils
- MinecraftImageGenerator - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- MinecraftImageGenerator() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator
- MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- MinecraftOptionsUtils - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- MinecraftOptionsUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftOptionsUtils
- minEnchantmentLevel - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool.Entry
- minGenerateHeight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- minGroup - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome.SpawnEntry
- minHeight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu.ScrollPopupMenuLayout
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.AdaptiveGridLayout
- minMonsterSpawnLightLimit - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- minNumberOfMobsPerGroup - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- minrolls - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool
- minScale - Variable in class
- minValue - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Attribute
- MissingGeneratorFeaturesException - Exception Class in net.mcreator.workspace
- MissingGeneratorFeaturesException(Map<String, Collection<String>>) - Constructor for exception class net.mcreator.workspace.MissingGeneratorFeaturesException
- MItemBlock - Class in
- MItemBlock(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- mobBehaviourType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- mobCreatureType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- mobDrop - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- mobEffectCategory - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- mobLabel - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- mobModelName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- mobModelTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- mobName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- mobSpawningType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- ModAPI - Record Class in net.mcreator.plugin.modapis
- ModAPI(String, String, Map<String, ModAPIImplementation>) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPI
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ModAPIImplementation - Record Class in net.mcreator.plugin.modapis
- ModAPIImplementation(ModAPI, String, List<String>, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIImplementation
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ModAPIManager - Class in net.mcreator.plugin.modapis
- ModAPIManager() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIManager
- model - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.ModelLayerEntry
- Model - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
- Model(File) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- Model.BuiltInModel - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
- Model.Type - Enum Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
- modelChanged() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxList
- ModelComboBoxRenderer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer
- ModelComboBoxRenderer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.ModelComboBoxRenderer
- modElement - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- ModElement - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- ModElement(Workspace, String, ModElementType<?>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- ModElement(Workspace, ModElement, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
Duplicates given mod element, but does not duplicate registry name, lock status, compiles status and ID map
- ModElement.ModElementDeserializer - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- modElementChanged() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
The main listener method, triggered when an event occurs on a registered container
- ModElementChangedListener - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
Gets triggered whenever a change to a mod element is detected inside
- ModElementCodeViewer<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui.codeviewer
- ModElementCodeViewer(ModElementGUI<T>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.codeviewer.ModElementCodeViewer
- modElementCreated(GE) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI.ModElementCreatedListener
- ModElementDeserializer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement.ModElementDeserializer
- modElementGUI() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - ModElementGUI<GE> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- ModElementGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- ModElementGUI.ModElementCreatedListener<GE> - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- ModElementGUIEvent - Class in
- ModElementGUIEvent(MCreator, MCreatorTabs.Tab, ModElementGUI<?>) - Constructor for class
These events are triggered at different states of a
loading. - ModElementGUIEvent.AfterLoading - Class in
When a
finishes to load, MCreator triggers this event. - ModElementGUIEvent.BeforeLoading - Class in
When a
is about to start loading, MCreator triggers this event. - ModElementGUIEvent.WhenSaving - Class in
When a
will be saved, MCreator triggers this event. - ModElementHelpContext<GE> - Record Class in
- ModElementHelpContext(String, URI, String, ModElementGUI<GE>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ModElementIDsDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- ModElementIDsDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ModElementIDsDialog
- ModElementListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- ModElementListField(MCreator, ModElementType<?>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.ModElementListField
- ModElementManager - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
ModElementManager is not thread safe
- ModElementManager(Workspace) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElementManager
- ModElementNameValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- ModElementNameValidator(Workspace, VTextField, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ModElementNameValidator
- ModElementReference - Annotation Interface in net.mcreator.workspace.references
Used to mark fields that can store names of custom elements (mappable or MEs) used by mod element instance and NOT already included as names of objects like
. - modElementsPackage - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- ModElementType<GE> - Class in net.mcreator.element
- ModElementType(String, Character, ModElementType.ModElementGUIProvider<GE>, Class<? extends GE>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- ModElementType.ModElementGUIProvider<GE> - Interface in net.mcreator.element
- ModElementTypeLoader - Class in net.mcreator.element
- ModElementTypeLoader() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.ModElementTypeLoader
- ModelException - Exception Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
- ModelException(String) - Constructor for exception class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.ModelException
- modelHeight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- modelHeight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- ModelImportActions - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- ModelImportActions() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.ModelImportActions
- ModelImportActions.JAVA - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- ModelImportActions.JSON - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- ModelImportActions.OBJ - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- ModelLayerEntry() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.ModelLayerEntry
- modelLayers - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- modelShadowSize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- ModelUtils - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
- ModelUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.ModelUtils
- modelWidth - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- modelWidth - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- modidchanged - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettingsChange
- Modification - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- Modification(Canvas, Layer) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Modification
- modifiers - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- ModMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.variants.modmaker
- ModMaker(MCreatorApplication, Workspace) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.variants.modmaker.ModMaker
- ModTypeDropdown - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- ModTypeDropdown(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModTypeDropdown
- monsterSpawnBlockLightLimit - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- moodSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- moodSoundDelay - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- mountedYOffset - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- mouseEvent - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- moveDown(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- moveDown(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- movementSpeed - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- moveMode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- moveTo(Workspace, FolderElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- MoveTool - Class in
- MoveTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- MoveToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- MoveToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.MoveToolAction
- moveUp(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- moveUp(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- mul(double) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- mul(Matrix3D) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- MultiResourceBundle - Class in net.mcreator.util.locale
- MultiResourceBundle(List<ResourceBundle>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.locale.MultiResourceBundle
- MultiStateChange - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- MultiStateChange(Canvas, Layer) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.MultiStateChange
- music - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- musicDiscAnalogOutput - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- musicDiscDescription - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- musicDiscLengthInTicks - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- musicDiscMusic - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- MusicDiscToItemConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4
- MusicDiscToItemConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.MusicDiscToItemConverter
- mx - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry
- Mx - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry
- my - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry
- My - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry
- mz - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry
- Mz - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry
- name - Variable in class
- name - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.NamespacedGeneratableElement
- name - Variable in class
- name - Variable in class
- name - Variable in class
- name - Variable in class
- name - Variable in class
- name - Variable in class
- name - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Attribute
- name - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- name - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- name - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- name - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- name - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- name - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- name - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tab
- name - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- name - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.RegistryNameValidator
- name - Variable in class
- name() - Method in class
- name() - Method in interface
- name() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - name() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - name() - Method in class
- name() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - name() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - name() - Method in class
- name() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPI
Returns the value of the
record component. - NAME - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.SortType
- NamedInput - Record Class in
- NamedInput(String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - NameMapper - Class in net.mcreator.generator.mapping
- NameMapper(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NameMapper
- namespace - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.NamespacedGeneratableElement
- namespace() - Method in class
- namespace() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackInfo
- namespace() - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
Returns the value of the
record component. - NamespacedGeneratableElement - Class in net.mcreator.element
- NamespacedGeneratableElement(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.NamespacedGeneratableElement
- NamespaceValidator<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- NamespaceValidator(VComboBox<T>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.NamespaceValidator
- NamespaceValidator(VTextField) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.NamespaceValidator
- naprej - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TextureSelectorDialog
- nativeFileChooser - Variable in class
- NBTEditorView - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views
- NBTEditorView(MCreator, File) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.NBTEditorView
- NBTEditorView.NBTTagNode - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views
- NBTTagNode(Tag, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.NBTEditorView.NBTTagNode
- negativeBoundingBoxes() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox
- NEOFORGE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- NeoForgeWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- NeoForgeWorkspacePanel(Window) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.NeoForgeWorkspacePanel
- net.mcreator - package net.mcreator
- net.mcreator.blockly - package net.mcreator.blockly
- - package
- net.mcreator.blockly.datapack - package net.mcreator.blockly.datapack
- net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks - package net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks
- net.mcreator.blockly.feature - package net.mcreator.blockly.feature
- - package
- - package
- net.mcreator.element - package net.mcreator.element
- net.mcreator.element.converter - package net.mcreator.element.converter
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2019_5 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2019_5
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_1 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_1
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_2 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_2
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_3 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_3
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_4 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_4
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_3 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_3
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_3 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_3
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4
- net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1 - package net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1
- - package
- - package
- - package
- net.mcreator.element.types - package net.mcreator.element.types
- net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces - package net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces
- net.mcreator.generator - package net.mcreator.generator
- net.mcreator.generator.blockly - package net.mcreator.generator.blockly
- net.mcreator.generator.mapping - package net.mcreator.generator.mapping
- net.mcreator.generator.setup - package net.mcreator.generator.setup
- net.mcreator.generator.setup.folders - package net.mcreator.generator.setup.folders
- net.mcreator.generator.template - package net.mcreator.generator.template
- net.mcreator.generator.template.base - package net.mcreator.generator.template.base
- net.mcreator.generator.usercode - package net.mcreator.generator.usercode
- net.mcreator.gradle - package net.mcreator.gradle
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- - package
- net.mcreator.minecraft - package net.mcreator.minecraft
- net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack - package net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack
- net.mcreator.plugin - package net.mcreator.plugin
- - package
- - package
- - package
- net.mcreator.plugin.modapis - package net.mcreator.plugin.modapis
- net.mcreator.preferences - package net.mcreator.preferences
- - package
- net.mcreator.preferences.entries - package net.mcreator.preferences.entries
- net.mcreator.ui - package net.mcreator.ui
- net.mcreator.ui.action - package net.mcreator.ui.action
- net.mcreator.ui.action.impl - package net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle - package net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace - package net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace
- net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources - package net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- net.mcreator.ui.blockly - package net.mcreator.ui.blockly
- net.mcreator.ui.browser - package net.mcreator.ui.browser
- net.mcreator.ui.browser.action - package net.mcreator.ui.browser.action
- net.mcreator.ui.component - package net.mcreator.ui.component
- net.mcreator.ui.component.entries - package net.mcreator.ui.component.entries
- net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser - package net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser
- net.mcreator.ui.component.tree - package net.mcreator.ui.component.tree
- net.mcreator.ui.component.util - package net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane - package net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane
- net.mcreator.ui.debug - package net.mcreator.ui.debug
- net.mcreator.ui.dialogs - package net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file - package net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file
- net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor - package net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor
- net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.preferences - package net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.preferences
- - package
- net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace - package net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg - package net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- net.mcreator.ui.gradle - package net.mcreator.ui.gradle
- - package
- net.mcreator.ui.ide - package net.mcreator.ui.ide
- net.mcreator.ui.ide.action - package net.mcreator.ui.ide.action
- net.mcreator.ui.ide.autocomplete - package net.mcreator.ui.ide.autocomplete
- net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug - package net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug
- net.mcreator.ui.ide.json - package net.mcreator.ui.ide.json
- net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction - package net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction
- net.mcreator.ui.init - package net.mcreator.ui.init
- net.mcreator.ui.laf - package net.mcreator.ui.laf
- net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer - package net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer
- net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist - package net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist
- net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.special - package net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.special
- net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes - package net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.entityanimations - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.entityanimations
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.potions - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.potions
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recourcepack - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recourcepack
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.spawntypes - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.spawntypes
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.entity - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.entity
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item
- net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers - package net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers
- net.mcreator.ui.modgui - package net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- net.mcreator.ui.modgui.codeviewer - package net.mcreator.ui.modgui.codeviewer
- net.mcreator.ui.notifications - package net.mcreator.ui.notifications
- net.mcreator.ui.procedure - package net.mcreator.ui.procedure
- net.mcreator.ui.validation - package net.mcreator.ui.validation
- net.mcreator.ui.validation.component - package net.mcreator.ui.validation.component
- net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane - package net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane
- net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators - package net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- net.mcreator.ui.variants.modmaker - package net.mcreator.ui.variants.modmaker
- net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker - package net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker
- net.mcreator.ui.views - package net.mcreator.ui.views
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.action
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.transferables
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component
- - package
- - package
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning
- net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change - package net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- net.mcreator.ui.workspace - package net.mcreator.ui.workspace
- net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb - package net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb
- net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources - package net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources
- net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector - package net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector
- net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg - package net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg
- net.mcreator.util - package net.mcreator.util
- net.mcreator.util.diff - package net.mcreator.util.diff
- net.mcreator.util.image - package net.mcreator.util.image
- net.mcreator.util.locale - package net.mcreator.util.locale
- net.mcreator.util.math - package net.mcreator.util.math
- net.mcreator.workspace - package net.mcreator.workspace
- net.mcreator.workspace.elements - package net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- net.mcreator.workspace.misc - package net.mcreator.workspace.misc
- net.mcreator.workspace.references - package net.mcreator.workspace.references
- net.mcreator.workspace.resources - package net.mcreator.workspace.resources
- net.mcreator.workspace.settings - package net.mcreator.workspace.settings
- net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user - package net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user
- NetworkUtils - Class in net.mcreator.util
- NetworkUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.NetworkUtils
- newBundle(String, Locale, String, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.locale.UTF8Control
- newClass - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- NewClassAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.browser.action
- NewClassAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.browser.action.NewClassAction
- newDebugClient(JVMDebugClient) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug.BreakpointHandler
- newEntry(JPanel, List<JAttributeModifierEntry>, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers.JAttributeModifierList
- newEntry(JPanel, List<JBoundingBoxEntry>, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxList
- newEntry(JPanel, List<JEntityAnimationListEntry>, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.entityanimations.JEntityAnimationList
- newEntry(JPanel, List<JModelLayerListEntry>, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers.JModelLayerList
- newEntry(JPanel, List<JPotionListEntry>, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.potions.JPotionList
- newEntry(JPanel, List<JSpawnListEntry>, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.spawntypes.JSpawnEntriesList
- newEntry(JPanel, List<JEntityDataEntry>, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.entity.JEntityDataList
- newEntry(JPanel, List<T>, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleEntriesList
- newFolder - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- NewFolderAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.browser.action
- NewFolderAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.browser.action.NewFolderAction
- newImage - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- newImage(int, int, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- newImage(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- NewImageDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor
- NewImageDialog(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor.NewImageDialog
- NewImageDialog(MCreator, ImageMakerView) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor.NewImageDialog
- NewImageFileAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.browser.action
- NewImageFileAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.browser.action.NewImageFileAction
- newJson - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- NewJsonFileAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.browser.action
- NewJsonFileAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.browser.action.NewJsonFileAction
- NewLayerDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor
- NewLayerDialog(MCreator, Canvas) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor.NewLayerDialog
- NewModElementDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- NewModElementDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.NewModElementDialog
- newPackage - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- NewPackageAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.browser.action
- NewPackageAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.browser.action.NewPackageAction
- NewTagDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- NewTagDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.NewTagDialog
- NewVariableDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- NewVariableDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.NewVariableDialog
- newVersion() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginUpdateInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - newWorkspace - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- NewWorkspaceAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace
- NewWorkspaceAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.NewWorkspaceAction
- NewWorkspaceDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- NewWorkspaceDialog(Window) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.NewWorkspaceDialog
- next() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JModElementProgressPanel
- NoGUISelectedConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4
- NoGUISelectedConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_4.NoGUISelectedConverter
- noiseHSV(BufferedImage, float, float, float, long) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- NONE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.CoverageStatus
- NONE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
- NONE - Static variable in interface
- NonMappableElement - Class in net.mcreator.generator.mapping
In some cases, one may need to pass a string where a MappableElement is expected.
- NonMappableElement(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NonMappableElement
- normalDeathMessage - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.DamageType
- normalizeTag(String) - Static method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
Utility method for normalizing tag name.
- normalizeTagElements(String, int, Collection<T>) - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
Returns a set of mappable elements that do not trigger circular dependency to tag
- northAndCenterElement(Component, Component) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- northAndCenterElement(Component, Component, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- noSettings(boolean) - Method in class
- notifications - Variable in class
- NotificationsRenderer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.notifications
- NotificationsRenderer(JComponent) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.NotificationsRenderer
- NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton - Record Class in net.mcreator.ui.notifications
- NotificationsSection - Class in
- notifyDaemonsAboutChangedPaths() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- notifyDaemonsAboutChangedPaths() - Method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleFileTracker
- Null() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry.Null
- nullableGetVariableBlock(VariableType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptTemplates
- nullableProcedureReturnValueBlock(VariableType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptTemplates
- NullBlock - Class in
- NullBlock() - Constructor for class
- NUMBER - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader.BuiltInTypes
- NumberBlock - Class in net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks
- NumberBlock - Class in
- NumberBlock() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.blockly.datapack.blocks.NumberBlock
- NumberBlock() - Constructor for class
- NumberConstantsBlock - Class in
- NumberConstantsBlock() - Constructor for class
- NumberFromTextBlock - Class in
- NumberFromTextBlock() - Constructor for class
- numberMatchType - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel
- numberOfBackupsToStore - Variable in class
- NumberProcedure - Class in
- NumberProcedure(String, double) - Constructor for class
- NumberProcedure.GSONAdapter - Class in
- NumberProcedureSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.procedure
- NumberProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, boolean, JSpinner, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.NumberProcedureSelector
- NumberProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, JSpinner, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.NumberProcedureSelector
- NumberProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, JSpinner, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.NumberProcedureSelector
- NumberProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, JSpinner, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.NumberProcedureSelector
- NumberType(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.NumberType
- NumberType(String, double, double) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.NumberType
- nutritionalValue - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- OBJ - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model.Type
- OBJ(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.ModelImportActions.OBJ
- obj2str(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateHelper
- object - Variable in class
- oceanRuinType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- offer - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry
- OFFICIAL_FLAVORS - Static variable in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
Official flavors are flavors that MCreator supports in its core.
- offline - Variable in class
- offsetType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- offsetType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- oldSettings - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettingsChange
- onActiveTick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- onAddedSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- onBlockAdded - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onBlockAdded - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- onBlockAdded - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onBlockDestroyedWithTool - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- onBlockPlacedBy - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onBlockPlayedBy - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onBodyTick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- onBonemealSuccess - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onBonemealSuccess - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onBootsTick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- onClick - Variable in class
- onClick - Variable in class
- onClosed - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- onCrafted - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- onCrafted - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- onDestroyedByExplosion - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onDestroyedByExplosion - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- onDestroyedByExplosion - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onDestroyedByPlayer - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onDestroyedByPlayer - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onDroppedByPlayer - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- ONE_DAY - Static variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.TimeUtils
- ONE_HOUR - Static variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.TimeUtils
- ONE_MINUTE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.TimeUtils
- ONE_SECOND - Static variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.TimeUtils
- onEntityCollides - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onEntityCollides - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- onEntityCollides - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onEntityHitWith - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- onEntityHitWith - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- onEntitySwing - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- onEntitySwing - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- onEntityWalksOn - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onEntityWalksOn - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onExpired - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- onFinishUsingItem - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- onFlyingTick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- onHelmetTick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- onHitByProjectile - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onHitByProjectile - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onHitsBlock - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- onHitsEntity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- onHitsPlayer - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- onInitialSpawn - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- onItemInInventoryTick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- onItemInInventoryTick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- onItemInUseTick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- onItemInUseTick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- onKeyPressed - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.KeyBinding
- onKeyReleased - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.KeyBinding
- onLeggingsTick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- onMobHurt - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- onMobRemoved - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- onMobTickUpdate - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- onNeighbourBlockChanges - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onNeighbourBlockChanges - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onNeighbourChanges - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- onOpen - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- onPlayerCollidesWith - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- onPlayerEntersDimension - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- onPlayerLeavesDimension - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- onPortalTickUpdate - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- onRandomUpdateEvent - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onRandomUpdateEvent - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- onRandomUpdateEvent - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onRangedItemUsed - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- onRedstoneOff - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onRedstoneOn - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onRightClicked - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onRightClicked - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onRightClickedInAir - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- onRightClickedInAir - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- onRightClickedOn - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- onRightClickedOnBlock - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- onRightClickedOnBlock - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- onSlotChanged - Variable in class
- onStackTransfer - Variable in class
- onStarted - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- onStartToDestroy - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onStartToDestroy - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onStoppedUsing - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- onStruckByLightning - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- onTakenFromSlot - Variable in class
- onTaskFinished(GradleTaskResult) - Method in interface net.mcreator.gradle.GradleTaskFinishedListener
- onTick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- onTickUpdate - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- onTickUpdate - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- onTickUpdate - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- onViewClosed() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- OpaqueFlatSplitPaneUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf
- OpaqueFlatSplitPaneUI() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.OpaqueFlatSplitPaneUI
- open(Window, Enumeration<String>, Function<VTextField, Validator>, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ListEditorDialog
Opens a dialog to edit string entries contained in the provided list.
- open(MCreator) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.AddCommonTagsDialog
- open(MCreator, String[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.AIConditionEditor
- open(MCreator, List<PropertyData<?>>, StateMap, JStateLabel.NumberMatchType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.StateEditorDialog
Opens a dialog to edit values of passed properties list used in the future/provided state.
- OPEN - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileChooserType
- openAddTagDialog(Window, MCreator, TagType, String...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.AddTagDialog
- openAIConditionEditor(String, JSObject) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
- openAllFor(Module) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.TerribleModuleHacks
- openAnimationEditorDialog(MCreator, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.JavaModelAnimationEditorDialog
- openArmorPackMaker - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- openBedrockEditionFolder - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- OpenBedrockEditionFolder(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.MinecraftFolderActions.OpenBedrockEditionFolder
- openCodeFile(MCreator, File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.ProjectFileOpener
- openCodeFileRO(MCreator, FileNode) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.ProjectFileOpener
- openCreateFolderDialog(MCreator, File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.browser.action.NewFolderAction
- openElementOrderEditor(MCreator) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ElementOrderEditor
- openEntrySelector() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- openEntrySelector() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SingleConfiguredFeatureField
- openEntrySelector() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SingleModElementSelector
- openEntrySelector() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SingleParticleEntryField
- openEntrySelector(String, String, String, JSObject) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
Common method to open an entry selector of either data list entries or strings
- openFile - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- openFile(MCreator, Object) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.FileOpener
- openFileAtLine(MCreator, File, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.ProjectFileOpener
- openFileInDesktop - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- openFileSpecific(MCreator, File, boolean, int, File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.ProjectFileOpener
- openGUIOnRightClick - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- OpenGUIProcedureDepFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_3
- OpenGUIProcedureDepFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_3.OpenGUIProcedureDepFixer
- openInEditingMode(GE) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
This method is called to open a mod element in the GUI
- openInEditingMode(Achievement) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AchievementGUI
- openInEditingMode(Armor) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ArmorGUI
- openInEditingMode(Attribute) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AttributeGUI
- openInEditingMode(Biome) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BiomeGUI
- openInEditingMode(Block) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BlockGUI
- openInEditingMode(Command) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CommandGUI
- openInEditingMode(CustomElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomElementGUI
- openInEditingMode(DamageType) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DamageTypeGUI
- openInEditingMode(Dimension) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DimensionGUI
- openInEditingMode(Enchantment) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.EnchantmentGUI
- openInEditingMode(Feature) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FeatureGUI
- openInEditingMode(Fluid) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FluidGUI
- openInEditingMode(Function) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FunctionGUI
- openInEditingMode(GameRule) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.GameRuleGUI
- openInEditingMode(GUI) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomGUIGUI
- openInEditingMode(Item) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemGUI
- openInEditingMode(ItemExtension) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemExtensionGUI
- openInEditingMode(KeyBinding) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.KeyBindGUI
- openInEditingMode(LivingEntity) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LivingEntityGUI
- openInEditingMode(LootTable) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LootTableGUI
- openInEditingMode(Overlay) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.OverlayGUI
- openInEditingMode(Painting) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PaintingGUI
- openInEditingMode(Particle) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ParticleGUI
- openInEditingMode(Plant) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PlantGUI
- openInEditingMode(Potion) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionGUI
- openInEditingMode(PotionEffect) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionEffectGUI
- openInEditingMode(Procedure) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProcedureGUI
- openInEditingMode(Projectile) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProjectileGUI
- openInEditingMode(Recipe) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.RecipeGUI
- openInEditingMode(Structure) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.StructureGUI
- openInEditingMode(Tab) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.TabGUI
- openInEditingMode(Tool) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ToolGUI
- openInEditingMode(VillagerProfession) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerProfessionGUI
- openInEditingMode(VillagerTrade) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerTradeGUI
- openInEditMode(File) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- openInReadOnly - Variable in class
- openInReadOnlyMode(FileNode) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- openJavaEditionFolder - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- OpenJavaEditionFolder(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.MinecraftFolderActions.OpenJavaEditionFolder
- openMappingDialog(MCreator, Set<String>, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TextureMappingDialog
- openMaterialPackMaker - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- openMCItemSelector(String, JSObject) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
- openMCreatorRequirements() - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.TerribleModuleHacks
- openModElementIDDialog(MCreator, ModElement) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ModElementIDsDialog
- openMultiSelectorDialog(MCreator, Function<Workspace, String[]>, String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.StringSelectorDialog
- openMultiSelectorDialog(MCreator, Function<Workspace, List<DataListEntry>>, String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.DataListSelectorDialog
- openMultiSelectorDialog(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCItemSelectorDialog
- openMultiSelectorDialog(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCItemSelectorDialog
- openOrePackMaker - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- openSafe(File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.DesktopUtils
- openSafe(File, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.DesktopUtils
- openSelectedFile(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.browser.WorkspaceFileBrowser
If a file is selected, opens this file in built-in code editor if its type is supported, otherwise calls the program assigned to that file type.
- openSelectedFileInDesktop() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.browser.WorkspaceFileBrowser
If a file is selected, opens this file using the program assigned to that file type.
- openSelectorDialog(MCreator, Function<Workspace, String[]>, String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.StringSelectorDialog
- openSelectorDialog(MCreator, Function<Workspace, List<DataListEntry>>, String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.DataListSelectorDialog
- openSelectorDialog(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCItemSelectorDialog
- openToolPackMaker - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- openWhatsNextPage - Variable in class
- openWoodPackMaker - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- openWorkspace - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- OpenWorkspaceAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace
- OpenWorkspaceAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.OpenWorkspaceAction
- openWorkspaceFolder - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- openWorkspaceInMCreator(File) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- openWorkspaceInMCreator(File, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- openZipFile(File) - Static method in class
- operation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect.AttributeModifierEntry
- OptionPaneValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane
- OptionPaneValidator() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane.OptionPaneValidator
- OrePackMakerTool - Class in
- OrePackMakerTool() - Constructor for class
- OS - Class in
- OS() - Constructor for class
- OTHER - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
- OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.blockly.IBlockGenerator.BlockType
- OutputBlockCodeGenerator - Record Class in net.mcreator.generator.blockly
- OutputBlockCodeGenerator(BlocklyBlockCodeGenerator) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.OutputBlockCodeGenerator
Creates an instance of a
record class. - outputItem - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CraftingRecipeMaker
- OutputSlot - Class in
- OutputSlot(int, int, int, Color, LogicProcedure, boolean, Procedure, Procedure, Procedure) - Constructor for class
- OutputSlotDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- OutputSlotDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, OutputSlot) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.OutputSlotDialog
- OutputStreamEventHandler - Class in
- OutputStreamEventHandler(OutputStreamEventHandler.LineReceiver) - Constructor for class
- OutputStreamEventHandler.LineReceiver - Interface in
- Overlay - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Overlay(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Overlay
- OVERLAY - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- overlayBaseTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- OverlayComponentAnchorPointAdder - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- OverlayComponentAnchorPointAdder() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.OverlayComponentAnchorPointAdder
- OverlayCoordinateConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5
- OverlayCoordinateConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.OverlayCoordinateConverter
- OverlayGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- OverlayGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.OverlayGUI
- overlayTarget - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Overlay
- overlayTarget - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- OverlayTexturesConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- OverlayTexturesConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.OverlayTexturesConverter
- override() - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
Returns the value of the
record component. - ovst - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- owner() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - owner() - Method in interface
- owner() - Method in record class
- ox - Variable in class
- ox - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- oy - Variable in class
- oy - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- packagechanged - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettingsChange
- packFile() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackInfo
- packFile() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackInfo.Vanilla
- PackMakerToolUtils - Class in
- PackMakerToolUtils() - Constructor for class
- PAGE_CLOSE - Static variable in class
- PAGE_LAUNCH - Static variable in class
- PAGE_WORKSPACE_OPEN - Static variable in class
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ProgressBar
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SearchableComboBox
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.UnsupportedComponent
- paint(Graphics) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.IZoomable
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(int, int, WYSIWYGEditor, Graphics2D) - Method in class
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.CompileNotesPanel
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.BlockingGlassPane
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ImagePanel
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSelectableList
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SimpleLineChart
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SplashScreenPanel
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.TransparentToolBar
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureSelectionButton
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VButton
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VTextField
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb.WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb
- paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SquareLoaderIcon
- paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.image.EmptyIcon
- Painting - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Painting(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Painting
- PAINTING - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- PaintingFieldsFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2
- PaintingFieldsFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_2.PaintingFieldsFixer
- PaintingGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- PaintingGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PaintingGUI
- paintPostZoom(Graphics, Dimension) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.IZoomable
- paintPostZoom(Graphics, Dimension) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- paintPostZoom(Graphics, Dimension) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- paintPreZoom(Graphics, Dimension) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.IZoomable
- paintPreZoom(Graphics, Dimension) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- paintPreZoom(Graphics, Dimension) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- PaletteCellRenderer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes
- PaletteCellRenderer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes.PaletteCellRenderer
- PaletteListPanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes
- PaletteListPanel(MCreator, PalettePanel) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes.PaletteListPanel
- PaletteListPanel.PaletteStorage - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes
- PalettePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color
- PalettePanel(MCreator, ToolPanel) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.PalettePanel
- PaletteStorage() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes.PaletteListPanel.PaletteStorage
- PanelUtils - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- PanelUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- parent - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- parent - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- parent() - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
- parent() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIImplementation
Returns the value of the
record component. - parent() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXDirectoryChooser
Returns the value of the
record component. - parent() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXFileChooser
Returns the value of the
record component. - parseObj(JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.IntegerType
- parseObj(JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.LogicType
- parseObj(JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.NumberType
- parseObj(JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData
Parses string representation of passed value of this property.
- parseObj(JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.StringType
- PARTIAL - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.CoverageStatus
- ParticeIDList(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.ShowDataListAction.ParticeIDList
- particle - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- Particle - Class in
- Particle - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Particle(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- Particle(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- Particle(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- PARTICLE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
- PARTICLE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- ParticleGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- ParticleGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ParticleGUI
- ParticleLitRemover - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1
- ParticleLitRemover() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.ParticleLitRemover
- particlesProbability - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- particleTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- particleTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- ParticleTextureConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2
- ParticleTextureConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_2.ParticleTextureConverter
- particleToSpawn - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- PASS() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.AggregatedValidationResult.PASS
- PASSED - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator.ValidationResultType
- PASSED - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator.ValidationResult
- passLangToMinecraft - Variable in class
- PasswordVault - Class in
- PasswordVault() - Constructor for class
- paste() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.clipboard.ClipboardManager
- patchSize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- path() - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
Returns the value of the
record component. - PencilTool - Class in
- PencilTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, LayerPanel, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- PencilToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- PencilToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.PencilToolAction
- performQuickValidation() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement
- permissionLevel - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Command
- piglinSafe - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- placeholder - Variable in class
- PlacementHelperDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- PlacementHelperDialog(BlocklyPanel, MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.PlacementHelperDialog
- placeSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- placeSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- placingCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- placingCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- Plant - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Plant(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- PLANT - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- PlantGenerationConditionRemover - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- PlantGenerationConditionRemover() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.PlantGenerationConditionRemover
- PlantGenerationTypeConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3
- PlantGenerationTypeConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.PlantGenerationTypeConverter
- PlantGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- PlantGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PlantGUI
- PlantLuminanceFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1
- PlantLuminanceFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_1.PlantLuminanceFixer
- plantsGrowOn - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- plantType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- PlantTypeProcedureRemover - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3
- PlantTypeProcedureRemover() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3.PlantTypeProcedureRemover
- PLAYER_LIFETIME - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType.Scope
- PLAYER_PERSISTENT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType.Scope
- playerDeathMessage - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.DamageType
- plugin - Variable in class net.mcreator.plugin.JavaPlugin
- plugin() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginUpdateInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - Plugin - Class in net.mcreator.plugin
A Plugin is a mod for MCreator allowing to alter, improve or extend features.
- pluginFile() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoadFailure
Returns the value of the
record component. - pluginID() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoadFailure
Returns the value of the
record component. - PluginInfo - Class in net.mcreator.plugin
PluginInfo contains all info about the plugin such as its name, its author or a description of it.
- PluginInfo() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginInfo
- PluginLoader - Class in net.mcreator.plugin
This class detects and then try to load all builtin or custom
s. - PluginLoader() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoader
The core of the detection and loading
- PluginLoadFailure - Record Class in net.mcreator.plugin
- PluginLoadFailure(String, File, String) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoadFailure
Creates an instance of a
record class. - PluginLoadFailure(Plugin, String) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoadFailure
- PluginUpdateInfo - Record Class in net.mcreator.plugin
This record is used to save the plugin and the new version/changes of the detected update.
- PluginUpdateInfo(Plugin, String, List<String>) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginUpdateInfo
Creates an instance of a
record class. - poiBlocks() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- poiBlocks() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IPOIProvider
This method determines what POI blocks as MItemBlock list are provided by this generatable element
- poiBlocks() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerProfession
- Point3D - Class in net.mcreator.util.math
- Point3D(double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.math.Point3D
- pointOfInterest - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerProfession
- Pool() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool
- poolName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure.JigsawPool
- poolParts - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure.JigsawPool
- pools - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable
- popDepProviderInputStack() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComboBoxFullWidthPopup
- popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComboBoxFullWidthPopup
- popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComboBoxFullWidthPopup
Alter the bounds of the popup just before it is made visible.
- portalFrame - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- portalLuminance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- portalMakeCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- portalParticles - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- portalSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- portalTexture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- portalUseCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- positiveBoundingBoxes() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox
- postBlocksPlacement(Document, Element, List<Element>) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.feature.BlocklyToFeature
- postBlocksPlacement(Document, Element, List<Element>) - Method in class
This method contains the code needing to be executed after blocks are placed.
- postBlocksPlacement(Document, Element, List<Element>) - Method in class
- Potion - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Potion(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion
- Potion(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem.Potion
- POTION - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- Potion.CustomEffectEntry - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- PotionEffect - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- PotionEffect(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- POTIONEFFECT - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- PotionEffect.AttributeModifierEntry - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- PotionEffectCategoryConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2
- PotionEffectCategoryConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.PotionEffectCategoryConverter
- PotionEffectGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- PotionEffectGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionEffectGUI
- PotionGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- PotionGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionGUI
- potionName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion
- PotionToEffectConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2
- PotionToEffectConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.PotionToEffectConverter
- power - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- preBlocksPlacement(Document, Element) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.feature.BlocklyToFeature
- preBlocksPlacement(Document, Element) - Method in class
This method contains the code needing to be executed before blocks are placed.
- preBlocksPlacement(Document, Element) - Method in class
- preferences - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- PREFERENCES - Static variable in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesManager
MCreator's preferences structure holder
- PreferencesData - Class in
- PreferencesData() - Constructor for class
- PreferencesDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.preferences
- PreferencesDialog(Window, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.preferences.PreferencesDialog
- PreferencesDialogEvent - Class in
Events for different moments of
. - PreferencesDialogEvent(PreferencesDialog) - Constructor for class
This event is never called.
- PreferencesDialogEvent.SectionsLoaded - Class in
This event is called when different sections of the
are being created and added. - PreferencesEntry<T> - Class in net.mcreator.preferences
This is the basic and the common class for all preferences of the software.
- PreferencesEntry(String, T) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- PreferencesManager - Class in net.mcreator.preferences
- PreferencesManager() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesManager
- PreferencesSection - Class in net.mcreator.preferences
- PreferencesSection(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesSection
- preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu.ScrollPopupMenuLayout
- preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.AdaptiveGridLayout
- PreGeneratorsLoadingEvent - Class in
This event is triggered before generators are loaded.
- PreGeneratorsLoadingEvent(MCreatorApplication) - Constructor for class
- preInitialization() - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.feature.BlocklyToFeature
- preInitialization() - Method in class
This method is executed after the constructor is called, before the code is executed.
- preloadCache() - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListLoader
- preloadCache() - Static method in class
- preloadImages() - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.UIRES
- preProcess(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- preProcess(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- preProcess(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- prevDir - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileDialogs
- Preview() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftImageGenerator.Preview
- prevPoint - Variable in class
- price1 - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry
- price2 - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry
- priceMultiplier - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry
- PrintTextBlock - Class in
- PrintTextBlock() - Constructor for class
- priority - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Overlay
- priority - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- PROCEDURAL - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.blockly.IBlockGenerator.BlockType
- ProceduralBlockCodeGenerator - Record Class in net.mcreator.generator.blockly
- ProceduralBlockCodeGenerator(BlocklyBlockCodeGenerator) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.ProceduralBlockCodeGenerator
Creates an instance of a
record class. - Procedure - Class in
- Procedure - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Procedure(String) - Constructor for class
- Procedure(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Procedure
- PROCEDURE - Static variable in record class
- PROCEDURE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- PROCEDURE - Static variable in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
- ProcedureArrowProjectileFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- ProcedureArrowProjectileFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.ProcedureArrowProjectileFixer
- ProcedureCallBlock - Class in
- ProcedureCallBlock() - Constructor for class
- ProcedureCallBlock.DependencyInput - Record Class in
The record holds info about a single dependency row in the block (name, type, input code)
- ProcedureCodeOptimizer - Class in
- ProcedureCodeOptimizer() - Constructor for class
- ProcedureConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter
- ProcedureConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.ProcedureConverter
- ProcedureCustomDamageRemover - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1
- ProcedureCustomDamageRemover() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1.ProcedureCustomDamageRemover
- ProcedureDamageSourceFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3
- ProcedureDamageSourceFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_3.ProcedureDamageSourceFixer
- ProcedureEntityDepFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_3
- ProcedureEntityDepFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_3.ProcedureEntityDepFixer
- ProcedureGlobalTriggerFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_4
- ProcedureGlobalTriggerFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_4.ProcedureGlobalTriggerFixer
- ProcedureGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- ProcedureGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProcedureGUI
- procedureNamesToObjects(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- procedureReturnValueBlock(VariableType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptTemplates
- ProcedureRetvalBlock - Class in
- ProcedureRetvalBlock() - Constructor for class
- ProcedureSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.procedure
- ProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, boolean, VariableType, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.ProcedureSelector
- ProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.ProcedureSelector
- ProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, boolean, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.ProcedureSelector
- ProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, boolean, VariableType, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.ProcedureSelector
- ProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.ProcedureSelector
- ProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, VariableType, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.ProcedureSelector
- ProcedureSelectorValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- ProcedureSelectorValidator(AbstractProcedureSelector) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ProcedureSelectorValidator
- ProcedureSelectorValidator(AbstractProcedureSelector, JToggleButton) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ProcedureSelectorValidator
- ProcedureShootArrowFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1
- ProcedureShootArrowFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2022_1.ProcedureShootArrowFixer
- ProcedureSpawnGemPickupDelayFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5
- ProcedureSpawnGemPickupDelayFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2020_5.ProcedureSpawnGemPickupDelayFixer
- ProcedureTemplateIO - Class in
- ProcedureTemplateIO() - Constructor for class
- ProcedureVariablesConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2
- ProcedureVariablesConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.ProcedureVariablesConverter
- ProcedureVariablesEntityFixer - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2
- ProcedureVariablesEntityFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2021_2.ProcedureVariablesEntityFixer
- procedurexml - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Procedure
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- process(ZoomedMouseEvent) - Method in class
- processBlockProcedure(List<Element>) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- processDefinitionToTags(Generator, GeneratableElement, List<?>, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.TagsUtils
- processErrorAndShowMessage(String, String, MCreator) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorDecoder
This method tries to decode task result based on given parameters, returns status code and shows error message if error is detected
- processFTLExpression(Generator, String, Object) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateExpressionParser
- processMouseWheelEvent(MouseWheelEvent, JLayer<? extends JScrollPane>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ScrollWheelPassLayer
- processOutputBlock(Element) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- processOutputBlockToInt(Element) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
Helper method to process an output block and cast to int when needed
- processOutputBlockWithoutParentheses(Element) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
Helper method to process an output block and remove surrounding parentheses if possible
- processOutputBlockWithoutParentheses(Element, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
Helper method to process an output block and remove surrounding parentheses if possible
- processSuccess - Variable in class
- processUserCode(File, String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.usercode.UserCodeProcessor
- processWorkspaceDependentObjects(Object, Consumer<IWorkspaceDependent>) - Static method in interface
- ProfessionEntry - Class in
- ProfessionEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- ProfessionEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- professionTextureFile - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerProfession
- ProgressBar - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- ProgressBar() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.ProgressBar
- ProgressDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- ProgressDialog(Window, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ProgressDialog
- ProgressDialog.ProgressUnit - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- ProgressUnit(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ProgressDialog.ProgressUnit
- projectBrowserSplitPos - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings
- projectBrowserState - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings
- ProjectFileOpener - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide
- ProjectFileOpener() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.ProjectFileOpener
- projectile - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- Projectile - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Projectile(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- PROJECTILE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- projectileDisableAmmoCheck - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- ProjectileEntry - Class in
- ProjectileEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- ProjectileEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- ProjectileGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- ProjectileGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProjectileGUI
- projectileItem - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- projection - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure.JigsawPool.JigsawPart
- projection - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- ProjectJarManager - Class in
- ProjectJarManager(Generator) - Constructor for class
- ProjectJarManager(Generator, List<GeneratorGradleCache.ClasspathEntry>) - Constructor for class
- promptEdit(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorPalettePanel
- promptEdit(ColorPalette) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes.PaletteListPanel
- promptEdit(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- property() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyDataWithValue
Returns the value of the
record component. - PropertyData<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states
Instances of this class store information about certain property (its name, type, minimum and maximum values for number properties, list of allowed values for string properties and so on).
- PropertyData(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData
The sole constructor.
- PropertyData.IntegerType - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states
A subclass for integer number type properties.
- PropertyData.LogicType - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states
A subclass for boolean type properties.
- PropertyData.NumberType - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states
A subclass for fractional number type properties.
- PropertyData.StringType - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states
A subclass for string type properties.
- PropertyDataWithValue<T> - Record Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states
- PropertyDataWithValue(PropertyData<T>, T) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyDataWithValue
Creates an instance of a
record class. - propertyRegistryName(PropertyData<?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.BlockStatePropertyUtils
- provide() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.base.BaseDataModelProvider
- provide(Workspace) - Method in interface net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem.ListProvider
- provideAdditionalData(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface net.mcreator.generator.template.IAdditionalTemplateDataProvider
- providedDependencies - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- providedMCItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- providedMCItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- providedMCItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- providedMCItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- providedMCItems() - Method in interface net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IMCItemProvider
This method determines what MCItems are provided by this generatable element
- providedMCItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- providedMCItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- providedMCItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- providedMCItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- provides - Variable in class
- pullElementUp(Component) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- pushDepProviderInputStack(DependencyProviderInput) - Method in class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyToCode
- pushedByFluids - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- putMetadata(String, Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- QUILT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- QuiltWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- QuiltWorkspacePanel(Window) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.QuiltWorkspacePanel
- radiobutton(String, Object...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- raidCelebrationSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- raidSpawnsCount - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- rainingPossibility - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- random(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateHelper
- randomlong(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateHelper
- randompositiveint(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateHelper
- randomTile(BufferedImage, Random) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- ranged - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- rangedAttackInterval - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- rangedAttackItem - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- rangedAttackRadius - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- rangedItemChargesPower - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- RangedItemToProjectileAndItemConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- RangedItemToProjectileAndItemConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.RangedItemToProjectileAndItemConverter
- rangedItemType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- rangedUseCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- rarity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- rarity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- reactionToPushing - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- readableName - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- readAnimatedGif(File) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.GifUtil
- readCodeInZip(File, String) - Static method in class
- readFileInZip(File, String, BiFunction<ZipFile, ZipEntry, T>) - Static method in class
- readFileToString(File) - Static method in class
- readFileToString(File) - Static method in class
- readFromFS(File, Window) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- readFromFSUnsafe(File, GeneratorConfiguration) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
Unsafe version of readFromFS with supported generator type checks omitted.
- readOnly - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- readResourceToString(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class
- readResourceToString(String) - Static method in class
- readResourceToString(String) - Static method in class
- readResourceToString(URL) - Static method in class
- readURLToString(String) - Static method in class
- READY - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- rearrange(List<T>, T) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.ListUtils
- recalculateBounds() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
If the zoomable element changes size when zoom or viewport size changes this has to be implemented for proper operation.
- recalculateBounds() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- recentChanges() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginUpdateInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - recenter() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- RecentWorkspaceEntry - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector
- RecentWorkspaceEntry(Workspace, File, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.RecentWorkspaceEntry
- RecentWorkspaces - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector
- RecentWorkspaces() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.RecentWorkspaces
- RecentWorkspaces(Collection<RecentWorkspaceEntry>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.RecentWorkspaces
- Recipe - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Recipe(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- RECIPE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- RecipeGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- RecipeGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.RecipeGUI
- recipeRemainder - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- recipeRetstackSize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- recipeReturnStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- recipeShapeless - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- recipeSlots - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- recipeSlots - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CraftingRecipeMaker
- recipeType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- RecipeTypeConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2019_5
- RecipeTypeConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2019_5.RecipeTypeConverter
- RecolorDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor
- RecolorDialog(MCreator, Canvas, Layer, ColorSelector, VersionManager) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor.RecolorDialog
- redo() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.VersionManager
- refactorNeeded() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettingsChange
- refactorWorkspace(MCreator, WorkspaceSettingsChange) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.WorkspaceSettingsAction
- ReferencesFinder - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.references
- ReferencesFinder() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.references.ReferencesFinder
- refilter() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilteredTreeModel
- refilterElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recourcepack.ResourcePackEditor
- refilterElements() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.workspace.IReloadableFilterable
- refilterElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.AbstractResourcePanel
- refilterElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelResources
- refilterElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelTextures
- refilterElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanelTags
- refilterWorkspaceTab() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- ReformatCodeAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.action
- ReformatCodeAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.action.ReformatCodeAction
- reformatCodeAndImports - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ReformatCodeAndImportsAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.action
- ReformatCodeAndImportsAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.action.ReformatCodeAndImportsAction
- reformatCodeOnly - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- reformatTheCodeAndOrganiseImports(Workspace, String) - Method in class
- reformatTheCodeAndOrganiseImports(Workspace, String, boolean) - Method in class
- reformatTheCodeOnly() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- reformatTheCodeOnly(String) - Method in class
- reformatTheCodeOrganiseAndFixImports() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- refreshList() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- refreshListKeepSelected() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- refreshMenuBar() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MainMenuBar
- refreshPreview() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.VersionManager
- refreshTab() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- regenerateCode - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- regenerateCode(MCreator, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.RegenerateCodeAction
- regenerateCode(MCreator, boolean, boolean, GradleTaskFinishedListener) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.RegenerateCodeAction
- RegenerateCodeAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace
- RegenerateCodeAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.RegenerateCodeAction
- regenerateRequired() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.ShareableZIPManager.ImportResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - register(JButton) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.ToolGroup
- register(JToggleButton) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.ToolGroup
- register(ModElementType<?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementTypeLoader
- registerEntryUI(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JEntriesList
- registerKeyStroke(KeyStroke, JComponent, Action) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.KeyStrokes
- registerKeyStroke(KeyStroke, JComponent, Action, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.KeyStrokes
- registerLogger(Logger) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.WebConsoleListener
- registerUI(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.codeviewer.ModElementCodeViewer
- registerUI(JComponent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
Registers the given UI component to trigger this listener when a change is detected on it
- registryName() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
Returns the value of the
record component. - RegistryNameFixer - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- RegistryNameFixer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.RegistryNameFixer
- RegistryNameValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- RegistryNameValidator(VComboBox<?>, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.RegistryNameValidator
- RegistryNameValidator(VTextField, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.RegistryNameValidator
- reinit(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
Call this method to reinit ME icon, mcItems cache or update associated workspace
- reinstall(ConsolePane) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.ConsoleSearchBar
- reinstallAddon(MCreator, Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.BedrockUtils
- Release - Class in
- Release() - Constructor for class
- Release.Build - Class in
- reload() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- reloadCode - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ReloadCodeAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.action
- ReloadCodeAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.action.ReloadCodeAction
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JEntriesList
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleEntriesList
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers.JAttributeModifierEntry
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.entityanimations.JEntityAnimationListEntry
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPart
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPool
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPoolsList
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTableEntry
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTablePool
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTablePoolsList
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers.JModelLayerListEntry
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.potions.JPotionListEntry
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.spawntypes.JSpawnListEntry
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesListEntry
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesStatesList
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemStatesListEntry
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeProfession
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeProfessionsList
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AchievementGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ArmorGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BiomeGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BlockGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomGUIGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DimensionGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FeatureGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FluidGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemExtensionGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.KeyBindGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LivingEntityGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LootTableGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.OverlayGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ParticleGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PlantGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionEffectGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProjectileGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.StructureGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ToolGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerProfessionGUI
- reloadDataLists() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerTradeGUI
- reloadElementIcon() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- reloadElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recourcepack.ResourcePackEditor
- reloadElements() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.workspace.IReloadableFilterable
- reloadElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelAnimations
- reloadElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelModels
- reloadElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelResources
- reloadElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelSounds
- reloadElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelStructures
- reloadElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelTextures
- reloadElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanelTags
- reloadFolderStructure() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- reloadGradleCaches() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- reloadGradleIndicator() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.StatusBar
- reloadGradleProject - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ReloadGradleProjectAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- ReloadGradleProjectAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.ReloadGradleProjectAction
- reloadModElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- reloadPalette() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.PalettePanel
- reloadPath(File) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JFileBreadCrumb
- reloadPath(FolderElement, Class<? extends IElement>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb.WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb
- reloadTree() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.browser.WorkspaceFileBrowser
Reloads all the project files.
- reloadWorkspaceTab() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- reloadWorkspaceTabContents() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- Relocation - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- Relocation(Canvas, Layer) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Relocation
- remindOfUnsavedChanges - Variable in class
- Removal - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- Removal(Canvas, Layer) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Removal
- Removal(Canvas, Layer, LayerPanel, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Removal
- remove() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugMarker
- remove(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.CollapsiblePanel
- remove(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu
- remove(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilterTreeNode
- remove(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- remove(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- remove(int, UUID) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- remove(int, UUID, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- remove(Component) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.CollapsiblePanel
- remove(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- remove(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.EventButtonGroup
- removeAll() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.CollapsiblePanel
- removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- removeAllElements() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.ResourceFilterModel
- removeAllItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SearchableComboBox
- removeAllItems() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.TranslatedComboBox
- removeBreakpoint(Breakpoint) - Method in class
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.JSlidingSpinner
- removeChild(FolderElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- removed() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.diff.DiffResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - removeDuplicates(List<T>) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateHelper
- removeElement(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.ResourceFilterModel
- removeElementFilesAndWorkspaceLinks(GeneratableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- removeEmptyDirs(File) - Static method in class
- removeExtension(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.FilenameUtilsPatched
- removeImports(String, String) - Static method in class
- removeInlineTexturesSectionFromJSONModel(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.ModelUtils
- removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu.ScrollPopupMenuLayout
- removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.AdaptiveGridLayout
- removeLocalizationEntryByKey(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- removeLocalizationLanguage(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- removeLocalVariable(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- removeMarkers(String) - Static method in class
This method removes blockstate/itemstack/int markers from the given code
- removeModElement(ModElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElementManager
- removeModElement(ModElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- removeModElementFromTabs(GeneratableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.CreativeTabsOrder
- removeNR(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- removeParentheses(String) - Static method in class
This method attempts to remove the parentheses surrounding the given code, if they are paired.
- removeParentheses(String, String) - Static method in class
This method attempts to remove the parentheses surrounding the given code, if they are paired.
- removeSoundElement(SoundElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- removeStructure(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- removeTagElement(TagElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- removeVariableElement(VariableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- Rename - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- Rename(Canvas, Layer) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Rename
- renamePrefixInStructures(File, String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.StructureUtils
- render() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- renderBgLayer - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- renderBgLayer - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- rendererText(Graphics, int, int, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.autocomplete.JavaKeywordCompletition
- renderPropertyValue(PropertyData<?>, Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel
- renderStatusInHUD - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- renderStatusInInventory - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.PotionEffect
- renderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- renderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- renderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- renderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- renderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- renderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- renderType() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- ReordarableListTransferHandler - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- ReordarableListTransferHandler() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.ReordarableListTransferHandler
- rep - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- repaint() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- repaintAll() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- repaintAll() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerPanel
- repaintList() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerPanel
- repairItems - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- repairItems - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- RepeatingField - Record Class in
- RepeatingField(String, JsonObject) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ReplaceBar - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide
- replaceImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- replaceTokens(Workspace, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTokens
- replaceTokens(Workspace, GeneratorConfiguration, WorkspaceSettings, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTokens
- replaceTokens(Workspace, WorkspaceSettings, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTokens
- reportDependenciesChanged() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.converter.ProcedureConverter
- reportHit(BreakpointEvent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugMarker
- requestSetup(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.WorkspaceGeneratorSetup
- required_apis - Variable in class
- required_apis - Variable in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- required_apis - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- requiredMods - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- requiredWhenEnabled() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIImplementation
Returns the value of the
record component. - requireRegenerate() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- requiresCorrectTool - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- requiresElementGradleBuild(GeneratableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElementManager
- requireValue(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- rerunFlag - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- reset() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- resetFromList(List<PreferencesEntry<?>>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesManager
- resetModElementCompilesStatus() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- resetOverlay() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- resistance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- resistance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- resistance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- resize(int, int, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- resize(Image, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- resize(Image, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- resize(ImageIcon, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.IconUtils
- resize(ImageIcon, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.IconUtils
- resizeAA(Image, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- resizeAA(Image, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- resizeAndCrop(Image, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- ResizeCanvasDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor
- ResizeCanvasDialog(MCreator, Canvas) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor.ResizeCanvasDialog
- ResizeCanvasTool - Class in
- ResizeCanvasTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager, MCreator) - Constructor for class
- ResizeCanvasToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- ResizeCanvasToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.ResizeCanvasToolAction
- ResizeDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor
- ResizeDialog(MCreator, Canvas, Layer, VersionManager) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.imageeditor.ResizeDialog
- ResizeTool - Class in
- ResizeTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager, MCreator) - Constructor for class
- ResizeToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- ResizeToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.ResizeToolAction
- resource_paths() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIImplementation
Returns the value of the
record component. - resourceBundle() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.locale.LocaleRegistration
Returns the value of the
record component. - ResourceFilterModel<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources
A general filter model that is used inside resources-related workspace panels.
- ResourceFilterModel(WorkspacePanel, BiFunction<T, String, Boolean>, Function<T, String>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.ResourceFilterModel
- ResourceFilterModel(WorkspacePanel, Function<T, String>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.ResourceFilterModel
- ResourceLocationValidator<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- ResourceLocationValidator(String, VComboBox<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ResourceLocationValidator
- ResourceLocationValidator(String, VTextField, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ResourceLocationValidator
- ResourceNameValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- ResourceNameValidator(VTextField, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ResourceNameValidator
- RESOURCEPACK - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- ResourcePackEditor - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recourcepack
- ResourcePackEditor(MCreator, ResourcePackInfo, Supplier<String>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recourcepack.ResourcePackEditor
- ResourcePackInfo - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack
- ResourcePackInfo(File, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackInfo
- ResourcePackInfo.Vanilla - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack
- ResourcePackMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker
- ResourcePackMaker(MCreatorApplication, Workspace) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker.ResourcePackMaker
- ResourcePackMakerWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker
- ResourcePackStructure - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack
- ResourcePackStructure() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure
- ResourcePackStructure.Entry - Record Class in net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack
- ResourcePackStructure.EntryType - Enum Class in net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack
- ResourcePackTreeCellRenderer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recourcepack
- ResourcePackTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recourcepack.ResourcePackTreeCellRenderer
- ResourcepackWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- ResourcepackWorkspacePanel(Window) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.ResourcepackWorkspacePanel
- resourcePath() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
Returns the value of the
record component. - ResourcePointer - Class in
- ResourcePointer(File) - Constructor for class
- ResourcePointer(String) - Constructor for class
- ResourceReference - Annotation Interface in net.mcreator.workspace.references
Used to mark fields storing names of resources used by mod element instance.
- resourcesPan - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- restrictionBiomes - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- restrictionBiomes - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- restrictionBiomes - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- restrictionBiomes - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- restrictionBiomes - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- returnBlock(VariableType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptTemplates
- ReturnBlock - Class in
- ReturnBlock() - Constructor for class
- returnType - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- RetvalProcedure<T> - Class in
- RetvalProcedure(String, T) - Constructor for class
- RetvalProcedureSelector<E,
T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.procedure - RetvalProcedureSelector(VariableType, IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, boolean, JComponent, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.RetvalProcedureSelector
- revert() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Addition
- revert() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.CanvasResize
- revert() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Change
- revert() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Consolidation
- revert() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.ListRelocation
- revert() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Modification
- revert() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Relocation
- revert() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Removal
- revert() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Rename
- revert() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.SelectionChange
- revert() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.VisibilityChange
- revisionChanged() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.VersionManager.RevisionListener
- rewardFunction - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- rewardLoot - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- rewardRecipes - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- rewardXP - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- ridable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
- RING - Enum constant in enum class
- root() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - ROOT - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- rotate(Image, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- rotate(ImageIcon, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- rotationMode - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- rotationX - Variable in class
- RSTAIcons - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer
- RSTAIcons() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.RSTAIcons
- rstaIconToThemeIcon(ImageIcon) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.RSTAIcons
- rstaIconToThemeIcon(DecoratableIcon) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.RSTAIcons
- RSyntaxTextAreaStyler - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide
- RSyntaxTextAreaStyler() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.RSyntaxTextAreaStyler
- runClient - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- RunClientAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- RunClientAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.RunClientAction
- runFileTasks(Generator, List<?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFileTasks
- runGradleTask - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- RunGradleTaskAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- RunGradleTaskAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.RunGradleTaskAction
- RUNNING - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- runOnFxThread(Runnable) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ThreadUtil
- runOnSwingThread(Runnable) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ThreadUtil
- runOnSwingThreadAndWait(Runnable) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ThreadUtil
- runResourceSetupTasks() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- runServer - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- RunServerAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle
- RunServerAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.RunServerAction
- runSetup(MCreator, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.WorkspaceGeneratorSetupDialog
- saturation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- save - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- save() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- SAVE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileChooserType
- saveAs() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- saveCode - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- saveCode() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- SaveCodeAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.action
- SaveCodeAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.action.SaveCodeAction
- savePreferences() - Static method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesManager
Save preferences of all identifiers registered inside PREFERENCES_REGISTRY.
- saveTextures(MCreator, TextureType, File[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TextureImportDialogs
This is a general method to import a group of textures.
- saveWorkspaceDirectlyAndWait() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFileManager
- scale - Variable in class
- scale - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- scaleSpeed - Variable in class
- scaling - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.DamageType
- SCREEN - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
- ScrollPopupMenuLayout() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu.ScrollPopupMenuLayout
- scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu
- ScrollWheelPassLayer - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- ScrollWheelPassLayer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.ScrollWheelPassLayer
- seaLevel - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- search - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- SearchableComboBox<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- SearchableComboBox() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.SearchableComboBox
- SearchableComboBox(T[]) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.SearchableComboBox
- SearchableSelectorDialog<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
This abstract class provides a filter field and a filter model for searchable selectors.
- SearchableSelectorDialog(MCreator, Function<Workspace, List<T>>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.SearchableSelectorDialog
- searchAnimationUsages(Workspace, Animation) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.references.ReferencesFinder
- SearchBar - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide
- searchGlobalVariableUsages(Workspace, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.references.ReferencesFinder
- searchLocalizationKeyUsages(Workspace, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.references.ReferencesFinder
- searchModElementUsages(Workspace, ModElement) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.references.ReferencesFinder
- searchModelUsages(Workspace, Model) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.references.ReferencesFinder
- searchSoundUsages(Workspace, SoundElement) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.references.ReferencesFinder
- searchStructureUsages(Workspace, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.references.ReferencesFinder
- searchTextureUsages(Workspace, File, TextureType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.references.ReferencesFinder
- SearchUsagesDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
Opens a dialog that shows usages of the elements selected by the user before all across the current workspace.
- SearchUsagesDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.SearchUsagesDialog
- secondaryTreeChance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- SectionsLoaded(PreferencesDialog) - Constructor for class
- sectionTabs - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- sed - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- select(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- select(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerPanel
- selected() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- selected() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- selected() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerPanel
- SelectedBorder - Enum Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas
- selectedID() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerPanel
- selectedIndex() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- Selection - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas
Class used to transfer selection data between objects
- Selection(Canvas) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- Selection(Canvas, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- SelectionChange - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- SelectionChange(Canvas, Layer) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.SelectionChange
- SelectionTool - Class in
- SelectionTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- SelectionToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- SelectionToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.SelectionToolAction
- selectNodeByUserObject(JTree, Predicate<T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TreeUtils
- selectWorkspaceFolder - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
- sentiment - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Attribute
- separation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- SEPARATORS_AHEAD - Static variable in class
- SEPARATORS_BEHIND - Static variable in class
- SerializableTreeExpansionState - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.tree
- SerializableTreeExpansionState() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.SerializableTreeExpansionState
- SerializableTreeExpansionState(List<String>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.SerializableTreeExpansionState
- serialize(GeneratableElement, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement.GSONAdapter
- serialize(GUIComponent, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class
- serialize(TextureHolder, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class
- serialize(StateMap, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.StateMap.GSONAdapter
- SERVER - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector.Side
- SERVER_DOMAIN - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- ServerUtil - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- ServerUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.ServerUtil
- set(int, Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- set(int, T) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- set(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- setAccelerator(KeyStroke) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- setActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- setActiveColor(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- setAdditionalDNDComponent(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSelectableList
- setAddPNGExtension(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- setAfter() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.SelectionChange
- setAfter(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Consolidation
- setAfter(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.MultiStateChange
- setAfter(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Relocation
- setAfter(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Rename
- setAllowEmpty(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel
- setAllowEmpty(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.RegistryNameValidator
- setAuthor(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.ColorSelector
- setBefore(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Modification
- setBlock(MItemBlock) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- setBreakpoint(Breakpoint) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug.GutterBreakpointInfo
- setBreakpointRequest(BreakpointRequest) - Method in class
- setCanvas(Canvas) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- setCanvas(Canvas) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- setCanvas(Canvas) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerPanel
- setCanvas(Canvas) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.ToolPanel
- setCanvas(Canvas) - Method in class
- setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ConsolePane
- setCategory(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- setChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- setChartColor(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SimpleLineChart
- setChildren(Collection<FolderElement>) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- setClosable(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCreatorDialog
- setCodeLock(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- setColor(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JColor
- setColorsPanel(ColorPalettePanel) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palettes.PaletteListPanel
- setCompiles(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- setComponentList(List<GUIComponent>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- setCreativeTabItemOrder - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- setCredits(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setCurrentGenerator(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setCurrentValue(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ProgressBar
- setCustomDefaultMessage(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VTextField
- setDataSavedListener(WorkspaceFileManager.DataSavedListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFileManager
- setDefaultName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.ProcedureSelector
- setDefaultText(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- setDependants(Set<String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setDependencies(Set<String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setDescription(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- setDescription(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setDividerColor(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.OpaqueFlatSplitPaneUI
- setEditing(SelectedBorder) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- setEditingComponent(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.AbstractWYSIWYGDialog
- setEditorCursor(Cursor) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- setEditStarted(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- setElementOrderInTab(String, List<ModElement>) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.CreativeTabsOrder
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.gradle.GradleAction
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JEntriesList
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSingleEntriesList
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JColor
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JStringListField
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPart
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPool
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.AbstractRecipeMaker
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BlastFurnaceRecipeMaker
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BrewingRecipeMaker
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CampfireCookingRecipeMaker
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CraftingRecipeMaker
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmeltingRecipeMaker
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmithingRecipeMaker
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmokerRecipeMaker
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.StoneCutterRecipeMaker
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SoundSelector
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.JBlockPropertiesListEntry
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.JBlockPropertiesStatesList
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesListEntry
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesStatesList
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemStatesListEntry
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.ProcedureSelector
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.RetvalProcedureSelector
- setEntries(List<LootTable.Pool>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTablePoolsList
- setEntries(List<Structure.JigsawPool>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPoolsList
- setEntries(List<VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeProfessionsList
- setEntries(List<U>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleEntriesList
- setEntries(List<U>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSingleEntriesList
- setEntry(Biome.SpawnEntry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.spawntypes.JSpawnListEntry
- setEntry(IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxEntry
- setEntry(Item.StateEntry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemStatesListEntry
- setEntry(LivingEntity.AnimationEntry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.entityanimations.JEntityAnimationListEntry
- setEntry(LivingEntity.ModelLayerEntry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers.JModelLayerListEntry
- setEntry(LootTable.Pool.Entry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTableEntry
- setEntry(Potion.CustomEffectEntry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.potions.JPotionListEntry
- setEntry(PotionEffect.AttributeModifierEntry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers.JAttributeModifierEntry
- setEntry(Structure.JigsawPool.JigsawPart) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPart
- setEntry(VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeEntry
- setEntry(PropertyDataWithValue<?>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.JBlockPropertiesListEntry
- setEntry(PropertyDataWithValue<?>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.entity.JEntityDataEntry
- setEntry(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- setEntry(T) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- setEntryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- setEntryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.attributemodifiers.JAttributeModifierEntry
- setEntryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.boundingboxes.JBoundingBoxEntry
- setEntryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.entityanimations.JEntityAnimationListEntry
- setEntryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers.JModelLayerListEntry
- setEntryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.potions.JPotionListEntry
- setEntryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.spawntypes.JSpawnListEntry
- setEntryEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.entity.JEntityDataEntry
- setErrorIndicator(Window) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.TaskbarIntegration
- SetEventResultBlock - Class in
- SetEventResultBlock() - Constructor for class
- setExclusionMode(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- setExpandedPaths(List<String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.SerializableTreeExpansionState
- setExpansionState(JTree, List<DefaultMutableTreeNode>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TreeUtils
- setFiles(List<String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- setFilter(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilteredTreeModel
- setFilter(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.tree.FilterTreeNode
- setFitToWidth(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ImagePanel
- setFixedValue(E) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.RetvalProcedureSelector
- setFixedValue(Boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.LogicProcedureSelector
- setFixedValue(Double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.NumberProcedureSelector
- setFixedValue(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- setFixedValue(List<String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringListProcedureSelector
- setFlipUV(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureSelectionButton
- setForeground(T, Color) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComponentUtils
- setForegroundColor(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.ColorSelector
- setFractionPoint(float) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.TransparentToolBar
- setGradientColor(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.TransparentToolBar
- setGradientWidth(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.TransparentToolBar
- setGradleCache(GeneratorGradleCache) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- setGradleMessage(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.StatusBar
- setGradleSetupTaskRunningFlag(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleConsole
- setGutterIconInfo(GutterIconInfo) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.debug.GutterBreakpointInfo
- setHeight(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- setIcon(Icon) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureSelectionButton
- setIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem
- setIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.BasicAction
- setIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- setIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
To be detected, the name of the image file needs to be "icon.png" located into the main folder.
- setIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- setIgnoreCase(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.UniqueNameValidator
Use this method to define if case of validated name doesn't have to match case of
. - setImage(Image) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ImagePanel
- setImage(Image) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SplashScreenPanel
- setImage(ImageIcon) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ImagePreviewPanel
- setInactiveColor(Color) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- setIntermediateProgress(Window) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.TaskbarIntegration
- setIsPresentOnList(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.UniqueNameValidator
Use this method to define if the validated name is present on
list. - setIsPresentOnList(Supplier<Boolean>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.UniqueNameValidator
Use this method to define if the validated name is present on
list. - setItemSelectedListener(ActionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCItemSelectorDialog
- setKeepRatio(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ImagePanel
- setLabelFormatter(Function<double[], String[]>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SimpleLineChart
- setLangTo(Workspace, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MinecraftOptionsUtils
- setLayer(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.ToolPanel
- setLayer(Layer) - Method in class
- setLayerPanel(LayerPanel) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.ToolPanel
- setLayerPanel(LayerPanel) - Method in class
- setLayerPanel(LayerPanel) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.VersionManager
- setLicense(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setList(ArrayListListModel<T>, ListCellRenderer<T>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- setListElements(List<T>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- setListener(Breakpoint.BreakpointListener) - Method in class
- setLoaded(boolean) - Method in class
- setLocalization(String, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- setMainContent(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- setManaged(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
Call this to mark the current mappable element as managed - meaning it was not generated by a direct user input.
- setMaximalValue(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ProgressBar
- setMaximumVisibleRows(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu
- setMaxLength(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.RegistryNameValidator
- setMaxPoints(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SimpleLineChart
- setMaxValue(Number) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- setMaxZoom(double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- setMCreatorDependencies(Set<String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setMCreatorVersion(long) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- setMessage(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ListSelectorDialog
- setMessage(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.StatusBar
- setMessage(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator.ValidationResult
- setMinValue(Number) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- setMinZoom(double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- setModElement(ModElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement
- setModElement(ModElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- setModElementCreatedListener(ModElementGUI.ModElementCreatedListener<GE>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- setModElementsPackage(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setModName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setModPicture(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorPalette
- setName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- setName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- setName(Workspace, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- setNumberMatchType(JStateLabel.NumberMatchType) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel
- setOffsetY(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ImagePanel
- setOpening(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- setOther(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- setOverlayOpacity(double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- setPage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JModElementProgressPanel
- setPalette(ColorPalette) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.palette.ColorPalettePanel
- setParentFolder(FolderElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- setPasted(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- setPercent(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ProgressDialog.ProgressUnit
- setPersistentMessage(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.StatusBar
- setPool(LootTable.Pool) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.loottable.JLootTablePool
- setPool(Structure.JigsawPool) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPool
- setProgress(int, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.SplashScreen
- setProgressState(Window, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.TaskbarIntegration
- setPromptOnDelete(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- setProperties(List<PropertyDataWithValue<?>>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.block.JBlockPropertiesStatesList
- setProperties(Map<String, Procedure>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesStatesList
- setRaster(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- setReadableName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- setRegistryName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- setRenderingMode(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- setRenderOriginal(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ImagePanel
- setRequestAtLeastOneElement(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- setRequiredAPIs(List<String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- setRequiredMods(Set<String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setReturnType(VariableType) - Method in class
- setRevisionListener(VersionManager.RevisionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.VersionManager
- setSaveLocation(File) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- setScope(VariableType.Scope) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- setSearchTerm(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- setSelectedItem(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DataListComboBox
- setSelectedItem(MappableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DataListComboBox
- setSelectedItem(DataListEntry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.DataListComboBox
- setSelectedProcedure(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- setSelectedProcedure(Procedure) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesListEntry
- setSelectedProcedure(Procedure) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- setSelectedProcedure(Procedure) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.LogicProcedureSelector
- setSelectedProcedure(Procedure) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.NumberProcedureSelector
- setSelectedProcedure(Procedure) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.RetvalProcedureSelector
- setSelectedProcedure(Procedure) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringListProcedureSelector
- setSelectedProcedure(Procedure) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- setSelectedValues(JList<T>, Iterable<T>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ListUtil
- setSelectionListener(WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb.SelectionListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb.WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb
- setServerSideOnly(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setShapeless(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CraftingRecipeMaker
- setShowPassed(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VTextField
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.MCreatorDialog
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- setSize(int, int, UUID) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- setSlotComponentsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- setSound(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SoundSelector
- setSound(Sound) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SoundSelector
- setStateMap(StateMap) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel
- setStates(List<Item.StateEntry>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesStatesList
- setSubtitle(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- setSubtypes(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem
- setTabClosedListener(MCreatorTabs.TabClosedListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- setTabClosingListener(MCreatorTabs.TabClosingListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- setTabHiddenListener(MCreatorTabs.TabHiddenListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- setTabShownListener(MCreatorTabs.TabShownListener) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- setTargetFolder(FolderElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- setTemplateExtension(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.BlocklyBlockCodeGenerator
- setTemplateLibButtonWidth(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorToolbar
- setText(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- setText(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SoundSelector
- setTextList(Collection<String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JStringListField
- setTexture(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- setTexture(TextureHolder) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureSelectionButton
- setTexture(Texture) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureSelectionButton
- setTextureFormat(BlockTexturesSelector.TextureFormat) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- setTextureFromTextureName(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- setTextures(TextureHolder, TextureHolder, TextureHolder, TextureHolder, TextureHolder, TextureHolder) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- settingsPanel - Variable in class
- setTitle(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.CollapsiblePanel
- setTitle(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ProgressDialog
- setTitle(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- setTool(AbstractTool) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.ToolPanel
- setToolByClass(Class<? extends AbstractTool>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.ToolPanel
- setToolPanelButton(JToggleButton) - Method in class
- setTooltip(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.BasicAction
- setTooltip(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- setTradeEntries(VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.villagers.JVillagerTradeProfession
- setType(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- setType(VariableType) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- setUniqueEntries(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JStringListField
- setUpdateScrollbarX(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- setUpdateScrollbarY(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- setUpdateURL(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setupImageExport(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.AbstractRecipeMaker
This method is called before and after the recipe is exported as a .png file.
- setupImageExport(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BlastFurnaceRecipeMaker
- setupImageExport(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.BrewingRecipeMaker
- setupImageExport(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CampfireCookingRecipeMaker
- setupImageExport(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CraftingRecipeMaker
- setupImageExport(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmeltingRecipeMaker
- setupImageExport(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmithingRecipeMaker
- setupImageExport(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmokerRecipeMaker
- setupImageExport(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.StoneCutterRecipeMaker
- setupWorkspaceBase(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.WorkspaceGeneratorSetup
- setUUID(UUID) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Change
- setValidatedComponent(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane.OptionPaneValidator
- setValidationShownFlag(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JMinMaxSpinner
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.jigsaw.JJigsawPart
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.MCItemHolder
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.modellayers.JModelLayerListEntry
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemPropertiesListEntry
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.item.JItemStatesListEntry
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VButton
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VComboBox
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VTextField
- setValidator(Validator) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.validation.IValidable
- setValidChars(List<Character>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.RegistryNameValidator
- setValue(double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.JSlidingSpinner
- setValue(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- setValueFromComponent(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.BooleanEntry
- setValueFromComponent(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.ColorEntry
- setValueFromComponent(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.HiddenEntry
- setValueFromComponent(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.IntegerEntry
- setValueFromComponent(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.LocaleEntry
- setValueFromComponent(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.StringEntry
- setValueFromComponent(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- setValueFromJsonElement(JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.BooleanEntry
- setValueFromJsonElement(JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.ColorEntry
- setValueFromJsonElement(JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.IntegerEntry
- setValueFromJsonElement(JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.LocaleEntry
- setValueFromJsonElement(JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.StringEntry
- setValueFromJsonElement(JsonElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- setVariableBlock(VariableType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptTemplates
- SetVariableBlock - Class in
- SetVariableBlock() - Constructor for class
- setVersion(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setViewportView(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomPane
- setViewPosition(Point) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- setViewPosX(double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- setViewPosY(double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.ProgressDialog
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.SearchableSelectorDialog
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TypedTextureSelectorDialog
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.ConsoleSearchBar
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.ReplaceBar
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.SearchBar
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
- setWarningIndicator(Window) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.TaskbarIntegration
- setWarnOnRemoveAll(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JItemListField
- setWebsiteURL(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setWidth(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in interface
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.ModelLayerEntry
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NameMapper
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NonMappableElement
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- setWorkspace(Workspace) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- setWorkspaceSettings(WorkspaceSettings) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- setX(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- setXLimits(double, double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SimpleLineChart
- setXML(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyPanel
- setY(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- setYLimits(double, double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.SimpleLineChart
- setZoom(double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
Sets zoom value
- setZoomAroundCenter(double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
Sets zoom value keeping the center still
- setZoomFactor(double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- setZoomPane(JZoomPane) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.IZoomable
- setZoomPane(JZoomPane) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.CanvasRenderer
- setZoomPane(JZoomPane) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- setZoomPresets(double[]) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomport
- Shape - Enum Class in
- ShapeTool - Class in
- ShapeTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, LayerPanel, VersionManager) - Constructor for class
- ShapeToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- ShapeToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.ShapeToolAction
- ShareableZIPManager - Class in net.mcreator.workspace
- ShareableZIPManager() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.ShareableZIPManager
- ShareableZIPManager.ImportResult - Record Class in net.mcreator.workspace
- shootConstantly - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- shouldBeSkippedBasedOnCondition(Generator, Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplate
- shouldDisableOffset() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- shouldLoad(GeneratorConfiguration) - Method in class
- shouldOpenGUIOnRightClick() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- shouldScheduleTick() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- shouldSetupBeRan(Generator) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.WorkspaceGeneratorSetup
- shouldSkipTemplateBasedOnCondition(Generator, Map<?, ?>, Object) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateExpressionParser
- show(Component, int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JScrollablePopupMenu
- showCodeErrorDialog(MCreator, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.CodeErrorDialog
- showConsoleTab - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- showCreateDialog(MCreator, List<PropertyData<?>>, Supplier<Collection<String>>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.AddBlockPropertyDialog
- ShowDataListAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- ShowDataListAction() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.ShowDataListAction
- ShowDataListAction.EntityIDs - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- ShowDataListAction.FuelBurnTimes - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- ShowDataListAction.ItemBlockList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- ShowDataListAction.ParticeIDList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- ShowDataListAction.SoundsList - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- ShowDataListAction.VanillaLootTables - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl
- showDeleteDialog(MCreator, String, Collection<ModElement>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.SearchUsagesDialog
- showDeleteDialog(MCreator, String, Collection<ModElement>, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.SearchUsagesDialog
- showDialog() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXDirectoryChooser
Shows a DirectoryChooser using DirectoryChooser.showOpenDialog().
- showDialog(Window) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.AboutAction
- showDialog(Function<DirectoryChooser, T>) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXDirectoryChooser
Shows the DirectoryChooser dialog by calling the provided method.
- showDialog(Function<DirectoryChooser, T>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXDirectoryChooser
Shows the DirectoryChooser dialog by calling the provided method.
- showDialog(Function<FileChooser, T>) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXFileChooser
Shows the FileChooser dialog by calling the provided method.
- showDialog(Function<FileChooser, T>, long, TimeUnit) - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXFileChooser
Shows the FileChooser dialog by calling the provided method.
- showDialog(MCreator, String, Collection<ModElement>, boolean, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.SearchUsagesDialog
- showDialog(MCreator, List<PropertyData<?>>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.AddEntityPropertyDialog
- showEntityIDList - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- showErrorDialog(int, MCreator) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.gradle.GradleErrorDialogs
- showFileInExplorer - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- ShowFindAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.action
- ShowFindAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.action.ShowFindAction
- showFindBar - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- showFrames(List<StackFrame>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugFramesView
- showFuelBurnTimes - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- showGrid - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- showImportDialog(MCreator, List<PropertyData<?>>, Supplier<Collection<String>>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.AddBlockPropertyDialog
- showInputDialog(Window, String, String, ImageIcon, OptionPaneValidator) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane.VOptionPane
- showInputDialog(Window, String, String, ImageIcon, OptionPaneValidator, String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane.VOptionPane
- showInputDialog(Window, String, String, ImageIcon, OptionPaneValidator, String, String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane.VOptionPane
- showInputDialog(Window, String, String, ImageIcon, OptionPaneValidator, String, String, String, JComponent, JComponent) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane.VOptionPane
- showItemBlockList - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- showLicenseWindow(Window) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.AboutAction
- Shown(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Constructor for class
- showNameDialog(MCreator, ModElementType<?>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.NewModElementDialog
- showNewTagDialog(MCreator) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.NewTagDialog
- showNewVariableDialog(MCreator, boolean, OptionPaneValidator, Collection<VariableType>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.NewVariableDialog
- showOpenDialog() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXFileChooser
Shows a FileChooser using FileChooser.showOpenDialog().
- showOpenMultipleDialog() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXFileChooser
Shows a FileChooser using FileChooser.showOpenMultipleDialog().
- showParticleIDList - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- showParticles - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion.CustomEffectEntry
- showParticles - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Projectile
- showPluginUpdateDialog(Window, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.UpdatePluginDialog
- showPopup - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- showProjectBrowser(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- ShowReplaceAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.action
- ShowReplaceAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.action.ShowReplaceAction
- showReplaceBar - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- showSaveDialog() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXFileChooser
Shows a FileChooser using FileChooser.showSaveDialog().
- showSearch - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tab
- showSelectedFileInDesktop() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.browser.WorkspaceFileBrowser
If a file is selected, opens that file's parent folder via OS native file explorer and highlights the file.
- showShortcuts - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- showSoundsList - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- showTab(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs
- showTabNoNotify(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs
- showTabOrGetExisting(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs
- showTabOrGetExisting(Object, boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs
- showTabOrGetExisting(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs
- showUpdateDialogIfUpdateExists(Window, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.UpdateNotifyDialog
- showUsagesDialog(MCreator, String, Collection<ModElement>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.SearchUsagesDialog
- showVanillaLootTables - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- showView() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- showView() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomElementGUI
- showView() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- showView() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.AnimationMakerView
- showView() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- showView() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.ViewBase
- showWebsiteNewsNotifications - Variable in class
- showWorkspaceBrowser - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- showWorkspaceTab - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- side - Variable in class
- sidebar - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- silentReload - Variable in class
- silkTouchMode - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool.Entry
- SimpleLineChart - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- SimpleLineChart() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.SimpleLineChart
- SINGLE_TEXTURE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector.TextureFormat
- SingleConfiguredFeatureField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- SingleConfiguredFeatureField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SingleConfiguredFeatureField
- SingleModElementSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- SingleModElementSelector(MCreator, ModElementType<?>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SingleModElementSelector
- SingleParticleEntryField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- SingleParticleEntryField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SingleParticleEntryField
- SingularMathOperationsBlock - Class in
- SingularMathOperationsBlock() - Constructor for class
- size - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- size() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- SizedComponent - Class in
This class is used to represent a GUI component that can have size defined by the user
- SizedComponent(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
- sizeOf() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- sizeOf() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Addition
- sizeOf() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Change
- sizeOf() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Modification
- skipDependencyRegeneration() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Procedure
- skipPlacement - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- skyType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- slipperiness - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- slopeFindDistance - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- Slot - Class in
- Slot(int, int, int, Color, LogicProcedure, boolean, Procedure, Procedure, Procedure) - Constructor for class
- SlotInteractionsConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1
- SlotInteractionsConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.SlotInteractionsConverter
- Small(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb.WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb.Small
- SMALL - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.IconSize
- SmallIconModListRender - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist
- SmallIconModListRender(boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.SmallIconModListRender
- smeltingInputStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- SmeltingRecipeMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers
- SmeltingRecipeMaker(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, MCItem.ListProvider) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmeltingRecipeMaker
- smeltingReturnStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- smithingInputAdditionStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- smithingInputStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- smithingInputTemplateStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- SmithingRecipeMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers
- SmithingRecipeMaker(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, MCItem.ListProvider) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmithingRecipeMaker
- smithingReturnStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- SmokerRecipeMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers
- SmokerRecipeMaker(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, MCItem.ListProvider) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.SmokerRecipeMaker
- smokingInputStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- smokingReturnStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- snakeToCamel(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- snapOnGrid - Variable in class
- snapOnGrid - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- snapshot - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- SocialButtons - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- SocialButtons() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.SocialButtons
- solidBoundingBox - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- sortByMappings(Collection<String>, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorWrapper
- sortName - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- Sound - Class in
- Sound(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- soundDialog(MCreator, SoundElement, File[]) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.SoundElementDialog
- SoundElement - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- SoundElement(String, List<String>, String, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- SoundElement.SoundElementDeserializer - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- SoundElementDeserializer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement.SoundElementDeserializer
- SoundElementDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- SoundElementDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.SoundElementDialog
- SoundImportAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- SoundImportAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.SoundImportAction
- soundOnStep - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- soundOnStep - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- SoundSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- SoundSelector(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SoundSelector
- SoundsList(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.ShowDataListAction.SoundsList
- source() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile
Returns the value of the
record component. - SourceEntityDependencyBlock - Class in
- SourceEntityDependencyBlock() - Constructor for class
- sp - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.CraftingRecipeMaker
- sp - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.StoneCutterRecipeMaker
- spa1 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- spa2 - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- spacing - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- SpawnableEntityListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- SpawnableEntityListField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.SpawnableEntityListField
- spawnBastionRemnant - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnBiome - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnBiomeNether - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnBuriedTreasure - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnDesertPyramid - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnEggBaseColor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- spawnEggDotColor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- spawnEndCity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnEntries - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- SpawnEntry() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome.SpawnEntry
- spawnIgloo - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnInCaves - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnInDungeons - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- spawningCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- spawningProbability - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- spawnJungleTemple - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnMineshaft - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnMineshaftMesa - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnNetherBridge - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnNetherFossil - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnOceanMonument - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnParticles - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnParticles - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- spawnPillagerOutpost - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnRuinedPortal - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnShipwreck - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnShipwreckBeached - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnStronghold - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnSwampHut - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- spawnThisMob - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- spawnType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome.SpawnEntry
- spawnWoodlandMansion - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- SPECIAL_FLAVORS - Static variable in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
Special flavors are flavors that are not full modding APIs, and therefore we assume no covered METs by default.
- specialInformation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- specialInformation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- specialInformation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- specialInformation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- specialInformation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- specialInformation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- SpecialInformationConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- SpecialInformationConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.SpecialInformationConverter
- speed - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.AnimationEntry
- speedFactor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- speedFactor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- speedFactor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- SPIGOT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- SpigotWorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- SpigotWorkspacePanel(Window) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.SpigotWorkspacePanel
- SpinnerCellEditor - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- SpinnerCellEditor(JSpinner) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.SpinnerCellEditor
- splashName - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Potion
- SplashScreen - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- SplashScreen() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.SplashScreen
- SplashScreenPanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- SplashScreenPanel(Image, int, int, int, boolean, Color) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.SplashScreenPanel
- splitPath() - Method in class
- sprite - Variable in class
- Sprite - Class in
- Sprite(int, int, String, int, Procedure, NumberProcedure) - Constructor for class
- Sprite(int, int, String, int, Procedure, NumberProcedure, GUIComponent.AnchorPoint) - Constructor for class
- SpriteDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- SpriteDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, Sprite) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.SpriteDialog
- spriteIndex - Variable in class
- spritesCount - Variable in class
- SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class
- squareAndBorder(Component, Color, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComponentUtils
- squareAndBorder(Component, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComponentUtils
- SquareLoaderIcon - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- SquareLoaderIcon(int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.SquareLoaderIcon
- SquareLoaderIcon(int, int, Color) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.SquareLoaderIcon
- SquareLoaderIcon(JComponent, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.SquareLoaderIcon
- STABLE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.Status
- stackSize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- StampTool - Class in
- StampTool(Canvas, ColorSelector, LayerPanel, VersionManager, MCreator) - Constructor for class
- StampToolAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- StampToolAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.StampToolAction
- startBlockForEditor(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
- startBlockName() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
Returns the value of the
record component. - startDebug(JVMDebugClient) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugPanel
- startHeightMax - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- startHeightMin - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- startHeightProviderType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- startSuccess - Variable in class
- StartupNotifications - Class in net.mcreator.ui.notifications
- StartupNotifications() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.StartupNotifications
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementChangedListener
- StateEditorDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- StateEditorDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.StateEditorDialog
- StateEntry() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- stateMap - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- StateMap - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states
This object holds the state map.
- StateMap() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.StateMap
- StateMap.GSONAdapter - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states
- StatementInput - Class in
- StatementInput() - Constructor for class
- states - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- STATUS_OK - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- STATUS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR - Static variable in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- StatusBar - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- StatusBar(MCreatorFrame) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.StatusBar
- statusByMCreator() - Method in record class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleTaskResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - stayInGridWhenCrafting - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- stayInGridWhenCrafting - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- stepHeight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- stepSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- stepSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- stepSound - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- StepSound - Class in
- StepSound(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- StepSound(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- StoneCutterRecipeMaker - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers
- StoneCutterRecipeMaker(MCreator, MCItem.ListProvider, MCItem.ListProvider) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.recipemakers.StoneCutterRecipeMaker
- stoneCuttingInputStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- stoneCuttingReturnStack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- stop() - Method in class
- stop() - Method in class
- stopAllDaemons(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleDaemonUtils
- stopCellEditing() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.SpinnerCellEditor
- stopDebug() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugPanel
- storeModElement(GeneratableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElementManager
Also stores to cache.
- storeModElementPicture(GeneratableElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElementManager
This method should be called after the mod element is generated by Generator So potential metadata fields of ModElement are properly loaded.
- storePalette() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.PalettePanel
- STRING - Static variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader.BuiltInTypes
- StringCompletitionProvider - Class in net.mcreator.ui.ide.autocomplete
- StringCompletitionProvider(Workspace) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.ide.autocomplete.StringCompletitionProvider
- StringEntry - Class in net.mcreator.preferences.entries
- StringEntry(String, String, boolean, String...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.StringEntry
- StringEntry(String, String, String...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.preferences.entries.StringEntry
- StringListProcedure - Class in
- StringListProcedure(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class
- StringListProcedure.GSONAdapter - Class in
- StringListProcedureSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.procedure
- StringListProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, boolean, JStringListField, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringListProcedureSelector
- StringListProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, JStringListField, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringListProcedureSelector
- StringListProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, JStringListField, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringListProcedureSelector
- StringListProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, JStringListField, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringListProcedureSelector
- StringProcedure - Class in
- StringProcedure(String, String) - Constructor for class
- StringProcedure.GSONAdapter - Class in
- StringProcedureSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.procedure
- StringProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, boolean, JComboBox<String>, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- StringProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, boolean, JTextComponent, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- StringProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, JComboBox<String>, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- StringProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, String, AbstractProcedureSelector.Side, JTextComponent, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- StringProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, JComboBox<String>, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- StringProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, JComboBox<String>, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- StringProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, JTextComponent, int, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- StringProcedureSelector(IHelpContext, MCreator, JTextComponent, Dependency...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.StringProcedureSelector
- StringSelectorDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- StringSelectorDialog(MCreator, Function<Workspace, String[]>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.StringSelectorDialog
- StringType(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.StringType
- StringType(String, String[]) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.StringType
- StringUtils - Class in net.mcreator.util
- StringUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- structure - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure.JigsawPool.JigsawPart
- structure - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- Structure - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Structure(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- STRUCTURE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- Structure.JigsawPool - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Structure.JigsawPool.JigsawPart - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- StructureEntry - Class in
- StructureEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- StructureEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- StructureGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- StructureGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.StructureGUI
- StructureIgnoredBlocksConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- StructureIgnoredBlocksConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.StructureIgnoredBlocksConverter
- StructureImportActions - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- StructureImportActions() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.StructureImportActions
- StructureImportActions.ImportStructure - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- StructureImportActions.ImportStructureFromMinecraft - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- StructureListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- StructureListField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.StructureListField
- STRUCTURES - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- StructureToFeatureConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- StructureToFeatureConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.StructureToFeatureConverter
- StructureUtils - Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- StructureUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.StructureUtils
- style(RSyntaxTextArea, RTextScrollPane, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.RSyntaxTextAreaStyler
- styleButton(AbstractButton) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorToolbar
- subList(int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- subTabs - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- subtract - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.interfaces.IBlockWithBoundingBox.BoxEntry
- sunHeightAffectsFog - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- support - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- supportedItems - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- supportedSlots - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- surfaceDetectionType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- suspiciousStewDuration - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- suspiciousStewEffect - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- SVG() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.init.UIRES.SVG
- switchElements(int, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- switchFolder(FolderElement) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- switchGenerator(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- switchToVerticalTab(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- switchToVerticalTab(AbstractWorkspacePanel) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractMainWorkspacePanel
- sx - Variable in class
- sx - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- sy - Variable in class
- sy - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- SynchronousJFXCaller<T> - Record Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser
A utility class to execute a Callable synchronously on the JavaFX event thread.
- SynchronousJFXCaller(Callable<T>) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXCaller
Creates an instance of a
record class. - SynchronousJFXDirectoryChooser - Record Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser
- SynchronousJFXDirectoryChooser(Stage, Supplier<DirectoryChooser>) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXDirectoryChooser
Constructs a new file chooser that will use the provided factory.
- SynchronousJFXFileChooser - Record Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser
- SynchronousJFXFileChooser(Stage, Supplier<FileChooser>) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXFileChooser
Constructs a new file chooser that will use the provided factory.
- t(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
- t(String, Object...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- t_en(String, Object...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- Tab - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Tab(ViewBase) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- Tab(ViewBase, Object) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- Tab(ViewBase, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- Tab(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Tab
- TAB - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- tabClosed(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.TabClosedListener
- tabClosing(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.TabClosingListener
- TabEntry - Class in
- TabEntry(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
- TabEntry(Workspace, DataListEntry) - Constructor for class
- TabEvent - Class in
Events for different actions of a
component. - TabEvent(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Constructor for class
- TabEvent.Added - Class in
Triggered when a
is added to the UI. - TabEvent.Closed - Class in
Triggered BEFORE the
is closed by the user. - TabEvent.Shown - Class in
Triggered when the user clicks on a
and is shown. - TabGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- TabGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.TabGUI
- tabHidden(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.TabHiddenListener
- TableUtil - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- TableUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TableUtil
- TabListField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- TabListField(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TabListField
- tabShown(MCreatorTabs.Tab) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.TabShownListener
- Tag(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem.Tag
- TAG_ICON - Static variable in class net.mcreator.minecraft.MCItem
- TagElement - Record Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- TagElement(TagType, String) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
Creates an instance of a
record class. - TagElement.TagElementDeserializer - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- TagElementDeserializer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement.TagElementDeserializer
- TagModElementConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1
- TagModElementConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_1.TagModElementConverter
- TagsUtils - Class in net.mcreator.generator
- TagsUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.TagsUtils
- TagType - Enum Class in net.mcreator.minecraft
- tameable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- TaskbarIntegration - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- TaskbarIntegration() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.TaskbarIntegration
- taskContents() - Method in record class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleTaskResult
Returns the value of the
record component. - taskFinished(GradleTaskResult) - Method in interface net.mcreator.gradle.GradleStateListener
- taskStarted(String) - Method in interface net.mcreator.gradle.GradleStateListener
- te - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.CodePreviewPanel
- te - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.CodeEditorView
- technicalbutton(String, Object...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- TechnicalButton - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
This is a special subtype of regular buttons instances of which used as components of
perform technical operations when pressed (for instance, add fresh entries to aJEntriesList
or import missing resources) and should not triggerModElementChangedListeners
. - TechnicalButton(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.TechnicalButton
- TechnicalButton(Icon) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.TechnicalButton
- temperature - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- temperature - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- TemplateExpressionParser - Class in net.mcreator.generator.template
- TemplateExpressionParser() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateExpressionParser
- TemplateGenerator - Class in net.mcreator.generator.template
- TemplateGenerator(TemplateGeneratorConfiguration, Generator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateGenerator
- TemplateGeneratorConfiguration - Class in net.mcreator.generator.template
- TemplateGeneratorConfiguration(GeneratorConfiguration, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateGeneratorConfiguration
- TemplateGeneratorException - Exception Class in net.mcreator.generator.template
- TemplateGeneratorException() - Constructor for exception class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateGeneratorException
- TemplateGeneratorException(String) - Constructor for exception class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateGeneratorException
- TemplateHelper - Class in net.mcreator.generator.template
- TemplateHelper() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.template.TemplateHelper
- templates() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplatesList
Returns the value of the
record component. - TemplatesLoader - Class in
- TemplatesLoader() - Constructor for class
- TernaryOperatorBlock - Class in
- TernaryOperatorBlock() - Constructor for class
- terrainAdaptation - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- TerribleModuleHacks - Class in net.mcreator.util
- TerribleModuleHacks() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.TerribleModuleHacks
- TestUtil - Class in net.mcreator.util
- TestUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.TestUtil
- text - Variable in class
- text - Variable in class
- text - Variable in class
- text - Variable in class
- text() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton
Returns the value of the
record component. - TextBinaryOperationsBlock - Class in
- TextBinaryOperationsBlock() - Constructor for class
- TextBlock - Class in
- TextBlock() - Constructor for class
- TextContains - Class in
- TextContains() - Constructor for class
- TextEndsWithBlock - Class in
- TextEndsWithBlock() - Constructor for class
- TextField - Class in
- TextField(String, int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class
- TextFieldDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- TextFieldDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, TextField) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.TextFieldDialog
- TextFieldValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- TextFieldValidator(VTextField, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.TextFieldValidator
- TextFieldValidator(VTextField, String, Validator.ValidationResultType) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.TextFieldValidator
- TextFormatNumber - Class in
- TextFormatNumber() - Constructor for class
- TextIndexOfBlock - Class in
- TextIndexOfBlock() - Constructor for class
- TextIsEmptyBlock - Class in
- TextIsEmptyBlock() - Constructor for class
- TextJoinBlock - Class in
- TextJoinBlock() - Constructor for class
- TextLengthBlock - Class in
- TextLengthBlock() - Constructor for class
- TextLowercaseBlock - Class in
- TextLowercaseBlock() - Constructor for class
- TextMatches - Class in
- TextMatches() - Constructor for class
- TextNewLineBlock - Class in
- TextNewLineBlock() - Constructor for class
- TextReplace - Class in
- TextReplace() - Constructor for class
- TextReplaceRegex - Class in
- TextReplaceRegex() - Constructor for class
- TextStartsWithBlock - Class in
- TextStartsWithBlock() - Constructor for class
- TextSubstring - Class in
- TextSubstring() - Constructor for class
- textToMachineName(Collection<GUIComponent>, String, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.AbstractWYSIWYGDialog
A helper method to transform text to unique machine name when needed.
- TextTrimBlock - Class in
- TextTrimBlock() - Constructor for class
- TextUppercaseBlock - Class in
- TextUppercaseBlock() - Constructor for class
- texture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- texture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- texture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item.StateEntry
- texture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- texture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.ModelLayerEntry
- texture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Painting
- texture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- texture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- texture - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- Texture - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
Base class for texture resource implementations.
- Texture.Dummy - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
- TextureAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- TextureAction(ActionRegistry, String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.TextureAction
- TextureAction(ActionRegistry, String, ActionListener, TextureType) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.TextureAction
- textureBack - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- textureBack() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- textureBody - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- textureBoots - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- textureBottom - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- textureBottom() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- textureBucket - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- TextureComboBox - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- TextureComboBox(MCreator, TextureType) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- TextureComboBox(MCreator, TextureType, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- TextureComboBox(MCreator, TextureType, boolean, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureComboBox
- TexturedModel - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
- TexturedModel(File, TexturedModel.TextureMapping) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel
- TexturedModel(Workspace, File, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel
- TexturedModel.TextureMapping - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.resources
- textureFlowing - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- textureFront - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- textureFront() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- textureHelmet - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- TextureHolder - Class in
- TextureHolder(Workspace, String) - Constructor for class
A way to "convert" a texture string to a TextureHolder object.
- TextureHolder(Workspace, Texture) - Constructor for class
- TextureHolder.GSONAdapter - Class in
- TextureImportAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources
- TextureImportAction(ActionRegistry, String, TextureType) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.resources.TextureImportAction
- TextureImportDialogs - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- TextureImportDialogs() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TextureImportDialogs
- textureLeft - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- textureLeft() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- textureLeggings - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- TextureMapping(String, Map<String, TextureHolder>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel.TextureMapping
- TextureMappingDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- TextureMappingDialog(Map<String, TexturedModel.TextureMapping>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TextureMappingDialog
- textureName - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Texture
Name of the texture, ALWAYS without the final .png extension.
- TextureReference - Annotation Interface in net.mcreator.workspace.references
Used to mark fields storing names of textures used by mod element instance.
- textureRenderOverlay - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- textureRight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- textureRight() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- TextureSelectionButton - Class in net.mcreator.ui.minecraft
- TextureSelectionButton(TypedTextureSelectorDialog) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureSelectionButton
- TextureSelectionButton(TypedTextureSelectorDialog, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.TextureSelectionButton
- TextureSelectorDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- TextureSelectorDialog(Iterable<ResourcePointer>, JFrame) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TextureSelectorDialog
- textureStill - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- textureTop - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- textureTop() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- textureType - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Texture
- TextureType - Enum Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources
- Theme - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes
A Theme can change images MCreator will use and redefine the colors and the style of
by creating a newColorScheme
- Theme() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- ThemeManager - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes
This class detects and then tries to load all
s. - ThemeManager() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.ThemeManager
- themeRSTAIcon(Icon) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.RSTAIcons
- ThemesPanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.preferences
- ThemesPanel(PreferencesDialog) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.preferences.ThemesPanel
- ThreadUtil - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- ThreadUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ThreadUtil
- tickRandomly - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- tickRate - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- tickRate - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- TiledImageUtils - Class in net.mcreator.util.image
- TiledImageUtils(BufferedImage, int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.image.TiledImageUtils
- TiledImageUtils(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.image.TiledImageUtils
- TiledImageUtils(ImageIcon, int, int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.image.TiledImageUtils
- TileHolderValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
- TileHolderValidator(TextureSelectionButton) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.TileHolderValidator
- TileHolderValidator(TextureSelectionButton, JToggleButton) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.TileHolderValidator
- TILES - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.IconSize
- TilesModListRender - Class in net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist
- TilesModListRender() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.laf.renderer.elementlist.TilesModListRender
- TimeAsStringBlock - Class in
- TimeAsStringBlock() - Constructor for class
- TimeDayOfMonthBlock - Class in
- TimeDayOfMonthBlock() - Constructor for class
- TimeDayOfWeekBlock - Class in
- TimeDayOfWeekBlock() - Constructor for class
- TimeHoursBlock - Class in
- TimeHoursBlock() - Constructor for class
- TimeMinutesBlock - Class in
- TimeMinutesBlock() - Constructor for class
- TimeMonthBlock - Class in
- TimeMonthBlock() - Constructor for class
- TimeSecondsBlock - Class in
- TimeSecondsBlock() - Constructor for class
- TimeToFormattedString - Class in
- TimeToFormattedString() - Constructor for class
- TimeUtils - Class in net.mcreator.util.math
- TimeUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.math.TimeUtils
- TimeWeekOfYearBlock - Class in
- TimeWeekOfYearBlock() - Constructor for class
- TimeYearBlock - Class in
- TimeYearBlock() - Constructor for class
- tintType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- tintType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- tintType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- title - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Painting
- toArray() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- toArray(Type[]) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.ArrayListListModel
- toBufferedImage(Image) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
Converts a given Image into a BufferedImage
- toFile(TextureType) - Method in class
- toFloat(String) - Static method in class
This method performs parentheses optimization and adds a (float) cast to the given code if needed.
- toGeneratorFile(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplate
- togglebutton(String, Object...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.init.L10N
- toggleVisibility() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.CollapsiblePanel
- toggleVisibility(boolean) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.CollapsiblePanel
- toInt(String) - Static method in class
This method performs parentheses optimization and adds an (int) cast to the given code if needed.
- toLayer(Image, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- Tool - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- Tool(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- TOOL - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- toolActivationChanged(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolActivationChanged(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in interface
- ToolActivationEvent - Class in
- ToolActivationEvent(boolean) - Constructor for class
- ToolActivationListener - Interface in
- ToolboxBlock - Class in
- ToolboxBlock() - Constructor for class
- ToolboxCategory - Class in
- ToolboxCategory() - Constructor for class
- ToolboxType - Record Class in
- ToolboxType(String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ToolChangeAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action
- ToolChangeAction(ActionRegistry, String, String, Class<? extends AbstractTool>) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.action.ToolChangeAction
- toolDisabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolDisabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolDisabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolDisabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolDisabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in interface
- toolDisabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolDisabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolEnabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolEnabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolEnabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolEnabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolEnabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in interface
- toolEnabled(ToolActivationEvent) - Method in class
- toolExecutor - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.ImageMakerView
- ToolGroup - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component
- ToolGroup(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.component.ToolGroup
- ToolGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- ToolGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ToolGUI
- ToolHarvestLevelConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2
- ToolHarvestLevelConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_2.ToolHarvestLevelConverter
- ToolPackMakerTool - Class in
- ToolPackMakerTool() - Constructor for class
- ToolPanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool
- ToolPanel(MCreator, Canvas, JZoomPane, CanvasRenderer, VersionManager) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.tool.ToolPanel
- Tooltip - Class in
- Tooltip(String, int, int, int, int, StringProcedure, Procedure) - Constructor for class
- TooltipDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg
- TooltipDialog(WYSIWYGEditor, Tooltip) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.wysiwyg.TooltipDialog
- ToolToItemTypeProcedureConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1
- ToolToItemTypeProcedureConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_1.ToolToItemTypeProcedureConverter
- toolType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- toolType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- TOP - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
- TOP_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector.TextureFormat
- TOP_BOTTOM_SIDES - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector.TextureFormat
- TOP_CENTER - Enum constant in enum class
- TOP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
- TOP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
- TOP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
- TOP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
- topbar - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSingleEntriesList
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyCompileNote
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.blockly.ExtraTemplatesLinker
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- toString() - Method in enum class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.OutputBlockCodeGenerator
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.blockly.ProceduralBlockCodeGenerator
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorConfiguration
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorTemplatesList
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleTaskResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.DataListEntry
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackInfo
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPI
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIImplementation
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginLoadFailure
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginUpdateInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyEditorType
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXCaller
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXDirectoryChooser
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.component.filebrowser.SynchronousJFXFileChooser
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.laf.themes.Theme
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyDataWithValue
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.notifications.NotificationsRenderer.ActionButton
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.Layer
- toString() - Method in enum class
- toString() - Method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGComponentRegistration
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.diff.DiffResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.image.EmptyIcon
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.locale.LocaleRegistration
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.Tuple
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.ModElement
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.SoundElement
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Texture
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.TexturedModel
- toString() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.ShareableZIPManager.ImportResult
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- toString(int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleErrorCodes
- toString(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.IntegerType
- toString(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.LogicType
- toString(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.NumberType
- toString(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData.StringType
- toString(Object) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyData
Converts passed value of this property to its string representation.
- totalCenterInPanel(Component) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- toTemplateModel(BeansWrapper) - Method in class
- toTexture(TextureType) - Method in class
- touchFile(File) - Static method in class
- toughness - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Armor
- toURL() - Method in class net.mcreator.plugin.Plugin
- TraceUtil - Class in net.mcreator.util
- TraceUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.TraceUtil
- trackEvent(String, String) - Method in class
- trackFile(File) - Method in class net.mcreator.generator.Generator
- trackFile(File) - Method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleFileTracker
- TrackingFileIO - Class in
- TrackingFileIO() - Constructor for class
- trackingRange - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- trackPage(String) - Method in class
- trackPageSync(String) - Method in class
- tradeEntries - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade
- transform(Point2D) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- transform(Point3D) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.math.Matrix3D
- translate(Image, double, double) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.image.ImageUtils
- TranslatedComboBox - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- TranslatedComboBox(Map.Entry<String, String>...) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.TranslatedComboBox
- transliterateString(String) - Static method in class
This method transliterates string if required.
- Transliteration - Class in
- Transliteration() - Constructor for class
- transparencyType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- transparentBackground - Variable in class
- transparentModelCondition - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- TransparentToolBar - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- TransparentToolBar() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.TransparentToolBar
- TransparentToolBar(Color) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.TransparentToolBar
- tree - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.browser.WorkspaceFileBrowser
- treeBranch - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- treeFruits - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- trees - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- TREES_CUSTOM - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- TREES_VANILLA - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- treesPerChunk - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- treeStem - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- treeType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- TreeUtils - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.util
- TreeUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.TreeUtils
- treeVines - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- triggerEvent() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptBridge
- triggerKey - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.KeyBinding
- triggerxml - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Achievement
- tryToExtractVariables(String) - Static method in record class
- tryToFindMCreatorInvoker() - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.TraceUtil
- Tuple<X,
Y> - Record Class in net.mcreator.util - Tuple(X, Y) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.util.Tuple
Creates an instance of a
record class. - type - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Command
- type - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- type - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GameRule
- type - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- type - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool.Entry
- type - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable
- type - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model
- type() - Method in record class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyCompileNote
Returns the value of the
record component. - type() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - type() - Method in record class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.Entry
Returns the value of the
record component. - type() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.TagElement
Returns the value of the
record component. - TYPE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.SortType
- TypedTextureSelectorDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- TypedTextureSelectorDialog(MCreator, TextureType) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.TypedTextureSelectorDialog
- typeMatches(String...) - Static method in class net.mcreator.minecraft.ElementUtil
Provides a predicate to check the type of data list entries
- ui - Variable in class
- UIRES - Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- UIRES() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.init.UIRES
- UIRES.SVG - Class in net.mcreator.ui.init
- UISection - Class in
- UISection(String) - Constructor for class
- uiTextsPercentage() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.locale.LocaleRegistration
Returns the value of the
record component. - uiTheme - Variable in class
- unbreakable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- unbreakable - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.DefaultExceptionHandler
- undergroundBlock - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- underwaterBlock - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- undo() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.VersionManager
- unescapeHtml(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.HtmlUtils
- uninstall() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.json.JsonTree
- uninstallUI(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.ScrollWheelPassLayer
- UniquelyMappedElement - Class in net.mcreator.generator.mapping
Used to make sure that the element is unique after mapping by overriding
methods that compare the mapped values instead of the unmapped ones as done by the default implementation of MappableElement. - UniquelyMappedElement(MappableElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.UniquelyMappedElement
- UniqueNameValidator - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators
While serving as a wrapper for the main component validator (if specified), a unique name validator also checks if that component provides a non-empty identifier that has no duplicates in the given elements list.
- UniqueNameValidator(String, Supplier<String>, Supplier<Stream<String>>, Collection<String>, Validator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.UniqueNameValidator
- UniqueNameValidator(String, Supplier<String>, Supplier<Stream<String>>, Validator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.UniqueNameValidator
- Unknown() - Constructor for class
- Unknown(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement.Unknown
- UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
- UNKNOWN - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- UNKNOWN_ELEMENT - Static variable in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.NameMapper
- UnregisteredAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action
- UnregisteredAction(String, ActionListener) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.UnregisteredAction
- UnsupportedComponent - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component
- UnsupportedGeneratorException - Exception Class in net.mcreator.workspace
- UnsupportedGeneratorException(String) - Constructor for exception class net.mcreator.workspace.UnsupportedGeneratorException
- unzip(String, String) - Static method in class
- UP - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Direction
- update(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- update(GeneratorFile) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.codeviewer.FileCodeViewer
- update(Layer) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- update(RecentWorkspaceEntry) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.RecentWorkspaceEntry
- update_files() - Method in record class net.mcreator.plugin.modapis.ModAPIImplementation
Returns the value of the
record component. - updateBorderTitle() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.CollapsiblePanel
- updateComboBoxContents(JComboBox<T>, List<T>) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComboBoxUtil
- updateComboBoxContents(JComboBox<T>, List<T>, T) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComboBoxUtil
- updateCompileNotes(List<BlocklyCompileNote>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.CompileNotesPanel
- updateControls() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.color.ListEditPanel
- updateControls() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerPanel
- updateCustomPreview(MouseEvent, Image) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- updateCustomPreview(MouseEvent, Shape, int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Canvas
- updateFloatingLayer() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerPanel
- UpdateInfo - Class in
- UpdateInfo() - Constructor for class
- updateLanguage(String, ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>) - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- updateMCreatorBuildFile(Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.gradle.GradleUtils
- updateMoveButtons() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.entries.JSimpleListEntry
- UpdateNotifyDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- UpdateNotifyDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.UpdateNotifyDialog
- updateParametersBasedOnBoundingBoxSize() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BlockGUI
- UpdatePluginDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs
- UpdatePluginDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.UpdatePluginDialog
- updatePresence(String, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.DiscordClient
- updatePresence(String, String, String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.DiscordClient
- updateReadableText() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.JSingleEntrySelector
- updateSelection() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.layer.LayerPanel
- updateSize() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorTabs.Tab
- updateStructure() - Method in class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.FolderElement
- updateThreadList(List<ThreadReference>) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.debug.DebugThreadView
- updateZoomDisplay(double) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.JZoomPane
- uppercaseFirstLetter(String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.util.StringUtils
- usageCount - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Tool
- use() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.AnimationMakerView
- use(Workspace, Image, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.ArmorImageMakerView
- use1Xscale - Variable in class
- use2DAcceleration - Variable in class
- useCustomEffects - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- useDuration - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Item
- useLootTableForDrops - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- useLootTableForDrops - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Plant
- usemacOSMenuBar - Variable in class
- UserCodeProcessor - Class in net.mcreator.generator.usercode
- UserCodeProcessor() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.usercode.UserCodeProcessor
- UserFolderManager - Class in
- UserFolderManager() - Constructor for class
- useSmartSort - Variable in class
- useStartHeight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure
- UTF8Control - Class in net.mcreator.util.locale
- UTF8Control() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.locale.UTF8Control
- UTF8Forcer - Class in net.mcreator.util
- UTF8Forcer() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.UTF8Forcer
- uuid - Variable in class
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.CompoundValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane.OptionPaneValidator
- validate() - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.CommaSeparatedNumbersValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ConditionalItemListFieldValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ConditionalTextFieldValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ItemListFieldSingleTagValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ItemListFieldValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.JavaMemberNameValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.MCItemHolderValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ProcedureSelectorValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.RegistryNameValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.ResourceLocationValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.TextFieldValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.TileHolderValidator
- validate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.UniqueNameValidator
- validate(JComponent) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane.OptionPaneValidator
- validateAllPages() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- validateIfEnabled(IValidable) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator
- validateIsErrorFree() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.ValidationGroup
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AchievementGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ArmorGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.AttributeGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BiomeGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.BlockGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CommandGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomElementGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.CustomGUIGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DamageTypeGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.DimensionGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.EnchantmentGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FeatureGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FluidGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.FunctionGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.GameRuleGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemExtensionGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ItemGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.KeyBindGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LivingEntityGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.LootTableGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.OverlayGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PaintingGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ParticleGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PlantGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionEffectGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.PotionGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProcedureGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ProjectileGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.RecipeGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.StructureGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.TabGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ToolGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerProfessionGUI
- validatePage(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerTradeGUI
- validateReference(String, Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.generator.mapping.MappableElement
- validationElements - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.ValidationGroup
- ValidationGroup - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation
- ValidationGroup() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.ValidationGroup
- validationGroupDataChanged(boolean) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.validation.ValidationGroupListener
- ValidationGroupListener - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.validation
- ValidationResult(Validator.ValidationResultType, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator.ValidationResult
- Validator - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.validation
- Validator.ValidationResult - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation
- Validator.ValidationResultType - Enum Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation
- value - Variable in class net.mcreator.preferences.PreferencesEntry
- value() - Element in annotation interface
- value() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.PropertyDataWithValue
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Element in annotation interface net.mcreator.workspace.references.ResourceReference
The type of resource that the marked field can contain a reference to.
- value() - Element in annotation interface net.mcreator.workspace.references.TextureReference
The type of texture that the marked field can contain a reference to.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyCompileNote.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.blockly.IBlockGenerator.BlockType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.element.BaseType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile.Writer
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor.BaseLanguage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor.GamePlatform
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.CoverageStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.EntryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileChooserType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache.ArmorTexturePart
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector.TextureFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel.NumberMatchType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector.Side
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator.ValidationResultType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType.Scope
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.IconSize
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.SortType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyCompileNote.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.blockly.IBlockGenerator.BlockType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.element.BaseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile.Writer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor.BaseLanguage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor.GamePlatform
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFlavor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.CoverageStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorStats.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.EntryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.TagType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.file.FileChooserType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.init.ArmorMakerTexturesCache.ArmorTexturePart
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.BlockTexturesSelector.TextureFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.minecraft.states.JStateLabel.NumberMatchType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.procedure.AbstractProcedureSelector.Side
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator.ValidationResultType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.SelectedBorder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.TextureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType.Scope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.resources.Model.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.IconSize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings.SortType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- Vanilla(Workspace) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackInfo.Vanilla
- VANILLA - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.EntryType
- VANILLA_OVERRIDE - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.minecraft.resourcepack.ResourcePackStructure.EntryType
- VanillaLootTables(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.ShowDataListAction.VanillaLootTables
- vanillaToolTier - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Block
- vanillaTreeType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- VariableElement - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- VariableElement(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableElement
- variableGenerator - Variable in class
- variableListExtension(VariableType) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.BlocklyJavascriptTemplates
- VariableType - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- VariableType() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableType
- VariableType.Scope - Enum Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- VariableTypeLoader - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- VariableTypeLoader() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.elements.VariableTypeLoader
- VariableTypeLoader.BuiltInTypes - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.elements
- VButton - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.component
- VButton(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VButton
- VComboBox<T> - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.component
- VComboBox() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VComboBox
- VComboBox(T[]) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VComboBox
- verifyPluginRequirements(Workspace, GeneratorConfiguration) - Static method in class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceUtils
- verifyWorkspaceForCompatibilityWithGeneratorAndPlugins(Window, Workspace, GeneratorConfiguration) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.WorkspaceDialogs
Verifies workspace for compatibility with the suggested generator and plugins.
- version - Static variable in class net.mcreator.Launcher
- VERSION_NOT_SPECIFIED - Static variable in class net.mcreator.plugin.PluginInfo
- versionlong - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.MCreatorVersionNumber
- versionManager - Variable in class
- VersionManager - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning
- VersionManager(ImageMakerView) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.VersionManager
- VersionManager.RevisionListener - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning
- verticalHandlesVisible() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.canvas.Selection
- verticalNoiseSize - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- ViewBase - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views
- ViewBase(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.ViewBase
- villagerProfession - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry
- VillagerProfession - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- VillagerProfession(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerProfession
- VILLAGERPROFESSION - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- VillagerProfessionGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- VillagerProfessionGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerProfessionGUI
- VillagerTrade - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- VillagerTrade(ModElement) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade
- VILLAGERTRADE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.ModElementType
- VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry - Class in net.mcreator.element.types
- VillagerTradeGUI - Class in net.mcreator.ui.modgui
- VillagerTradeGUI(MCreator, ModElement, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.VillagerTradeGUI
- villageType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- virtualFile - Variable in class
- viscosity - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Fluid
- VisibilityChange - Class in net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change
- VisibilityChange(Canvas, Layer, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.views.editor.image.versioning.change.VisibilityChange
- VisitURIAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action
- VisitURIAction(ActionRegistry, String, String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.VisitURIAction
- visualScale - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- VOptionPane - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane
- VOptionPane() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.optionpane.VOptionPane
- VTextField - Class in net.mcreator.ui.validation.component
- VTextField() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VTextField
- VTextField(int) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.validation.component.VTextField
- W - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- W - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYG
- walking - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity.AnimationEntry
- WARNING - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.blockly.BlocklyCompileNote.Type
- WARNING - Enum constant in enum class net.mcreator.ui.validation.Validator.ValidationResultType
- wasConversionApplied() - Method in class net.mcreator.element.GeneratableElement
- waterColor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- WaterEntitiesConverter - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4
- WaterEntitiesConverter() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2023_4.WaterEntitiesConverter
- waterFogColor - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome
- waterMob - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- WEB_API - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorApplication
- WebConsoleListener - Class in net.mcreator.ui.blockly
- WebConsoleListener() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.blockly.WebConsoleListener
- WebIO - Class in
- WebIO() - Constructor for class
- weight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Biome.SpawnEntry
- weight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Enchantment
- weight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LootTable.Pool.Entry
- weight - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Structure.JigsawPool.JigsawPart
- westAndCenterElement(Component, Component) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- westAndCenterElement(JComponent, JComponent, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- westAndEastElement(Component, Component) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- westAndEastElement(Component, Component, int, int) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.PanelUtils
- whenMobDies - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- whenMobFalls - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- whenMobIsHurt - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- whenPortaTriggerlUsed - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- WhenSaving(MCreator, MCreatorTabs.Tab, ModElementGUI<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class
- whenThisMobKillsAnother - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- width - Variable in class
- width - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.GUI
- width - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Painting
- width - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Particle
- width() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.image.EmptyIcon
Returns the value of the
record component. - WINDOWS - Static variable in class
- WindowsProcessUtil - Class in
- WindowsProcessUtil() - Constructor for class
- WindowTitleHelper - Class in net.mcreator.ui
- WindowTitleHelper() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.WindowTitleHelper
- withEntry(String) - Method in interface
- withEntry(String) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.modgui.ModElementGUI
- WithRunDir(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.ExportWorkspaceToZIPAction.WithRunDir
- WoodPackMakerTool - Class in
- WoodPackMakerTool() - Constructor for class
- worksInOverlay() - Method in record class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGComponentRegistration
Returns the value of the
record component. - workspace - Variable in class net.mcreator.generator.setup.folders.AbstractFolderStructure
- workspace - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreatorFrame
- workspace() - Method in record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
Returns the value of the
record component. - Workspace - Class in net.mcreator.workspace
- Workspace(WorkspaceSettings) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.Workspace
- workspaceAutosaveInterval - Variable in class
- WorkspaceBuildStartedEvent - Class in
- WorkspaceBuildStartedEvent(MCreator) - Constructor for class
- WorkspaceDialogs - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- WorkspaceDialogs() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.WorkspaceDialogs
- WorkspaceFileBrowser - Class in net.mcreator.ui.browser
Workspace file browser is used in a workspace window by the user to view source files of the project contained in the workspace and also observe source code of external libraries used by that project.
- WorkspaceFileBrowser(MCreator) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.browser.WorkspaceFileBrowser
The sole constructor.
- WorkspaceFileManager - Class in net.mcreator.workspace
- WorkspaceFileManager.DataSavedListener - Interface in net.mcreator.workspace
- WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb
- WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb(MCreator, int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb.WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb
- WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb.SelectionListener - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb
- WorkspaceFolderBreadcrumb.Small - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.breadcrumb
- WorkspaceFolderManager - Class in net.mcreator.workspace
- WorkspaceFolderManager(File, Workspace) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceFolderManager
- workspaceFullyLoaded() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- workspaceFullyLoaded() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.variants.resourcepackmaker.ResourcePackMaker
- WorkspaceGeneratorSetup - Class in net.mcreator.generator.setup
- WorkspaceGeneratorSetup() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.generator.setup.WorkspaceGeneratorSetup
- WorkspaceGeneratorSetupDialog - Class in net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace
- WorkspaceGeneratorSetupDialog() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.WorkspaceGeneratorSetupDialog
- WorkspaceInfo - Record Class in net.mcreator.workspace.misc
- WorkspaceInfo(Workspace) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.workspace.misc.WorkspaceInfo
Creates an instance of a
record class. - workspaceOpened(File) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceOpenListener
- workspaceOpened(File, boolean) - Method in interface net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceOpenListener
Called when workspace is opened
- WorkspaceOpenListener - Interface in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector
- workspacePanel - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.AbstractWorkspacePanel
- workspacePanel - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.AbstractResourcePanel
- WorkspacePanel - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace
- WorkspacePanel(ModMaker) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanel
- WorkspacePanelAnimations - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources
- workspacePanelIconSize - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings
- WorkspacePanelModels - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources
- WorkspacePanelResources - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources
- WorkspacePanelResources(WorkspacePanel) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources.WorkspacePanelResources
- workspacePanelSortAscending - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings
- workspacePanelSortType - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings
- WorkspacePanelSounds - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources
- WorkspacePanelStructures - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources
- WorkspacePanelTags - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace
- WorkspacePanelTags(WorkspacePanel) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.WorkspacePanelTags
- WorkspacePanelTextures - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.resources
- WorkspaceRefactoringEvent - Class in
- WorkspaceRefactoringEvent(MCreator, WorkspaceSettingsChange) - Constructor for class
An event triggered each time MCreator refactors a
. - WorkspaceSavedEvent - Class in
- WorkspaceSavedEvent(Workspace) - Constructor for class
This event is never called.
- WorkspaceSavedEvent.AfterSaving - Class in
This event is called when MCreator started the process of saving a workspace and it detected the workspace can and should be saved.
- WorkspaceSavedEvent.BeforeSaving - Class in
This event is called when MCreator started the process of saving a workspace and it detected the workspace can and should be saved.
- WorkspaceSavedEvent.CalledSavingMethod - Class in
It is called every time the method to save the workspace is called.
- WorkspaceSelector - Class in net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector
- WorkspaceSelector(MCreatorApplication, WorkspaceOpenListener) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.workspace.selector.WorkspaceSelector
- WorkspaceSelectorLoadedEvent - Class in
- WorkspaceSelectorLoadedEvent(WorkspaceSelector) - Constructor for class
- workspaceSettings - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.action.ActionRegistry
- workspaceSettings - Variable in class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettingsChange
- workspaceSettings(MCreator, Workspace) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.dialogs.workspace.WorkspaceDialogs
- WorkspaceSettings - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.settings
- WorkspaceSettings(String) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- WorkspaceSettings(WorkspaceSettings) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettings
- WorkspaceSettingsAction - Class in net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace
- WorkspaceSettingsAction(ActionRegistry) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.action.impl.workspace.WorkspaceSettingsAction
- WorkspaceSettingsChange - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.settings
- WorkspaceSettingsChange(WorkspaceSettings, WorkspaceSettings) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.WorkspaceSettingsChange
- workspaceTab - Variable in class net.mcreator.ui.MCreator
- WorkspaceUserSettings - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user
- WorkspaceUserSettings() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettings
- WorkspaceUserSettings.IconSize - Enum Class in net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user
- WorkspaceUserSettings.SortType - Enum Class in net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user
- WorkspaceUserSettingsManager - Class in net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user
- WorkspaceUserSettingsManager(Workspace, WorkspaceFolderManager) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.settings.user.WorkspaceUserSettingsManager
- WorkspaceUtils - Class in net.mcreator.workspace
- WorkspaceUtils() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.workspace.WorkspaceUtils
- WorldDependencyAdder - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3
- WorldDependencyAdder - Class in net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1
- WorldDependencyAdder() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2024_3.WorldDependencyAdder
- WorldDependencyAdder() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.element.converter.v2025_1.WorldDependencyAdder
- worldGenType - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Dimension
- wrapValidator(Validator) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.validation.validators.UniqueNameValidator
Returns a copy of this UniqueNameValidator with main validator changed to the passed one.
- wrapWithHelpButton(IHelpContext, Component) - Static method in class
- wrapWithHelpButton(IHelpContext, Component, int) - Static method in class
- wrapWithHelpButton(IHelpContext, Component, Color) - Static method in class
- wrapWithHelpButton(IHelpContext, Component, Color, int) - Static method in class
- wrapWithInfoButton(Component, String) - Static method in class net.mcreator.ui.component.util.ComponentUtils
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.util.LoggingOutputStream
- writeBytesToFile(byte[], File) - Static method in class
- writeClassToFile(Workspace, String, File, boolean) - Static method in class
- writeFile(IGeneratorProvider, String, File) - Static method in class
- writeImageToPNGFile(RenderedImage, File) - Static method in class
- writeJSONToFile(Workspace, String, File) - Static method in class
- writer() - Method in record class net.mcreator.generator.GeneratorFile
Returns the value of the
record component. - writeStringToFile(String, File) - Static method in class
- writeStringToFile(String, File) - Static method in class
- WYSIWYG - Class in net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg
- WYSIWYGComponentRegistration<T> - Record Class in net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg
- WYSIWYGComponentRegistration(String, String, boolean, Class<T>, Class<? extends AbstractWYSIWYGDialog<T>>) - Constructor for record class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGComponentRegistration
Creates an instance of a
record class. - WYSIWYGEditor - Class in net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg
- WYSIWYGEditor(MCreator, boolean) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.wysiwyg.WYSIWYGEditor
- x - Variable in class
- x - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Point3D
- x() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.Tuple
Returns the value of the
record component. - X86_64 - Static variable in class
- XML_BASE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Command
- XML_BASE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Feature
- XML_BASE - Static variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Procedure
- XMLUtil - Class in net.mcreator.util
- XMLUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.XMLUtil
- xmx - Variable in class
- xp - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerTrade.CustomTradeEntry.Entry
- xpAmount - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.LivingEntity
- xpReward - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.Recipe
- y - Variable in class
- y - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Point3D
- y() - Method in record class net.mcreator.util.Tuple
Returns the value of the
record component. - YamlUtil - Class in net.mcreator.util
- YamlUtil() - Constructor for class net.mcreator.util.YamlUtil
- yybegin(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Enters a new lexical state
- yycharat(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Returns the character at position pos from the matched text.
- yyclose() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Closes the input stream.
- YYEOF - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
This character denotes the end of file
- YYINITIAL - Static variable in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
- yylength() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Returns the length of the matched text region.
- yylex() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Resumes scanning until the next regular expression is matched, the end of input is encountered or an I/O-Error occurs.
- yypushback(int) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Pushes the specified amount of characters back into the input stream.
- yyreset(Reader) - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Resets the scanner to read from a new input stream.
- yystate() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Returns the current lexical state.
- yytext() - Method in class net.mcreator.ui.ide.mcfunction.MinecraftCommandsTokenMaker
Returns the text matched by the current regular expression.
- z - Variable in class net.mcreator.util.math.Point3D
- zipDir(String, String, String...) - Static method in class
- ZipIO - Class in
- ZipIO() - Constructor for class
- zombifiedProfessionTextureFile - Variable in class net.mcreator.element.types.VillagerProfession
- ZoomedMouseEvent - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane
- ZoomedMouseEvent(MouseEvent, JZoomport) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseEvent
- ZoomedMouseWheelEvent - Class in net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane
- ZoomedMouseWheelEvent(MouseWheelEvent, JZoomport) - Constructor for class net.mcreator.ui.component.zoompane.ZoomedMouseWheelEvent
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